A few weeks ago while Tim and I did our weekly shopping, we found a great special on Jaxon’s nappies. Two packs for $50. Normally a single pack would cost us $35 so it really WAS a great saving. We grabbed them up, happy that we had saved ourselves $20 bucks.
Last week though, before we even got to opening either of those packs, Jaxon grew out of his current sized nappies. It’s the first time he’s done that since he was 8 months old, so it’s not like we should have known better. It’s so long between size changes with Jaxon that we get complacent!
We’re getting by now by changing him more often during the day and using the next sized nappy overnight. So far so good. Being only a quarter of the way through the first pack, I wonder if we wont have over 150 nappies sitting here waiting for our next child. With no current plans to have another baby, that could be a LONG wait.