Darwin Five

Because Tim and I were unable to be there for the night that Mum had her 60th Birthday on a harbor cruise we were lucky enough to be given free tickets to the cruise ourselves. So Mum and James looked after the boys while we went out and had a lovely time on the boat…KID FREE! Magic!

Darwin Four

Because we were at the back of the plane and we waited until it was almost empty to get off, the cabin crew thought Jaxon and Dexter were the kids behind us traveling alone and supervised by the stewardess’. So when we walked by they were invited in to the cock pit to say hello. Jaxon was tickled pink. Dexter and Gordy didn’t give a shit!

Darwin Three

Sleeping on the plane…

Sleeping on the edge. He did eventually roll off, despite our best efforts to push him back.

Too cute not to share!

Jaxon loves sleeping with Dexter. He is now always saying he’s lonely and needs to sleep with us… :(


Dexter has come a long way since grandma’s visit. I swear, it was like having Mary Poppin’s sweeping through to sort his grumpy stubborn and screaming little ass out.

Dexter has been a nightmare for us to cope with for months. He’s been refusing to talk or communicate in any other way than screaming for a long time.

If he was hungry while I was trying to cook he would be hugging on to my leg screaming about the terrible pain and suffering he’s going through.

If he dropped something he would stand and cry about it instead of doing the normal thing and just picking it up. If you run in to the wall on your bike don’t scream at it to move. Reverse your bike and go a different way!

Tim and I were at our witt’s end when Mum got here. We’d tried everything everyone had suggested. We’d looked up and followed advice from the google people by searching “Why is my 2 year old always screaming at me?”

Desperate times, desperate measures. Have major surgery, Mary Poppin’s to the rescue!

Mum swooped in and whipped him in to shape. She basically taught me how to deal with almost every thing that he’s doing. And possibly given him a new annoying trick!? What’s with the powder on the hand thing?

Tim and I now seem to be figuring Dexter out more and he’s laughing more than screaming.

I can not thank my Mum enough for what she has done. This is the third time she’s dropped everything in her own life without being asked and sacrificed her own needs to come and look after my family because we desperately need the help at short notice.

I don’t think there’s anything I could say or do to express our gratitude enough.

Sad Good Bye’s

There is a big hole in my heart and a few tears on my cheeks because I just said good bye to my Mummy after having her here for three glorious (ha!) weeks.

I can’t thank her enough. I can’t express my gratitude in 500 words or less with foot notes. My only hope is that one day, when you need me, I can be there for you like you are always there for Tim and I.

You are the mother I aspire to be for my children.

Safe trip back home to Darwin.

Your eternally grateful daughter,




Grandma at the park.

Mum and I took the boys to the park one day last week. I got some really good photo’s both of the kids and of Dougie. And you too Mummy :)

Wow. That’s 64 photo’s. I’ve inserted it via gallery view. Which I don’t like doing. It looks less, me. Anyway. If you’d like to look closer at any of these photo’s just click on the image and it will show you the larger version.