Just in case you didn’t nbotice the first time, you may want to go back and check out the last clip.
Yup, what a name change will do huh?? The Wiggles, formerly, The Cockroaches.
7 thoughts on “It may surprise you to know…”
You know when I saw the first clip, it immediately popped into my head that a couple of the guys looked like the guys from the Wiggles, BUT I’ve never really seen more than a couple minutes here or there of the Wiggles so I wasn’t certain.
LMAO at cockroaches!!! too funny
I knew who the people in the first clip were!! =) GO ME!
Name change doesn’t make me like them more. LOL.
Children listen to this music? Ack!! I’ll stick to Hannah Montana, lol.
I’ll disregard any negative comments here about The Wiggles. I was just like you once, a non wiggle liking person. Despite what YOU think about them, your kids would LOVE them! And when you read my next Wiggly Post (soon to come) you’ll see that maybe you would eventually love them too.
This doesn’t mean I don’t still love you. I do, I really do.
Am I allowed to say “I told you so” yet?
You’re allowed to do anything you like MB!!! I was thinking about getting a copy of a wiggles DVD out to Martha! My next post (on Monday) is a bit of a “Did you know” about the Wiggles. The Wiggles have topped the BRW Rich list four years in a row now. Last year alone they made 45 million!!
Oh hold on. I told you so about what? Coz you already said I told you so in an email! SO if it’s about that, you need to wait for the next post!!
You know when I saw the first clip, it immediately popped into my head that a couple of the guys looked like the guys from the Wiggles, BUT I’ve never really seen more than a couple minutes here or there of the Wiggles so I wasn’t certain.
LMAO at cockroaches!!! too funny
I knew who the people in the first clip were!! =) GO ME!
Name change doesn’t make me like them more. LOL.
Children listen to this music? Ack!! I’ll stick to Hannah Montana, lol.
I’ll disregard any negative comments here about The Wiggles. I was just like you once, a non wiggle liking person. Despite what YOU think about them, your kids would LOVE them! And when you read my next Wiggly Post (soon to come) you’ll see that maybe you would eventually love them too.
This doesn’t mean I don’t still love you. I do, I really do.
Am I allowed to say “I told you so” yet?
You’re allowed to do anything you like MB!!! I was thinking about getting a copy of a wiggles DVD out to Martha! My next post (on Monday) is a bit of a “Did you know” about the Wiggles. The Wiggles have topped the BRW Rich list four years in a row now. Last year alone they made 45 million!!
Oh hold on. I told you so about what? Coz you already said I told you so in an email! SO if it’s about that, you need to wait for the next post!!