There are a lot of changes going on around here at the moment.
Among them, we’re upgrading our spare bed from a blow up mattress to a proper bed for times when Grandma comes to visit.
We got our new bed frame, and Tim gave it a coat of vanish. It’s not wet anymore but it’s still a little grabby.
So as we’re in the room assembling it with Jaxon playing with Buzz Lightyear in the middle of us we tell him he’s not allowed to touch it.
Then we needed to leave to get the remaining bits to the bed and as we leave we reinforce our request for him not to touch while we’re gone.
On our way out to the shed Tim asks me how long I think it will be before he touches it. And I tell him he’ll do it just once “just to figure out WHY we asked him not to touch it”
When we return we fully expected that Jaxon would have his sticky little mits on the bed frame. Instead, there’s Jaxon holding Buzz in such a way that his hand was touching it!
He proclaims “Buzz touched it! Buzz touched it!”
Evil little genius he is!?