Breakfast of Kings

This morning as Jaxon and I ate our rice bubbles, something a little unexpected joined us.

As I looked down at the floor, unaware that Dude was behind me…a lizard casually skittled by my foot.

Now I am not squirmish. But not expecting to see a lizard walk past my foot IN the house…I jumped a mile.

And then grabbed the camera.



If you look very closely at the first photo you can see where the lizard (or skink, or whatever he was) was starting to part with his tail. Dude tried to use him as a play thing for two minutes while I took a couple “happy snaps” and the tail stayed on. But wouldn’t you know, the moment I picked him up to save him from Dude, the stupid thing dropped his tail right there in my hands!

AND!! Oh my! Someone knocked on the door. So there I was, holding half of a lizard and the wiggling decoy tail!!

I am pleased to say that my lizard friend was successfully released back in to the wild, safe from (any more) harm!

5 thoughts on “Breakfast of Kings

  1. Oh I LOVE these little lizards. I made good friends with a lizard that lived on my porch on vacation in Key West and enjoyed watching the tiny Geckos crawl around the walls. You know Boo, if I come to visit, these little guys just might make up for all the spiders. :-)

  2. Your cat is beautiful..mine is meaowing at the door right now. (I’d do the same)- at least there tails grow back! I’m sure it was probably jarred loose first- ha

  3. Oh Zac would be in heaven where lizards roam wild. Our climate is too cold for those little creepy crawlies. He has to settle for the occasional toad and salamander and his pet gecko. Very cool pics!

  4. Glad your cat was sensible and did not eat him as cats can get something not at allnice..which I cannot remember..from skinks. When I read you jumped, I thought it was at least a 5′ goanna!

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