Freddo Frog and Coooorrrrdial!

So over the last few months, Tim and I have found a small selection of foods and drinks that  should not be given to Jaxon.

They include musk sticks, licorice (that long stuff, not the small chunky stuff) and lemonade.

If Jaxon has those things, he JUMPS OFF THE WALLS! He’s unbearable to deal with. Not because he get’s all moody or anything, but because he’s way too hyper and way too smiley and LOUD.

It’s just….annoying.

So last night when he started jumping off the couch and springing right back up, or running back and forth from his bed room to the lounge room…Daddy looked at me as if to say “What did YOU give him!?”

So I say “I swear, all he’s had is a freddo frog and some cordial”

And Jaxon, as if to say I was lying started squealing “frog and corrrrdial frog and cooordial frog and cordial” over and over and over again like maybe he’d had a kilo of chocolate and a liter of cordial without water in it.

I swear.

It was JUST a frog and cordial. But we shall keep in mind for future reference that perhaps the combination of freddo frogs and cordial should be left for times when he’s visiting family. Without us. :)

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