Category Archives: Rants and Rave’s
We went to see my Dad last week for a couple of days. He and I were busy out in the garage building things when I spotted this very cool tugboat shaped jar. Immediately I thought…FISH TANK!!
We bought Jaxon two gold fish. He has named them various things over the last few days. Memo (Nemo) seems to stick, but the other fish get’s delegated a different name each time we ask him. It’s been called “Daddy” and “Dago” (Diego) and “Dori”.
I’ll let you know when he’s settled on one name
Fourth Easter
Alright already!
OK, OK. So I haven’t posted for AGES! And now my many fans are starting to notice. You should see the bags upon bags of hate mail we’re getting every day. You’d think the world was coming to an end. People should just learn to live without me
So you can rest easy knowing that I am in fact starting to feel a little like posting again. And to warm you in to my many words of wisdom and dribble I thought I’d share a few photo’s and perhaps a video or two of the last month or so when I’ve not bothered coming here to let you know I wiped my ass.
I did my first paid photo shoot for a friends family. It turned out OK, and it certainly taught me how hard it is to get four people (two of which were not so good at taking directions) to look at the camera at the same time.
I took Jaxon to a local skate park, just for shits and giggles. He had a ball climbing up and down hill’s.
I asked Jaxon what he wanted to do one day and this is what he wanted to do.
We spent a good hour of our morning looking through junk mail.
Jaxon fell in love with DORA!! Our friend works for the place that is doing the nation wide tour of Dora.
Jaxon and I went to the Silver Circus. He wasn’t that impressed until the Ball of Death came out. He thought the motor bike rider was Daddy
If you look just to the right of the “H” in the photo with the NO SMOKING sign in it, you’ll see Jaxon’s head popping out from behind the chairs. This was his way of spending the half hour intermission.
Testing….testing…one, two and three.
Yes, it seems the blog is still working. Perhaps it’s me that’s broken?
Jaxon, growing up…
We’re finding that with this parenting thing we have peaks and troughs with who has dominance in the family. Mostly it’s us. But every now and then Jaxon up’s the antes and it takes a week or two to figure out how to deal with it.
So the last week he’s totally had it over us. But tonight I think we finally got it back (for now)
He didn’t eat his dinner. And he didn’t ask to leave the table. And normally, he might get away with that and maybe even get some kind of snack later on if he was hungry.
But tonight, we made a point. He got sent to his room twice. Preferring to play with Mack and Lightning McQueen than sit at the table with us.
In the end, he didn’t eat his dinner. But we made it very clear that after dinner there would be nothing else. And if he got hungry, then we would reheat his dinner for him.
I locked the fridge, I shut the pantry door. But two hours later when he found a bag of tiny teddies somewhere and wanted them I refused. I reheated his dinner.
He ate it.
Control. Bring it on Jaxon!
Line Art
Big Boot
You Should See this…
Dookie all grown up :)
I must admit, that there was a little bit of guilt on my part, when the whole Dad getting stuck with the animals thing happened. A dog is for life, not just for Christmas… that kind of thing. I felt really bad that originally we’d just intended for him to have them while we lived with Nanny and Poppy and then all of a sudden we’re accepted to rent a house that doesn’t allow pets and he’s left with them.
We offered to find them all new homes. It wasn’t what we wanted but I wanted to make sure he got the chance to say, no, I can’t have them all.
But he wouldn’t have it. And now that I think about it, and see just how much he LOVES Dookie…I don’t think we were ever going to get them back.
Now Dad tells me that the minute Dookie first jumped out of our car when we arrived back from Queensland he KNEW this was his dog. He says that Dookie came bounding up to him and though we couldn’t hear it…Dookie was yelling out “Daddddyyy I found you!”
So if in a year, we move and we’re able to have them back…I don’t think I’d have the heart to separate them. Dad didn’t think he would ever have another dog after his last two Marley and Max died. He didn’t think he could love another dog as much as he did those two. But now he says that Dookie will be his last dog. And in a way, I’m glad I gave that gift to him. Dad, like me…has always loved dogs and from my point of view, they have made his life richer.
Dookie is in good hands.
Jaxon at the beach
Dad’s Beach
Michael and Kylie, Michael and Kylie, Michael and Kylie!!!
