The New Boo

I was kindly told via email that one of my reader’s is “patiently waiting” for my ABOUT pages to be updated.

Now I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. Since I came across to discoverboo, which for me was a little over a week and a half ago.

The problem is, how exactly do you write an about you page? To me it’s a bit like when you go to a job interview and your prospective employer says “tell me why I should give YOU this job?” Because you have to blow smoke up you your own ass at the same time as trying not to sound like an arrogant self absorbed twat.

Well, you know what?? I still don’t know what I want to write about me on my about page. All I know is what I want for my blog. I want to keep posting the family stuff and the thoughts and what not. Nothing is going to change in that regard. But there have been things happen to me in my life that I’d love to talk about. There are things you don’t know about me that you may not need to know but that I want to share. I’ve kept it off here simply because I was worried about the day Jaxon is old enough to read these pages, and what he might think or what it might make him feel about me.

But the truth is that I don’t want to lie to Jaxon just to save him from facing the real world. I’m his mother but I am not perfect. The things I talk about you may not like and to that I say this. I am not forcing you to read my blog. I have free reign here, and if it hurts you, offends you, scares you or mortifies you, don’t click on the link.

So my about me page, which will be ready fairly shortly, is going to have a few shocks for you in it. Things that you don’t know. Things that I want to talk about because once upon a time, when I really thought I was alone, I really wasn’t. But no one told the truth. No one put up their hand and said “I do that too” or “I know exactly what you mean”

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I think I have a lot to offer a lot of people simply because I am now willing to put my hand up and say, this is me. I often wonder what the purpose of all of my pain has been over the years and now wonder if it wasn’t so that I could sit here and share it, so that I might help someone who thinks they are alone. Someone that might be sitting on the edge right now thinking that nothing in the world could help them.

I hope that by telling the truth about who I really am and the things I have gone through and done to get to this point in my life (happy) I can help someone else see that it’s not impossible to fall in to the depths of despair and still make it out alive.

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