Just four weeks in to Spring here in Australia and we already have the air conditioner on.
Jaxon is wearing nothing but a nappy all day, and sleeping in nothing but a singlet.(I’d like to say that this has NOTHING to do with the fact that our retarded town hasn’t released it’s summer range of clothes for kids yet, even though they probably have all of their christmas stock ready to go next week…but I’d be lying. Get with the program Big W!)
It is getting HOT here, and we haven’t even reached summer.
This is a little scary, because if this is how hot it is when it’s not summer, I dread to think what this summer is going to be like.
I only hope that we will be rewarded for going through scorching heat with massive storms and impressive lightening shows!
Happy Spring! Let me know if you need me to send you some clothes. Most of our summer stuff is on massive sale so I could pick something up for you =)
I have no idea what size Jaxon would be in your clothes! AND I just figured out that he has a small ass…meaning his tops are bigger and his pants must be smaller. How ANNOYING!
Thank you anyway Katie, but Big W should catch on sooner or later!
LOL Boo it made me laugh when you said he has a small ass… I’m the opposite. Bathing suit shopping SUCKS! I’m little on top, and big on bottom. So I sorta know how you feel Jaxon!
And I still think it’s SO weird that your Christmas is in summer. It would be so different to see your customs. Ours are getting warm PJs for Christmas and hoping it snows! How funny!
Jaxon is adorable, by the way. He has the prettiest eyes!! And he looks so… cheeky, I think you say! So sweet!