When I first met Tim way back when, I was partially living with an ex boyfriend of mine and his brother and girlfriend Michael and Kylie. As friends. Michael and I were very good friends…but when I met Tim it sort of became a little uncomfortable to be visiting an ex with a new boyfriend. So slowly (or rather quickly actually) I stopped visiting Bill (the ex) and as a result, I didn’t see Michael much anymore.
I hadn’t spoken to him for 7 years. But then, by chance and through the magic of “reply all” on one of Bill’s many rant email’s about the injustice that is having your license taken off you for multiple offences, Michael and I got back in contact.
Well it turns out that Michael and Kylie have been married, and built their own home. Which, I kid you not…is one street away from us! And Bill no longer lives with them. SO! We get to see each other again and we’re all very happy again.
Jaxon though, has taken a very strong liking to both Michael and Kylie. To the point of obsession.
He yells at us if we pass the little street that leads to their house on our way home.
He asks each and every morning if we’re going to see Michael and Kylie.
Sometimes, when he’s hurt himself and we’re trying to comfort him…he asks to see Michael and Kylie.
And when we visit them, he doesn’t want to leave!
On New Years Eve, I had to take Tim home because he’d had his injection and wasn’t feeling very well. So I told Jaxon that I was leaving and he was sitting at the kitchen bench having a drink next to Michael. All I got was a “Bye Mum” with a wave.
Tonight, when we were preparing to leave he was sitting on the step outside with us all chatting away to Michael. He was telling him, in a matter of fact kind of way that “Mummy and Daddy go home now” and we could see the “hmph, I guess that means I’ll have to go with them” in his posture. He was devastated that he had to leave!
Other than Nanny and Poppy I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jaxon so taken by any one person for longer than 3.2 seconds. It’s just amazing. He loves them to death! And might I say, it’s GREAT to have friends who are also so in love with Jaxon. They adore him. If Jaxon could have Godparents…Michael and Kylie would be top of the list!
Living Questions
I’ve joined a project over on FLICKR where I need to take a new photo every single day for a year. What a huge project that is going to be. I’m on day 8 now, obviously day 7 yesterday. I had a hard time of it, seeing that I am not as talented as I thought I was. Not as creative as I’d like to be. Seeing the other amazing photo’s that people put up daily just rams that in to you.
Anyway, I saw this quote in someone else’s photo stream and thought it fitted the way I felt yesterday. And about life in general. We spend our time wondering why things happen, what the meaning of our lives are. But then you read this and it all seems to make sense. It probably doesn’t matter what the answers are, as long as your living life while they come to you.
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions†– Raner Maria Rilke
Do you ever feel like you’re just waiting for something to happen???
I do.
The problem being, I don’t know what I’m waiting for.
I want to be a photographer, but don’t know what my next step is.
I don’t believe that I take good enough photo’s to charge people. But that would seem like the next logical step. To just get out there and start doing it.
That’s pretty hard when you have no faith in your own abilities. Plenty have said that what I do is good. But they’re not looking at the photo’s I’m looking at. And they’re not seeing what I IMAGINE the picture will be in my head before I take it. Hence, they’re not seeing that I’m not getting anything like what I WANT to get from my camera.
It’s very frustrating. Much like when we were doing stained glass, everyone thought the work we did was amazing. But compared to the lady in the shop who did the most amazing things with glass…my stuff was shit. Without a word of a lie.
I just want to go somewhere with this. But don’t know how to go there with it. I want to take photo’s for people, but I’m not confident enough to charge them. But I need practice so I need to take the photo’s to learn my way around. So if I offer my services for free, then people will expect it to be free when one day, it shouldn’t be. But who decides that??
So I sit and wait for something new to happen. Where can I take a class in self confidence???
The Year that was 2009
What a year we’ve had!
Jaxon turned TWO!
We had a visit from Nanny and Poppy to help celebrate.
We went for our first family camping trip. What a day/night that was!
Jaxon loves water just like Mummy does.
to THIS!
I lost 20 KILO’s!
Learned to sleep standing up.
And just be plane old adorable!
Jaxon got his first freckles. First of many I am sure.
We went out on a friends boat, a lot!
We visited Australia Zoo, as part of our trickery for Nanny and Poppy’s surprise!
I decided for the family that we should sell everything and move back home to family.
So we did.
We said good bye to some very very good friends.
And Jaxon was fare welled at his physio
Tim got another tattoo…
…and so did I.
We got some careless men (who broke our lawn mower) to pack our stuff in to a big truck and take it all away for us!
