The Wait is Over

When you find out something is wrong with your son the day after they’re born and then get told nothing can be done for quite some time, the waiting becomes a part of your life. You just don’t notice it.

But one week from today (despite the fact that this will be posted ON the day) Jaxon will be having his MRI and CT Scan. It’s a wait that’s more than 8 months in the making, or 22 months, if you count that we’ve known since he was born. For 8 months we’ve been quite comfortable being able to say “on the 25th of November” and know that it’s not next month, it’s not next week and it’s not even this week. It was some place off in the future that we really didn’t have to think about.

Even though I’ve known about this for a very long time, it snuck up on me. It IS next week.

Even though I’ve had to make all of the call’s to make sure appointment’s are at the right time and finding out all of the information about what to do on the day, it hit me today that it’s just around the corner and the wait is almost over. So I was a little surprised when that in itself presented me with a different sort of wait. The Worried Wait, as opposed to the “Plenty of time to worry later Wait”

I’m trying to just not think about it. It is just an anaesthetic so they can do the MRI and the CT Scan. But still, there are still risks involved. And let’s not forget the 7 hour fast that Tim and I have to force Jaxon in to. Really, thats what I am more concerned about. I think once they actually put him under, I’ll be relieved that I no longer have to fight a hungry and likely tired toddler to keep him quite, happy and occupied. Thank goodness my Mum is coming to stay with us for a week or two!

Keep us in your thoughts today!

5 thoughts on “The Wait is Over

  1. Thinking of you all today. Hope everything goes well. It’s okay to hysterically cry once he’s under…that’s what I did with Liam and I actually felt a lot better afterwards. Go figure, LOL. Does Jaxon take a pacifier? I found that made the fast for us much better. He just kept sucking on his soo soo each time they bumped us longer and longer, grrr. Kinda like sucking on a button.

    Good luck today!!

  2. I’m so glad that you guys made it through all that. I’m sure Jaxon was thrilled to get food. how ever did you guys make it sanely through the night with out sleeping??? Can’t wait to hear all about it and know that you are ok. Hopefully the dr’s will be speedy about giving you results!!! Sending big hugs your way.

  3. Thinking of you! I hope everything went smoothly and that you get answers and a plan of action quickly. ((((HUGS))))

  4. Lisa I did just that!! I managed not to cry while the gas mask was on but the minute I got out to Tim I fell to pieces. It was awful.

    We go back on Wednesday next week so no results yet. I’ll write about all of this eventually.

    Thank you everyone. (L)

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