You Snooze…they snooze….you lose.

Every single night I suffer a huge case of procrastination. The boys go down at about 8 now. Jaxon nods off between then and 9pm depending on how busy his day was and how much we yell at him to be quiet and go to sleep. But when they go down, I procrastinate. I’m tired enough to just go to bed right then and there. But then I start thinking about all the things I want or need to do that I can’t do while the boys are awake.

For instance, I can’t paint while Dexter is awake because he would be getting in to all sorts of trouble while I wasn’t watching. Not to mention he’d probably try to HELP me paint. I can’t paint at the moment while Jaxon is awake or around because he got his paints confiscated for a while for “accidentally” painting a hand print on the wall. I do think it was accidental, but the lesson still needed to be taught.

Then I have several other projects going all at once. I’m making lot’s and lot’s of origami paper cranes to hang from the ceiling either in Dexter’s room or in the corridor that connects all of our bedrooms to each other so we can all enjoy them. That I can’t do in front of Jaxon because he wants to make them too and can’t do it yet. I have tried to get him to make paper airplanes which he can do very well while I do my birds but it’s not good enough for him.

And of course, when they go to bed I noticed all the little things around the house that could be done quickly without them in my way. Like tidying up the kitchen bench. Walking in the kitchen with Dexter in there is like having to do the waltz with him because he is literally my shadow. If I open the dish washer, he’s in it. If I open a draw, he’s in it. Ug!

Well last night my procrastination began at about 8.30pm. I wanted to watch the end of a movie that I had started watching a few nights earlier. So I did. Then some other things happened and it was midnight before we ACTUALLY went to bed. But for those few hours I kept repeating to myself…I should just go to bed. I should go to bed. Go to bed. Right after this bit, I’ll go to bed. But I didn’t. And I regretted it.

Dexter’s become a good sleeper again, now that the majority of his teeth have pushed through (3 on top, two on bottom…none appear to be coming through at the moment) and I don’t “expect” him to wake in the middle of the night anymore. But last night, just as I nodded off he woke up at 1am.

As I got out of bed Tim said to me that he was sorry I had to get up, and even more sorry, but he hoped he would be asleep by the time I got back. As I leaned over to pick up my ugg boots I saw that Dexter’s crying had woken Jaxon. So I turned to him with a snigger and said “That’s ok, you can deal with THAT one”

Well, the plan had been that Jaxon would snuggle with Daddy until I got back (a bottle only takes 10 minutes now and he goes right back down) Well, when I got back…this is what I found.

With my back the way it is I can’t lift Jaxon, and waking him to move him back to his own bed would have caused more trouble than it’s worth. I didn’t have the heart to wake Tim because he’s not sleeping well at the moment so I decided to sleep on the couch for the night.

Normally, Jaxon is up with the birds. But this morning, if I hadn’t set an alarm to wake them both up at 8.30am I’m pretty sure he would have just kept sleeping. Maybe he needs a king sized bed with life sized Daddy doll (with snoring box in back) to keep him sleeping in!?

I put the black pillow under him because he had looked much like he was going to slip off the bed when I checked on him at 2am.

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