I love him, but I want to strangle him!

Dude, as I have said before…is the best cat ever. But right now, and many times throughout every single day, I want to strangle him. Right now, Dude and I are fighting. It’s a battle of will’s and I just don’t think I’m winning.

Dude is an inside cat. Not because I force him to be an inside cat but because he likes to be inside. The only time he really likes to go outside is if WE go outside. Even then, he wont stray much more than a few meter’s from where we are.

So to set the scene. At the old house, Dude was locked in the bathroom overnight, because if I let him stay out then he sleeps on my face and is in to everything he shouldn’t be. But here the only place to lock him is the laundry. But he doesn’t like that, even though he has always been locked up overnight. In the laundry he has put his paw under the door and scratched and meowed to be let out ALL BLOODY NIGHT!

The problem with that is that the laundry is close to Jaxon’s room. While I couldn’t hear Dude from the other end of the house, Jaxon could and if Jaxon doesn’t sleep, mama don’t sleep either. So for the last three nights I’ve had to suck it up and let Dude run free range overnight.

I’ve left the laundry door open with kitty litter in it for him. Because for some reason Dude has forgotten how to hold it for the night, even though for the last year he did perfectly while locked in the bathroom.

So three nights in a row now Dude has slept out. Three nights in a row now I’ve noticed that he’s not used his kitty litter tray. Until the morning. After I have made him go outside with Mexxi.

This pisses me off. This morning I caught him in the act. I caught him before he went and threw him out the laundry door. He walked around the house, through the back door, in to the laundry and tried to go in his tray. So I threw him out again. He walked around the house, came in and tried again. So this time I threw him out and closed the back door. So he came around and meowed to get back in for 20 minutes. When I ignored him he climbed the security door.

I just know that if I don’t let him in to go in his tray, he’s going to sit at that door ALL day and meow at me and scratch at the glass door to be let in. I know that when I finally say screw it and let him in, he’s going to go right in and use the litter tray.

This is only a little bit of a bigger complaint, but I don’t have time to list the other shit Dude’s been getting up to in the last week or two. Don’t get me started on a cat that will not go outside during the day but spends the night sitting at windows meowing to get out.


Under the Laundry Door

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