I don’t know if it’s worldwide or just Australia wide, but for the last 30 days it’s been “Movember”
The month where men all over the place don’t shave for a full month to raise money for prostate cancer research.
I’ll admit, it’s a good cause. But I hate facial hair on my husband. Not for any other reason than when I kiss him I feel like I might be kissing my Dad. A man whom I have never ever seen without a beard.
So when Tim gave me a peck on the lips it was all good. But when he went in for the kill, and stuck the tongue in and all I saw was my Dad…that’s a mood killer right there.
The real issue is, that I LOVE the mo on Tim. I think it really suits him. For the sake of our sex life, and my sanity…that mo’s gotta go!
The Mug Shot.
I really like Tim with facial hair! I think he looks really good with it. But then I’ve always been a facial hair kinda gal. Sadly Dave has no interest in trying out the hairy look.
Here’s the real kicker. MY Dad has a beard also and I have NEVER seen him without one either. But beards turn me on. That’s weird isn’t it?
Oh and I forgot to ask – how does growing your facial hair raise money? And why can’t we do that with leg hair? I could raise a freakin’ fortune!
And I think it’s just Australia. WE don’t do it here in the U.S. at least.
My god MB, I haven’t even finished trying to smooth out the kinks on this post and you’ve commented! I was having trouble (insert, AM having trouble) with photo layouts and was trying to get it all sorted and on one of my edit’s it told me I had a comment! LOL
YES, kind of wrong. But thats ok. I always tell my Dad that when he dies I’m going to shave off the beard to see what he’s hiding. I don’t think my Mum has even seen him without it and she’s obviously known him longer. I DO like the mo, love it in fact. I just can’t be having sex with my Dad if you know what I mean? LOL
It’s a bit like the “Shave for a Cure” thing (do you have that one? Where you get people to pay you to shave off all your hair?) People sponsor you to not shave for a month. Basically a group of about 40 people at Tim’s work all put $5 in and then their boss went dollar for dollar. So they raised about $400
They do it every year. But this is the first year Tim has done it. Its been fun walking through the shopping center we were pointing all the men out asking if they had a mo because they wanted one or just for Movember.