What scares me the most…

Every baby book, or forum I have ever been a part of has had certain advice that seems the same across the board.

Not all children will have colic.

Not all children will have reflux.

Not all babies eyes will change colour shortly after birth.

Not all children will have allergic reaction’s to milk, or shots, or peanuts.

So what scares me the most is that nowhere have I ever heard it said…

“Not all children will go through the terrible two’s”

Jaxon has been terrible to deal with for the past 3 weeks. He wants something, he doesn’t want it, but he wants it. He wants to be held, but he doesn’t want to be held, but if you put him down there is hell to pay. He’s hungry, but he’s not hungry. He wants to feed himself but he’ll cry if you don’t do it and then cry while you’re doing it.

It’s unbearable at times. I’ve tried giving him what he wants, which doesn’t always work, or work for long. I’ve tried ignoring his crying and whaling. And that doesn’t work either.

So what scares me the most is that Jaxon is not yet two, so I can’t say for sure that this IS the terrible two’s we’re experiencing. If this IS NOT the terrible two’s (and it surely is terrible) then what the hell have I got to look forward to???

5 thoughts on “What scares me the most…

  1. I have a book called The Happiest Toddler on the Block. In it he discusses the terrible two’s and how they do NOT start at 24 months. They start at about 15-18 months and go to 24-36 months…. I’m crossing fingers that JP and Jaxon both end closer to 24 months, lol.

    Once they can communicate I hear it gets better, I’m just not sure if we’ll last that long, lol.

  2. 24 months is still 5 months away! FIVE! What if it DOES go to 36 months. I’m already pulling my hair our and crying in public!

  3. Well, I can say not all children go through the terrible twos. Zac had terrible threes. But I’ll take those terrible twos and threes over a MOUTHY/MOODY teenager anyday.

    I think Cassidy has hit the terrible twos in stride, of course, she’s also getting over roseola, which makes for an extra crabby girl.

  4. If I can find a good answer I’ll let you know Boo. I’ve become evil mom in the grocery store because that’s JP’s favorite place to screech. The acoustics are fabulous. Last night I got to go the grocery store alone and it was wonderful, lol.

  5. Jordan started around 15 months and it gets worse as she she gets older… hopefully it doesn’t last too long. Now that she knows the word “No” its more difficult because she doesn’t say “yes” to anything!

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