We bought this for Jaxon the other day. It could have been wrapped up all ready for Christmas but someone couldn’t wait. It took Tim two hours to pump it up, I gave up after one tyre!
See that hat? No, we don’t make him wear it inside. That is Jaxon’s very first fashion statement!
There is 192 ball’s in that truck. Yes, we’re anal, we counted!
Road Kill??? We’re yet to find out what will happen if Dude get’s in or decide’s it might make a good scratching post!
Boo I just tried to leave a comment and I’m sorry but requiring me to do math is just too much.
Alright I’ll get out the effing calculator to tell you that those photos are super-cute and I’m surprised Dude hasn’t joined him in there yet since he follows him everywhere else!
FUN Stuff! icouldn’t have waited til christmas either!!