Jaxon was the kind of baby that didn’t give two hoots where Tim and I were in the house. He didn’t care if he couldn’t see us. Or hear us. Or anything. He just liked to be left to his own devices and would actually walk (or crawl) away from us if we tried to join him in play.
Dexter on the other hand, likes to know where we are. He likes to follow me about the house and just explore the rooms I go in. Undo washing as I do it kind of thing. Not annoying at all.
So, the other night when I needed to tidy the kitchen up and he was wanting to be under my feet all the time I put him in his high chair facing me and let him loose on some chocolate mousse.
I think he might have enjoyed it a tiny little bit.
(as a side note, Jaxon wont even get his hands messy like this NOW. When I asked if he wanted to try some the little clean freak went and got a spoon to take it off the tip of my finger!)