I know it’s been a long time coming but the beauty of the blog is, I can post it just as if it was written last month…at the appropriate time!
Dexter is here. Without going in to too much boring detail, I was induced at 36 weeks for high blood pressure. They started it all off at 3.30pm on the 30th of November and he was finally born via emergency c-section at 6.24pm on the 1st of December 2010 (weighing 2.96 kilo’s) I failed to progress past 6 cm’s.
It’s all a bit of a blur now that it’s said and done. The main things I remember are the sweet sweet gas and pethidine and screaming at my OB “get your fucking hands out of me” and crying through the most excruciating contractions for hours without drugs because the midwife had checked to see how far along I was and thought I was fully dilated. She said she was confident she could talk me through the birth without the use of drugs. But four hours later when checked again, I was still stuck at 6 and had been for hours.
Having a second c-section obviously had not been our plan but we don’t regret that it happened. In fact, I sort of wish I’d saved myself the pain and done it from the start!
Jaxon is being an AMAZING big brother. If not annoyingly so. He wants to kiss Dexter all the time, cuddle Dexter all the time and play with him all the time. That, can be annoying when you’ve just spent the last five hours trying to get Dexter to sleep and when you finally do, his big brother plants a kiss on him somewhere only to wake him up for another two hours.
I will try to blog more often. I have photo’s and little Big Brother stories to share. But we are dealing with yet another crying baby…the Dr’s and health Nurses say it’s colic, so forgive me if I can’t be shagged!
36 weeks 4 days pregnant
Sweet Sweet Gas!
Dexter first born. You can see he has a cone head from being stuck in my cervix for hours. He also had a love bite kind of hickey on his head!
Love at first sight. Daddy and Son meet for the first time. Tim tells me that he and Dexter spent the two hours waiting for me to wake up from the surgery walking the hall ways chatting up nurses
Dexter's natural knot in the umbilical cord. This caused much frustration for both us and the nurses because they could not hear Dexter's heart beat properly through the monitors and I was not allowed to moved off the bed through contractions while they were trying to find it. For three hours. Grrr.
Dexter's weight. 6 pound, 10 ounces
Hours old.
Big Brother lays eyes on Little brother. Not once has Jaxon been jealous of the extra attention the baby needs.