We drove all day and all night, and all day again…to get to Dad’s. And then to Nanny and Poppy’s to surprise them!
Jaxon and I went camping for the first of many trips to the Murray with Grandpa Ted.
We moved in to a new house. Jaxon helping Nanny clean the windows.
Tim was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis on the 13th of November.
Another visit from Grandma!
And a visit from Nikki and Jack!
Tim and I set out to build a gingerbread house.
I think we did a pretty good job of it!
It’s (was) even lit from the inside!
We had a normal Christmas morning. This is Jaxon, with German Measles. Who knew!
We experienced CHAOS like we’ve never experienced before.
We got to see Grandma Ann and Grandpa Ted on Christmas day for the first time in over 8 years!
Jaxon had his first train ride.
And most importantly, we added Buzz and Woody from Toy Story to Jaxon’s must have toys!
We look forward to 2010 and hope for a non eventful year.
May you and your families be happy and safe this New Years Eve, and here’s, to a wonderful new year for everyone!
Poppy’s Train
While we were living with Nanny and Poppy, each afternoon when Nanny went to pick Poppy up from work, she would take Jaxon along.
Poppy takes a train to work. So Jaxon soon started to associate the trains with Poppy. It doesn’t matter what train we see, regardless of if Poppy is even on it or not, it’s “Poppy’s train! Poppy’s train!”
So today, since Poppy is on holidays, he took Jaxon on a train. Jaxon had a ball.
Next introduction will have to be a bus!!
New Post, old day.
Just letting you know that I’ve finally posted something that I wrote a little while ago.
You can find it here.
New Born Photo Shoot
My cousin very recently had her first baby and was very kind to let me take some happy snaps of him yesterday.
I had this idea in my head that new born photography would be cool. Because it’s not like they can get away.
But they don’t take instructions very well either. And though they can’t get up and walk away…they wriggle! They most certainly do not like being naked and man handled or place in position either!
That’s not to say I don’t still think new born photography is cool. Love it…but it was certainly harder than I expected to capture Jacob, who is only three weeks old…in a good light. With his patchy red new skin and milk pimples. A lesson learned.
MS Hopeful
I really can’t talk for Tim on this subject. I can only speak for me, and how this has affected my life and that of my family. How I’ve taken to the news of Tim’s Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. Having said that, Tim does have his own profile…so he can write it here if he wants. It’s probably just not his style to put it all out there though.
Multiple Sclerosis, aside from being a hard word to spell correctly every time, is a scary disease. So much of it is unknown. So much of the process for diagnosis is “hurry up and wait.”
You want to do the tests, you want to find the answer’s. You want to do everything you possibly can to be able to take control and start treatment. But you just can’t do it. You have to wait.
You have to wait to find out what kind of MS you have. You have to wait for MRI results, lumbar puncture results, for medication to begin. In the mean time, you don’t know. You just wait.
And while you wait, you read. Everything you can get your hands on. But that sometimes makes things much worse. You get to see the worst case scenario’s. Wheel chairs, suicidal tendencies. Disability. All very frightening, but very real. Even if right now they don’t apply…and may never apply….the possibilities are there and they’re terrifying.
Really, Tim’s Dr’s have been great. They’re supportive and informative. They have made themselves available to him whenever he’s had questions or needed advice about anything he has questions about. But aside from offering advice about what drugs he’ll soon need to start taking and life style changes that he could make (more rest, don’t over do it), no mention of any other successful treatments has been mentioned. No natural therapies, no this or that.
So I’m happy to have found a wonderful site. And perhaps some real hope in all of the unknown quantities that we’re now faced with.
It seems that a very long time ago, a study was taken out over 34 years. A study that investigated the relationship between the amount of fat in the diets of MS sufferer’s. It seems that there is in fact a connection between the amount of fat you eat, and the progression of MS itself. The less fat you eat, the more chance you have of living a normal life with little or no physical disability over time.
Of course, each case is individual. And I’m sure there are plenty of Dr’s who would say this is utter bullshit. But what could be the harm in trying right? What could possibly go wrong if we decided to give a very low fat diet a go?? Which of course, we will be. Once we’ve learned where to start.
If you’d like to do some reading about this research, or even read some of the testimonial’s, research about oil’s and supplements that could or can help with MS…here’s a great place to start.
