Hello? Grandma?

Thanks to a certain friend of ours, Jaxon is obsessed with mobile phones. She not only gives hers to him when he’s with her, but he gave him her old phone to play with. Of course that phone is not good enough, because it doesn’t have lights like hers does!

Our mobile phone serves as nothing more than an alarm clock. Generally speaking it sits on the bedside table on silent and never get’s used. I pick it up in the morning to turn it off. That’s it. If we go on a long drive we take it with us, as a just in case measure. But we don’t take it shopping and we don’t take it to friends houses. We never hear it ring and we never use it to make calls.

Tonight I needed it to get a phone number from it (hey it also serves us as a phone book!) I left it on the computer desk where the home phone is. A few minutes ago Jaxon walked past Tim with it. Open. When Tim finally got it out of his hands Jaxon was kicking and screaming at the injustice being served to him. Tim put the phone to his ear only to hear the end of a message bank message. My Mum’s.

Jaxon called my Mum. It’s the second time he’s called her, because she’s in my phone as my ICE (In Case of Emergency) and she’s the first number you get to. He sms’d a friend in South Africa once too. Clever boy!

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