Over it!?

I don’t know what it is, but I seem to have totally lost interest in the blog.

No. I haven’t. I’d love to write more. But I’m lacking the creative juices that one must have to maintain a blog.It’s not that easy you know.

My life is not boring. It’s far from it actually. Very far from it. But I seem to be having a hard time being able to spin the things that are happening in it, so that it all makes sense.

I like to be somewhat funny too, throw in a one line here or there. I was just re-reading the old Kicking and Screaming site and seriously, I had a lot of stuff to say and some of it was funny. But now?? Not so much.

Or maybe there’s just too much to choose from? Maybe too much is happening right now for me to pick one thing and make something of it.

I don’t know what to do!

One thought on “Over it!?

  1. I have had that feeling too. I just let ideas ruminate and when something inspires me I write it out. There was a while that I was posting about once a week just to make myself do it, and I diverted away from all Melody all the time, too. Good luck with it! Your writer’s block will fade away soon enough.

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