There are no rules!

This follows on a bit from last night’s post. I would call i a Mummy Moment but it’s not REALLY a mummy moment.

So I’ve said how the health nurses and doctors and blah blah blah, have stressed me out by making me feel like I am doing something wrong. Well, when Jaxon was 11 months old his teacher went through a list with me. A list of thing’s that Jaxon should be doing at that age or very shortly.

She asked me if he plays patty cake. And all I could think when she asked that was “Is he MEANT to be playing patty cake” at this age? Hell…I don’t even know how to play patty cake…am I meant to teach him this? Is he going to be behind in school because I didn’t teach him patty cake? Do OTHER babies know how to play patty cake? Where do I get lesson’s about playing patty cake?

Seriously, I cam home all stressed out and in a panic that Jaxon did not know how to play patty cake. Bad, BAD mummy! Shame on me right?

Well. This past weekend my Dad and his girlfriend and my uncle and Auntie dropped in on us on their way further up north. I haven’t seen my uncle and auntie for a very long time and it was really nice to see them. They have five kids and 7 grand kids, so they KNOW their stuff.

I was telling them how stressed out these check lists make me. How I look at it and get asked these stupid question’s about Jaxon when some time’s it doesn’t even COUNT. Like when they asked me if Jaxon was chewing with his teeth and he didn’t even HAVE teeth, but they sent me home with a booklet on how to TEACH him to chew with HIS TEETH.

I said to them “I didn’t even KNOW I was meant to be teaching Jaxon to play patty cake!” and my uncle came out with a line that will forever be with me. I’m sure other’s have said it in one form or another but the way he said it so bluntly and with so much understanding about what I am going through, really made it stick.

He said “There ARE NO rule’s” and “You do what YOU want to do with your child”

So considering this for a day or two I decided to relax a bit on “the rules” and this is the result.

Remember, there ARE NO RULES!

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