The other day we bought Jaxon a pack of crayon’s. This was the result. While the paper says that it is Jaxon’s first crayon experience, it’s not. It’s just his first “at home” experience. He’s had plenty of play at the EDC (Early Development Center, where we do physio and hydro) and I’ve just never taken those sheets home with me.

We’ve set out a comprehensive lesson plan.

Today’s lesson is “crayon’s are not for eating”
Tomorrow’s is “we don’t eat crayon’s”
Next week’s is “don’t put the crayon in your mouth”
And next year’s lesson is likely to be “crayon’s, why we don’t eat them”

3 thoughts on “CRAYONS!

  1. At the third child, the lesson for today is “Chew the crayons thoroughly if you’re going to eat them.”

  2. what a clever little artist!!

    jordan still tries to eat the crayons, but not as much as non-toxic finger paint. she chows down on that. EW!

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