These are practically the only good photo’s I have of my brother Terry. Well, maybe. These are the only one’s I have framed and on display. I didn’t think he’d want the naked beach photo’s or the drunken staggering home photo’s in frames!!!
This first one is of us at our childhood home in Melbourne in 1992. That makes me 15 years old and Terry 19 years old. Note that Bitsy is still in the picture! She lived for another 3 years after that photo. She was 18 years old when she had to be put to sleep after having continual heart attacks.
This second one was in 1996 at a cousin’s 21st and her Dad’s 50th. It was a barnyard party. This is how I like to remember Terry. He was tall and thin, athletic (triathlon’s) and a good drinker. He ALWAYS had a smile on his face, a cheeky one. That night we got VERY drunk and cried together because Mum had just left Dad. He put me to bed and let me wear his jumper because I was cold. And then slept in the back of his car.
I really wish I had many more good photo’s of Terry and I together. It is sad that we were so close but now that he is gone I have very few physical memories of us together. Learn from my mistake, take photo’s with everyone you love. It’s hard to think about but one day it might be all you have of them.
I love these pictures…where does the time go?
Boo! You’re gorgeous at 15!!! Good thing you’re still gorgeous 15 years later.
And those drunken staggering photos? They’re just as good as the others because they represent REAL memories.
Wow, the first pick was about the time that Terry and Nikki were together
Second one was what I rememeber he looked like the last time I saw him.
Geeze photo’s bring back so many memories and bring up so many emotions.
Hope you dont mind me saying this but he felt like my older brother…I think thats why when he left us I had trouble coming to terms with it.