At the old house when Jaxon started crawling, Tim and I took the easy way out. What I now refer to as The Lazy Parent method of putting baby gates up so that he couldn’t go where we didn’t want him to.
Jaxon couldn’t get in the kitchen, so the fridge, microwave, pantry, rubbish bin and sink were all out of bounds for Jaxon. He couldn’t get to the bathroom or the toilet, our bedroom, a spare bedroom or the sun room.
He couldn’t get in to the laundry or “Oscar’s Room” and he couldn’t get outside freely. All he had was his bed room, the lounge room and dining room and the computer room.
Just because he was so short, the dining room table was out of reach and so anything that we didn’t want him to see or touch or have we simply put in the rooms he couldn’t get to, or on the table.
Coming here though we decided that we’d let Jaxon be a free range toddler. He doesn’t have access to everything, but not because we’ve put up gates. Just because we think he needs supervision in those rooms.
So the other day he was in our bedroom playing on the bed. Of course this is a novelty to him. Here he can climb our bed, he can open our bed side tables. He can get to all of our mobile phones.
While Tim and I laid on the bed waiting for him to come up and join us, he explored my bed side table. I knew what was going to happen. Because I have a little vibrating egg sitting in my top drawer. You know, the one with the remote control and the cord to the egg??
Well, Jaxon picked up the remote control and immediately pushed on the button’s. The egg part started jumping about and vibrating (dah) all about making a heck of a noise. The sheer look of terror on his face as he backed away from my top drawer like there was a 15 foot snake in it was absolutely priceless!
There are times in my life when I don’t have the camera, but surely wish that I had. I’ll have to try again next week
I like your dining table table and chairs!
You forgot to tell them about his impromptu texting to Meredith.