I really should stop thinking that my son is above average and that I’ve escaped certain stages in his development. Certain stages that a mother and or father would much rather skip anyway.
To give a little of the back ground here, my friend Mary Beth from Because I said So, once told me all about her son Jamie who would, take off his own dirty nappy and spread it’s contents where ever he pleased. Mainly, she said, in his cot.
Well these past few days have been pretty big for Jaxon’s development. He’s learnt to say motor bike, and he answer’s “good” when I ask him how he is. He has excelled at the pool and he very recently (today) found his lungs. As in, he learnt to squeal. Very loudly.
But he sadly also learnt how to take off his own dirty nappy today. So while I was hanging towel’s out on the line, he was inside (and might I say joyfully) running the length of the hall way from his bedroom SCRUBBING his poo all over the wall!
Hm. Yeah. Just…above average normal.
(I thought it bad taste to take a photo of it and put it here. So I’ve put it here.)
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Ah so sorry you didn’t escape that lovely phase. I swear Jamie did NOT call Jaxon over the weekend. I think. Note to self, check cell-phone for international usage charges.
ha ha ha! i really did think you would put a photo up…. i mean, its boo!
I’ve heard more than once that when small children do that it is actually creative expression! … lol