My new trick…

I’ve known Tim for 6 and a bit years now. That means I’ve had a computer for 6 and a bit years now too. That also means that for 6 and a bit years I’ve wanted to know how to use Photoshop to play around with our photo’s.

I’ve always tried to use the instruction’s that come within the program. The “help” topics never helped though. They didn’t start at the start, they didn’t explain what each feature could do. So I’d get all of an hour in to it and give up.

Recently Tim got me a program that is THE BOMB! I love it. It’s a video lesson, not a writen tutorial. I watch, I copy…I learn.

So anyway, here is what I have learnt so far.

I took this photo of Katie’s Jordan….

Picture 115

and then gave her wings…

jordan wings practice crop 1

And then I got even more adventurous with a photo of MB’s Meredith.


I put her in this photo.


To make this…

meredith  resized

Do you like it???

I don’t know what I am going to do with all of this knowledge now. I have order’s already to add people in to other photo’s, people who didn’t get photo’s with loved ones and what not. Maybe I could make a living out of this sort of thing???

6 thoughts on “My new trick…

  1. Cool beans!!!

    I completely understand what you mean about trying to use online help tools, a video tutorial much easier to attain.

  2. Very cool. You are one talented, creative lady. Is this your new hobby? Has that mystery been revealed yet?!

  3. Very neat! I got obsessed with some program on my computer that was a trial when Lacey was little. I mean, literally obsessed. Like, whenever she slept or fed, I was on it. And other times too.

    And then my thing ran out… and it was like 200 dollars to buy… and I cried for days.

    Keep on keepin on, those are CUTE!

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