When I returned home last night, despite the fact it was half an hour past his dinner time…Jaxon was in the perfect state of happiness. It seems that in writing down a list of things that I desperately wanted to happen I jinxed myself and not one of them occurred. No nasty poo, no out of control tantrums, no accidental spills or extra baths.
I was thinking that I would return home and find Jaxon standing at the kitchen gate, yelling out his usual “mam…mam mam mam” for food as Tim frantically tried to find something that he would actually eat, after refusing two other choices. But no, he walked casually up to me with a big smile on his face.
I was hoping to hear horror poo stories. Poo on the wall’s, all over Tim and Jaxon. Smothered on clothes. But no, Jaxon did a nice little neat poo…a one wipe poo.
The ultimate pleasure would have been finding Jaxon gripping the floor, screaming his head off and flailing his arms and legs about. Inconsolable, because Daddy told him he couldn’t shove the remote control up the cats bum, no matter how funny it would look to see him try. But no…all smiles. No horror stories.
Tim tells me that while they watched a Simpson’s episode, Jaxon said “dodecahedron” and “antidisestablishmentarianism” (I know, go figure?) and that he sat and read a chapter of Charlotte’s Web all by himself.
While Tim was at home thinking “gee this is easy” I was out thinking “gee, this hobby is fucking HARD”
Boo, I missed something…what did you go out to do? What is the hobby??
Hobby? What hobby?
Yes, you’re missing something…or more to the point, the blog is missing that particular piece of information.
I’m not going to comment on this hobby until I know it is a REAL hobby. I hated it, with a passion…and I’m going to force myself to go back next week.
Let’s just say, it’s not scarp booking.
or scrap booking either!!
I am curious what this new hobby is as well! It’s funny how when Mommy leaves everything goes smoothly it makes the Dads think we have it easy.
Interested in knowing the new hobby! The entire post made me smile and giggle the whole time! Thanks for that!