Jaxon wasn’t much of a willing subject unfortunately so Tim and I had to model for each other. Which is a pain in the ass when we both want to be taking photo’s. But anyway. Here they are.
Anyone that would like to see where we’re learning our lighting from can go to strobist.com for tips! This is our first on location shoot. So far we’ve only done inside shots and inside/outside shots are very different. So I’ve put in a few of the practice shots. And keep in mind this is not the end result. We’re still learning. But very happy with how we’re going.
Towards the end of the night we really started getting what we wanted from the camera/lighting situation. But we ran out of natural light and had to stop. We’re going back tomorrow night!! I’m going to bore you with our off camera flash journey!
Never boring!! What you did as practice is better than anything I could have taken!!!
P.S. I saw Dooce the other day in person
I’m enjoying them all especially with your cute model. You all look like having fun for the whole day! Good teamwork!
Jealous!! Actually I’ve stopped reading her blog. I wrote her a very heart felt email a little while ago. Right from the deep dark parts of my experience as a Mum. To let her know that I feel like her and some other stuff as well. Not even a simple reply. Not even a thanks for letting me know I’m not alone. Not even a “received email” email!! Very disappointed by her.
Thats not to say I wouldn’t go all gushy if I saw her on the street!