Following on…

Mouse number 8!!



As you can see, he didn’t stand a chance!

Tim and I went to Bunnings (hardware store) today to get some mouse traps. Apparently the town is in the “grip of a mouse plague”

Now my Grandma, Jaxon’s great grandma…lived through a mouse plague and I image it was a LOT worse than this. You’ve probably all seen that video footage of million’s of mice just moving in one big lump across the ground? That’s what I image Grandma saw. That’s why, I image, she didn’t like to hear about my mouse breeding tales.

There wasn’t a single trap there, having all been sold in the last week. Only poison. And we can’t use poison with dogs and cats and kids in the house.

Tonight we’ll lay our own trap. A bowl of liquid malt. I’ve told Tim that I’m certain we’ll have caught our first mouse before we go to bed.

Dude, for now…is safe as can be living here.

2 thoughts on “Following on…

  1. LOVE that series of photos. At first I was thinking, “Awww, Dude’s just PLAYING with that mouse.”

    Apparently he likes playing with his food. That last photo was a jolt back to reality LOL!

    Job security. Dude’s got it.

  2. I love your pictures! I remember when my cat Jake used to catch things and play with them. My sisters and I used to go out and try to save whatever animal he had… but it never worked! He was awesome, you would love him. Do you think the mice are coming because of the fires? Like, they ran away and now are descending on you guys? I wonder…

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