A couple weeks ago (I KNOW! I’m getting slack!) Jaxon and I went with Tasha and her kids to see a live show of Dora the Explorer.
We weren’t meant to take photo’s I don’t think…or video. But we did, as did everyone else.
I was so incredibly impressed with all of our kids who were so well behaved for us. I fully expected to be all stressed out and in fact, I was dreading the experience for weeks. But they did as they were told, they held hands and crossed the roads well. They stayed together as a group and not one of them chucked a hissy fit. I was just so HAPPY with them all!!
The funny thing was that Tasha’s youngest Abbi and Jaxon took a very long time to figure out that the stage was not just a HUGE TV! I actually think Jaxon STILL thinks he just went to the movies!!
Here’s some pics.
Jaxon was so impressed with the show that even now, weeks after we went he’s still asking me to sing “Pyramid, jungle, lost city” and if I don’t put the right kind of SPIN on “loooost city” like Dora does…well!! I might as well be dead to him!
A BIG thank you to Michael who gave us the tickets to go!