Dear Diary Delayed Post #3

21st July 2009

Dear Diary

So we have our little list of things we need to do before we go. Sorting through crap…deciding what to take and what to sell. Deciding when Tim’s last day of work will be and when Jaxon’s last day of EDC will be.

Now I’m sad.

Nothing in this world could stop us from going now. Just as there was nothing that could have stopped us coming to Queensland in the first place.

The difference being that we had things we were running from when we left Melbourne. Traffic and a few other choice things. We were sad and scared and all that stuff. But we were excited too.

This time, we have nothing here in our life that we’re running from. We LOVE our life here. We love everything about it. We love the house we’re living in. We love that Tim only has a 3 minute ride to work.

But mostly, we love our friends. We have some really good friends here. Granted, we don’t have a lot of friends, but the one’s we do have are golden. They have welcomed us in to their lives and we have shared many good times together.

I am extremely sad that we’re leaving them. No matter how good the reason is that we’re going, I know that we’re leaving some of the best friends we’ve ever had behind.

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