While I was hanging out the washing Jaxon came out to me and asked me if I could get him roller skates. It was like he was reading my mind when he said “I don’t know where I get these good idea’s from Mum!”
In the car with Dad.
Jaxon: Mum, did you tell Dad about when I was at the park and I was camping and I saw the fire works??
Mum: Um, I don’t remember that Jaxon…
Jaxon: Neither do I
On wanting to go to Daniel’s house for a play date over the holidays and being told over and over that he couldn’t because Mum was sick.
Jaxon: Are you a bit sick Mum?
Mum: Yes.
Jaxon: Are you a tiny bit sick Mum?
Mum: Yes Jaxon.
Jaxon: But not a lot sick any more right?
Mum: I feel better now Jaxon but I’m not well yet.
Jaxon: Can we go to Daniels now then?
And last but not least, and possibly not even a Jaxon-ism. Someone at his school has taught him a new song. So now Jaxon sings in the back seat of the car on the way home “Bad boys, bad boys…what ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when they come to poo??” I couldn’t help but laugh the first time he did this. And now I’m am totally over being asked “Is that still funny Mum?”