So a few days ago a man and woman in Brisbane got charged with torture and murder after their 18 month old twins were found decomposing in their cot. They’d been there for 9 days and they were found by their 11 year old sister.
Aside from the very obvious reasons that this would piss me off there is another reason.
Since the day Jaxon was born I’ve had the health nurses, doctor’s, paediatrican’s and even my physio on my back about Jaxon’s weight. I’ve had stranger’s on the street confronting me about Jaxon being so small. How much do you feed him? What does he eat…couldn’t you give him more? It goes on and on and is still happening.
So my question is…where were they all when these twins needed them? Where were the concerned people in the frozen section of SafeWay telling that mother she wasn’t feeding HER kids enough. Where was the doctor or health nurse looking down their nose at her and telling her they’re “concerned”?? How does something like this happen?