Not long after we moved in to the house Jaxon was quite content sitting on the lounge room floor playing with Dude.
Ducky sat abandoned on the floor in the hallway and I thought I’d take advantage of his lack of interest and give Ducky a big bath.
So Ducky had a bath and then while Jaxon rode his new bike in the backyard, paying no attention to what I was doing, I hung Jaxon’s clothes and his Duck on the clothes line.
When I prompted Jaxon to come back in he rode his bike right under the line.
He almost got all the way under without looking up. I thought I was safe. But just as he came out from under the line, he stopped, turned and LOOKED UP.
That was the end of Jaxon for the next half an hour while Ducky dried on the line.
I brought Jaxon inside and I tried to entice him with food and something to drink. I even tried COKE! Coke…I tried COKE to help him forget that his beloved Duck was being tortured in the back yard.
Nothing worked. He cried right up until we took his duck off the line so he could suck on his bum again.
Don’t think badly of me for taking photo’s of this melt down. It’s not like he was crying for 2 minutes, this was a half an hour affair. You know, you get to the point where you just can’t do anything for them, and the best thing to do is take photo’s…so you can tease them about it when they’re 21!
Stay tuned for our adventures in Ducky hunting…finding a replacement has not been easy!
That last one in the series is PRICELESS! Man he’s giving you some SERIOUS hell isn’t he Boo? How DARE you clean his Ducky? He just got the bum all perfect and now it TASTES funny!!!!