Everything happens for a reason

I’m a strong believer in the everything happens for a reason theory. I think everyone who knows me knows that.

In the last few months I think I’ve lost myself. I don’t know who I am. I know I am Jaxon’s mother, Tim’s wife, Mum and Dad’s daughter. Terry’s sister. But I don’t know what I want from my life any more. I don’t have direction.

I feel like I am just plodding along. I get up each day, do what I have to do before I get to go to sleep again. When I was in high school, I got up each morning KNOWING that I wanted to do well in school because I wanted to work with animals. I knew I wanted to one day get married and have a happy and well connected family.

Now I get up and I am married and I do have a family, but I don’t know what I want to do when this part of my life moves on, or Jaxon goes to school. I can’t stand in front of the mirror and say “this is who I am” because I don’t know who I am any more. I feel like I’ve lost who I am in the mother/housewife role. I feel like those two things are all that makes me ME. Like outside of those two things, I feel like I have nothing to bring to the table.

I’ve been up and down and moody for weeks now, trying to change certain things that I thought might be the issue. But now I know that the issue was less to do with the house I live in and the relationships I have with my family, and more to do with how I am feeling about myself on the inside.

I think I need help to find what it is I am looking for. Maybe a life coach.

Don’t laugh.

Step one for me has been stepping up and saying that I am depressed about something. Eight years ago I would have let it get to a point where I was ready to kill myself (in a literal kind of way) before admitting that I was not in control and needed help and direction. Thats what landed me in hospital last year, pretending that I was ok.

Step two will be finding exactly what it is that I need to get me on my way. Normally, when we put Jaxon down for a nap, we go for a nap too. Tim asked me half an hour ago if I would be joining him. I said “I want to grab something to eat first”

It’s that that happened for a reason. Stupid as it may sound.

If I had just said yes, and gone and laid down then I wouldn’t have turned on the TV while I had my lunch. I wouldn’t have sat down at the very start of a show called “You can Change Your Life”

See. Just the title, for the frame of mind that I am in right now, is perfect.

The first thing it said was that people get stuck in the “I can’t” frame of mind. And how true is that for me? How I think I know what I want to do with my career but keep telling myself I can’t instead of I can. How I keep saying it’s too hard to get there because right now we can’t afford it. How I never try because I might fail. Maybe it’s not going to be that hard if I’d just suck up my courage and take that first step.

Maybe I am in my own way. Maybe I am stopping myself from taking that first step in to the unknown. And if I hadn’t stopped to have lunch and broken the routine, I might have been waking up tomorrow still wondering what exactly is going on in my life that makes me feel so lost and worthless.

3 thoughts on “Everything happens for a reason

  1. Boo, I have these same feelings at times. I used to want to be a professor, but now it’s been so long past my schooling I fear it would be too difficult to get into the field…I have been doing a lot of soul searching too. What to do, what to do…

  2. Thank you Norkio for commenting! Sometimes you put your full self out there for people to see and when no one comments you start to wonder if you really are alone.

    I guess I am not.

  3. Not alone AT all. I went through the same thing until last year.. I looked in a local paper I NEVER read and landed on my dream job… now I read that paper every day.

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