Just SHUT UP already!

I know, that must seem incredibly rude. Except that I’m not talking to you…or Tim, or Jaxon or even Dude or Mexxi. I’m talking to myself.

It happens every Christmas, and every single time it’s Tim’s birthday. Which it will be tomorrow (the 3rd of January)

I used to think that it was me. That I just couldn’t keep a secret to save my life. But it’s not. It’s Tim. He’s some sort of freaky assed mind reader. Because every time I say “I got you something” you can almost bet your life on the next words coming out of his mouth being “you got me a (insert the gift I just got him here)”

So today I should have just shut my mouth and not said anything. But I was feeling a bit guilty that I’d spent a bit more money than we could afford on him. So all I said was “I spent a little too much” When he asked what a little too much was, I told him an approximate value. And right away…he said “four books”

Now he’s right. I got him the entire Twilight series of books. The girls on the boards have been raving about them for months and we did want them. But it’s not like I planned on getting them for him. It was an absolute last minute choice because I couldn’t find the book he really DID want. And then I couldn’t figure out which was the first book in the series so thought, what the hey…we’ll get them all.

Last year I’d got photo’s of Jaxon done while Tim was at work. The photographer had left the shopping center two weeks before I casually said to him “I got something for you” and he immediately said “Photo’s of Jaxon”

Three years ago for Christmas I got him a book. I put it in a bigger box than it needed and wrapped it with news paper and then Christmas paper one hundred times and PUT IT IN THE FRIDGE! But the minute he saw it he told me the name and author of the book.

I thought for a while that it was just our incredible bond. That we’re so in tuned with each other that no amount of trickery could fool us. But he fools me ALL the time. Especially when he tells me that what he got me is at the engraver’s being engraved. So I thought it was probably a bit of jewelry. So imagine my surprise on Christmas day when I unwrapped an engraved…fish tank!?

Well. There goes that theory.  Next time I’ll just have to remember to keep my damn mouth shut! Because I could get him a back scratcher in the shape of a three legged dog and he would know exactly what it was before he even unwrapped it.

3 thoughts on “Just SHUT UP already!

  1. My Gosh Boo….my husband has that same freaky ass power! I dont even enjoy getting him gifts anymore!!!!

  2. Thats exactly how I am feeling about it Renee! He doesn’t understand that. I told him that I miss out every year on giving him the gift and letting him unwrap it and the excitement you get for thinking “I hope he liks it”

    Really, I am not enjoying it at all now. I might just start giving him money to get his own gift and *I* will have to guess what he got.

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