My name is Boo, and I’m a Wiggleholic!!!

Someone on the boards once pulled me up about how great the Wiggles were and did I have plans to take my children to see them? At the time I was pregnant, no children. I told her that I HATE THE DAMN WIGGLES and she couldn’t understand.

Well, the Wiggles have been here in Australia for a lot longer than they have been worldwide. When they first formed, I was 13 years old. That was eighteen years ago! At that age the Wiggles were SO NOT COOL!

But I’ve since changed my mind. Jaxon’s Nanny and Poppy bought him BIG RED CAR on DVD when he was very young. You know, like three months old. I played it once or twice and he didn’t take an interest so I stopped and never went back to it.

That is, until I found that the Wiggles keep Jaxon occupied while I do house work. About 5 weeks ago I put them on and all of a sudden Jaxon was quiet. He sat still. HEAVEN!

The only problem now is that I know ALL of the Wiggles songs. I can sing in Spanish too. Tim call’s me a Wiggle’s Mum. He once asked me who my favorite Wiggle was and I asked him to guess. Through a process of elimination that I wont go in to here, he deducted that Anthony was my favorite Wiggle. He was right, although I have a few bone’s to pick with him too. He then started calling me a “MILF with a WILF” Translation, Mother I’d Like to Fuck with a Wiggle I’d like to Fuck.

It’s not exactly an accurate description, but Wiggles fan, I am. If the Wiggles came close enough to my town, I would SO take Jaxon to see them!

Here are some facts you may not know about The Wiggles.

Anthony and Jeff started out in a band called The Cockroaches. They were quite successful here. In 1991, after they had broken up, Anthony called Jeff and asked him if he’d help him with a small project he was working on. Jeff said, “Sure, how long will it take”

The old yellow Wiggle, Greg, is better than the new Wiggle. He quit because he suffers from orthostatic intolerance. It means his heart doesn’t pump enough blood to his brain and he faints.

Sam Moran, the new yellow Wiggle, was his understudy and had been filling in for him for over three years before he quit. He’d done more than 300 live shows and can also be spotted in all of the old DVD’s as a Wiggly Dancer…all be it, gay Wiggly Dancer.

Sam, is married to Lynn Moran. Lynn used to be Dorothy the Dinosaur but is now a Wiggly Dancer.

Then, here’s the stuff that blew me away. Anthony is 45 years old. Murray (and you don’t want to know what we call him) is 44 years old. Sam is the same age as me. He’s 31 years old. And last but not least, Jeff (whose surname is Fatt) is FIFTY FIVE YEARS OLD!

The Wiggles recently topped BRW’s list of the richest home-grown entertainers, beating Hollywood-based actors Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe. The quartet of children’s entertainers took in $45 million for 2007-08, putting them ahead of Australia’s most famous actors and singers, according to BRW’s Top 50 Entertainers, an annual entertainers’ rich list.

SO there you have it. The Wiggly Low Down. Jaxon’s in to them. I’m in to them, and yes, Tim is in to them too. He can sing in Spanish too. Jaxon doesn’t dance or get excited about them, but you know, I think if he went to a concert he’d 1) laugh at all the kids dancing to the Wiggles and 2) go back stage to figure out what button’s did what.

2 thoughts on “My name is Boo, and I’m a Wiggleholic!!!

  1. Ah…….I’ve been waiting for this moment for almost TWO years. Ok here goes:


    And I always had a thing for Anthony, but I had a sex dream about Greg.

    I’m going to go wash my mind out with soap now.

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