For a few weeks now I’ve had alarm bell’s going off in my head about Tim and him possibly having another attack. He would sometimes tell the same story to the same person as if it hadn’t been told. Or he would have shaky hands when he was cleaning his glasses to get on the bike. One night I asked him to get something up high with Jaxon’s little white step, which has a wide base and a wide top step and his foot missed it entirely.
I’d been asking him to call his MS nurse that entire time just to discuss it all with her. But I think he was in a bit of denial. Not to mention that his school year is coming to an end soon and it would be the worst time of all to miss a lot of school.
Finally, he came home and admitted that he had pins and needles or numbness through his right hand. Where the last attack was his left. So we made all of the call’s we needed to make and Tim once again, sat in the ER waiting to be seen by a Doctor. He was treated really well. Even visited by the ward manager. We wonder if it was because just three days before hand I’d sent in my complaint and they put two and two together. They must have thought…treating one of them is bad enough…treating both of them badly is A Current Affair worthy.
Well, they gave him two treatments of steroids. Which will slow things down or halt it all together. But we’re still unsure if it WAS an attack or IS an attack. Until he get’s to have another MRI we wont know. But we suspect that if it IS an attack he will need to return for another (full) treatment of steroids. We don’t know at this point.