You guys are lucky! Two blog entries in one day. Well it’s some ridiculous time of the day, like 12.49am on Saturday morning so really it’s not. I’m still up because my in-laws are slaving me away in the kitchen for our early Christmas dinner. I kid you not!
No seriously, I was blog surfing. You know, just having a quick look here and there. You just never know where you’ll end up. But I happened to end up here and here it’s hilarious so you must go and have a look! Gotta love Johnny Depp!!
Then I must go to bed and try to get comfortable with an incredibly painful lower back (one which makes it almost impossible to walk, sit, stand or lay down for longer than five minutes)
Last week Tim managed to pop FOUR ribs out in his back at work. I took full advantage of the cripple in my home. I helped him to get in and out of cars (watch your finger’s), I walked as slow as he needed when we went out (need a wheel chair?) Here’s your dinner (would you like me to cut it up for you?) Are you ok? (there there, there there) and so on. You get the picture. I was milkin it!
He took it all on the chin, telling me to milk it while I could because he would never do that to me. This of course is a lie. If I could just find my rolodex of all such events I’d put them here. But I can’t so you’ll just have to trust me on this one. He’s just as capable of dishing it out when the shoe is on the other foot.
But Karma’s a bitch isn’t it? Because while he was unable to walk and pick things up, I picked up his slack. I did a little more than I should have and when my lower back started to nag at me I just kept on going. Because Tim being hurt for longer means Tim out of work for longer (not that he took ANY time of, stubborn bastard) but you get my point? We can’t afford for him to be off work.
Well guess what? The house hold suffers pretty badly when I’m out of action too. You see where I am going with this don’t you??
Tim has had to do three poo nappies in 24 hours. THREE!
I told you.
The house is falling apart!
In all honesty, he’s been great. Despite the crap I put on him for the last week. He has rubbed deep heat in, he has helped around the house and he has done a lot of the Jaxon stuff that I would normally be doing myself. Now to get him in the kitchen peeling tato’s and roasting roasts!?
Here’s a photo we got tonight out for dinner.
Isn’t he incredibly cute??? I made him you know!?