

Jaxon doesn’t remember that Mummy (while looking for a bill to pay) walked through a door that she didn’t know he was behind and banged him in the head.


Jaxon wont remember that his big toe got crushed underneath that same door.


Jaxon wont remember that Mummy forced him to have a warm bath because it would “make him feel better”


Jaxon wont remember that the bath didn’t make him feel better.


Jaxon will remember that Mummy laid down with him in bed until the tears dried on his cheeks.


Jaxon will remember that Mummy held his hand and rubbed his forehead until he fell asleep and started snoring.


Jaxon will remember how much his Mummy loves him, even if she makes mistakes and hurts him sometimes.


Mummy will forget that she banged Jaxon over behind a door she didn’t know he was behind.


Mummy will forget how guilty she felt for getting his big toe jammed under that same door.


Mummy will never forget how beautiful and sweet his warm little hand was cradled in hers as he settled himself to sleep.


Mummy will never forget how much she loves her little boy.

2 thoughts on “Hopefully

  1. OMG im crying reading that a mums we do silly things hope they wont remember nd reember our guilt

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