I know. It would appear out of place and odd for me to be cursing school holidays, since Jaxon is only 21 months old. But I find myself doing just that, three and a half years prematurely.
Jaxon’s physio classes and hydro classes are held through the EDC, who are situated in a specialized section of our local primary school. This means that when they have school holidays, Jaxon has school holidays.
It is the first day, a Monday. Normally on a Monday we have classes. Although he can’t tell me what he thinks of them I know he looks forward to them and he knows the days when we will be going and not going.
I don’t specifically know if it is a lack of classes today, or the heat, or if it’s just teething or growing pains or any number of reason’s. But Jaxon is being an absolute BRAT today.
He’s currently serving a 5 minute time out. I’ve said to family and friends that Jaxon is probably too young to understand time out’s at this point so you could say that the time out is a Mummy Time Out. Better he be kicking and screaming in his room, than kicking and screaming at my feet, grabbing at my clothes and clingy to my legs so I can’t move.
So on this day, the 22nd of September 2008, let it be known, that I do NOT condone school holidays! My heart goes out to those mother’s and father’s out there dealing with bored children and teenager’s. I don’t envy you one little bit.