I just don’t know why I don’t post more often. I have so much to say. So many changes to our lives to report. And yet, I just can’t find the motivation to sit down and report them to you. Yet.
The biggest thing, would have to be the changes in Jaxon. Where once we had to report his physical abilities changing and growing…now we have his mental abilities changing and growing.
He really is becoming a little man. And he talks SO MUCH!
I mean…the boy NEVER shuts up.
There are so many things that he says these days that it get’s a bit hard to come here and write about just one thing. Without boring everyone with the simple details that make it all fit together.
Like the other day when Jaxon was sitting on the couch with Daddy and out of the blue asked “Sleep well Daddy?” and Daddy replies “Yeah I did. What about you Jaxon?” and Jaxon just nodded. He acted as if this was an every day kind of thing. To be having a back and forth with his Dad. But really, it was new to us and amazing!
I really should just get off my ass and come here to report this stuff more often. So I don’t forget about it in years to come. And I really should tell you about all of the other things happening in our lives too…like….nah. You can wait
Wow, he is even grown up looking!!! Where have our babies gone??