I thought it time to update everyone on Tim’s progress now that he’s started rehab.
He’s doing really well, and it looks as though he’ll be A-OK for returning to work and driving. Though we don’t know when that will be as yet.
At rehab, he does occupational therapy. Or TORTURE as Tim call’s it.
They do silly things to get his hand working. Like using pegs, picking up coins, undoing and redoing buttons. Unlocking and locking locks, nuts and bolts and playing with plasticine. Writing.
All things which he complains about. But the reality is, it works. And it’s helping.
He’s doing so well. So despite the bitching, we’re seeing a lot of progress. Four weeks ago he couldn’t hold a pen to save his life, but now he can. Four weeks ago he couldn’t reach for something without missing it completely and now he can. I’m really pleased to go along with him and see each day what his improvements are.
Well done Tim !!! Boo, Im sure you are so proud of him.