Anatomy 101

Every night Tim, Jaxon and I have a big bath together. We don’t all squeeze in to a tiny little tub. We have a two person spa that fits us all perfectly.

Recently, Jaxon took an interest in my, a-hem…nipples.

I didn’t lie to him when he asked what they are. I told him they were nipples. And I pointed out that he has nipples…and Daddy has nipples. We all have nipples.

Well, for some reason, he called them kettles for a few days. He would point them out on me, and Daddy and himself and say “Mum has kettles, Jaxon has kettles and Daddy has kettles”

He’ll even rattle off every other person he can think of asking “Does so and so have kettles?”


The other day we visited Nanny and Poppy. And we told them all about the nipple/kettle conversation.

Towards the end, he ever so politely (manner’s and all) asked Nanny to show him her nipples.

For some reason, she didn’t. :)

I was sort of glad for a while that he was referring to them as kettles. It meant that I wouldn’t get a call from day care telling me he needed to be picked up and that he was suspended for asking his teacher to show him her nipples.

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