Jaxon, 2.5 years

I thought I’d use this space to document some of the cute thing’s Jaxon is doing and saying, for the family and friends that are missing out on his cuteness because we don’t live near by. As well as a good reminder many years from now when the cute things he does will only be cute to his girlfriend…and not us.


Banana = Nar

Apple = ow-al

Biscuit = beeee

Dookie = Doogin

Dookie get on your mat = Doogin go mar

Mexxi = X-eee

The Wiggles, from Yellow to Blue

Greg = Egg

Murray = Mar-eee

Geoff = Eff

And the best? Anthony = Eee-eee

Toot toot chugga chugga big red car = too too car

Night Night = nigh nigh

We taught him Bye Bye Y’all  which has now been transferred to Nigh Nigh y’all

Bike = Bi-ee (which is sometimes followed up with broom broom or Um-Um)

Duck and Dummy = Dar eh Dum-eeee

Yummy = yaaaarmeeee

Tim = Pim

Dad = Ga but he has sprung cute little Daaaaaddddddddeeeeeeeeee’s on us too.

Nanny = Nar-eeeee

Grandma = Mum-Mum

Yukky = yah-ee

And on to some stories.

A few months ago Jaxon learnt to open doors. And then he started coming to visit us in the morning. Bringing his entourage of ducks with him. Then, he only brought one duck. The duck. He would jump on the bed for a while to wake us up…and then he started waking me up by smacking me across the face with the duck. And then…he stopped waking me up all together. Yesterday morning I woke only because Tim’s electric tooth brush started. But I’m guessing that he’d been there much longer than that. I knew because the bathroom floor and Tim’s side of the bed was sprinkled (heavily) with baby powder, from one end to the other. Mexxi’s water bowl was nothing more than a white pasty mash…and the toilet bowl looked very similar. He’d drawn all over the shower screen with my eye liner pen. He tells me it’s a pig. Last week, before I woke up, Jaxon had filled the detergent dispenser in the dishwasher with dog food, while this morning…he had chocolate sprinkles for breakfast before he woke me up. Would it be wrong of me to tie bell’s to his toes?

Jaxon loves his bike. So much so that the one my Dad bought him when he was three months old died a few weeks or so ago, the “drive shaft” had worn down the plastic wheels from the inside out. He had it on the trampoline (as you do) and was doing wheelies…when the back wheel fell off. So last Saturday Tim took him shopping for a NEW bike while I got to sleep. Daddy chose out the new bike and Jaxon sat on it IN the trolley for the rest of their stay (which included milkshakes and doughnuts) Then, BAD Daddy…put the bike in the BOOT of the car and Jaxon went spastic at him. “Bi-eee…Bi-eeee” he screamed ALL the way home.

Jaxon is the most adorable thing ever. His eyes light up for the most simple things. Like Liquorice all sort’s with Dad. When Dad opens the bag…Jaxon runs at him screaming YAAAARMEEEEE!!! And the other night, when we thought Dude was hunting a mouse under the couch and lifted it for him….Jaxon saw a LOT of his toys for the first time. The puzzles that have been hidden under there, the etcha sketch. And he was all like, OMG MUM… DAD…LOOOOOK!! He yelled out at us WOOOOOOOW!!!

Bath’s are a thing of the past now. They are so last year as far as Jaxon is concerned. Now when we ask if he wants a bath he says “shar” and walks to our bedroom door taking his clothes off as he goes. When I take his nappy off and he’s done a big poo he says “OH WOW!” and when we’re picking up Dookie poo in the back yard he follows us around pointing them out…saying “yuh-eee”

There was a time when I was worried I would never feel this way about having a child. But now, I am over the moon happy that I have Jaxon in my life. He is the best thing, next to his Daddy…to ever have happened to me.

2 thoughts on “Jaxon, 2.5 years

  1. Boo, I am so happy that you are happy!!! And Jaxon has gotten so funny and big! I know how you feel about dumping stuff all over before you wake up… I usually wake up to something all over our floors. I was actually about to post about it. I don’t understand the novelty… but apparently her and Jaxon would have a blast together at our house, what with all of the makeup, pancake mix, protein powder, baby powder, contact saline solution, etc. UGHHH! LOVE your photos as well, you do a great job.

  2. Boo, such a nice post and so nice to hear about Jaxon’s doings. It really is a great feeling, isn’t it? It washes over me at times and fills me up like the ocean surging in, and when I think I can’t take any more, I find another little cove to fill. :-)

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