Sports Junky!

Everyone would know that I just did some photo’s for our local basket ball team. I was really nervous about it. But it was all good and though I was scared I wouldn’t get any photo’s worthy of someone’s wall I was surprised to see I got quite a few. I took nearly 6000 photo’s over two days. Tim even came to help me for a couple hours.

It was heaps of fun and I hope I get to do it again next year! The testosterone in that gym was amazing. Ooopps. Did I say that out loud? I even got my boobs signed! (no, I didn’t…but that’s another story. That I wont put here until I tell Tim all about it [insert cheeky grin here]..disclaimer…it was Nic’s idea Tim!)

I’ve had to add photo’s in two lots. Not for any technical reason but because I have OCD and if I add the portrait photo’s and the landscape photo’s in the same gallery then it looks odd. This way, pleases me more :)