Tim’s catch of the holiday…

I said in my earlier post that Tim didn’t catch anything. He made a pretty big deal about it so I think the universe heard him.

On our very last day, as we packed up camp, our lines with their trusty alert bells were in all day. We’d forgotten all about them.

About an hour before we left the resident pelicans (a trio) started their lazy trip up stream. We watched them as they came closer but didn’t think anything of it. Until of course, they started swimming under Tim’s line one by one.

Pelican One. Nothing.

Pelican Two. Nothing.

Pelican Three? Dingaling! Dingaling! Dingaling!

It might possibly have been the highlight of everyone’s holiday, watching Tim run down to his fishing rod as it bounced up and down and up and down as said Pelican Three flew off. He got there just in time to stop him from dragging the rod in to the river, and I know he wouldn’t have gone in for it if it had gone!


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