The Swank Diet (they call themselves Swankers, kinda funny!)
It’s just been nice over the last couple of hours to see so many people with MS who have so much confidence in this special diet. To see that aside from the medications, which can not cure or stop but only slow down the progression of MS symptoms, there is another option. There is something that we can do to take control of this shit we’ve been handed. It’s nice to read stories from real people, who after starting the diet…have had fewer attacks. Less aggressive attacks. And many of them, after 35-40 years of living with MS are still walking. Still functioning like they don’t have MS at all.
To Infinity, and Beyond!!!
Jaxon’s latest craze?
Toy Story.
When Jaxon grows up, he wants to be a Space Ranger!
Australia Zoo
Tim and I just watched that movie, 2012.
While watching the movie, which was incredibly LONG and very very LOUD, all I could keep thinking was…is this going to happen in my life time?
Is the end of the world as we know it, on it’s way…and will I get to see it?
Then I looked down at Jaxon, who was asleep in my lap since we were at a friends house, and wondered…what would I do?
Would I panic? Would I fight to survive it if I could…if that were possible? Or, for the sake of my child…would I be all life as normal?
I decided that it would probably be life as normal. Maybe a suicide pact? Maybe a peaceful moment where Tim, Jaxon and I all looked in to each others eyes and were just thankful we were together as the waves hit…earth crumbled in around us/sky went dark (insert dooms day ending here)
Perhaps a family BBQ, where we all got drunk and merry…and just lived while we could. Not worrying too much about what might happen or how it might end for us.
Part of me likes to think that if this were to happen I would fight for my life and the life of my family. To see it through to the last millisecond, never giving up hope. But then the other part of me thinks that if it’s meant to happen…and we’re meant to survive…then we will.
Just a thought. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen. But if it does…at least I’ve thought it through right?
This is what happens…
Progress Update
I thought it time to update everyone on Tim’s progress now that he’s started rehab.
He’s doing really well, and it looks as though he’ll be A-OK for returning to work and driving. Though we don’t know when that will be as yet.
At rehab, he does occupational therapy. Or TORTURE as Tim call’s it.
They do silly things to get his hand working. Like using pegs, picking up coins, undoing and redoing buttons. Unlocking and locking locks, nuts and bolts and playing with plasticine. Writing.
All things which he complains about. But the reality is, it works. And it’s helping.
He’s doing so well. So despite the bitching, we’re seeing a lot of progress. Four weeks ago he couldn’t hold a pen to save his life, but now he can. Four weeks ago he couldn’t reach for something without missing it completely and now he can. I’m really pleased to go along with him and see each day what his improvements are.
Broom Broom
Stay Positive
It only gets you so far.
It’s easy for everyone to offer that advice. It’s even easy enough to say you ARE staying positive. But on days like today, it’s just not enough.
Days when nothing is going right. When you don’t know what the future holds and where it’s going to take you.
Granted, no one knows what the future holds or where it’s going to take them. But you live day to day and you just get there.
At the moment, we don’t know if Tim has his job or doesn’t have his job. We don’t know if his rehab is going to help his hand or if he has lost the proper use of it or not. We don’t know if his body is going to respond to the drug treatment that he’ll eventually be put on. We don’t know if we’ll be able to put food on the table next week, much less keep the roof over our heads. We don’t know anything.
The jokes have all run out and I’m telling you now, staying positive only gets us so far. It’s getting hard to get out of bed and smile. The stress levels around here are out of control. Every time I wake up and Tim is in bed next to me I’m reminded that he’s not at work, not getting paid and not sure if he’ll be going back. Every time Tim drops something, can’t open a jar, shave his own face, carry his son or needs help to do the smallest things, he’s reminded that something is not right and it’s never going to go away.
Though he looks 100% fine, he’s not. Though I smile and say we’re doing ok…we’re not.
Right now, the fear of the unknown is stronger than our ability to remain upbeat and positive about this blow that has been given us. It seems that any time Tim and I finally think and feel we’re on our way to doing the things we want to do…and actually have the ability to do that….something get’s thrown our way. And every now and then, though we remain as positive as we can…we just want to throw our arms in the air and yell “Why me?” or “I give up”
M.S I’m Normal
I think everyone knows now that I’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. That was Friday the 13th of November.
I came out of hospital after my first round of steroids and I’ve spoken to a lot of friends who would have called me to say hi, but didn’t know what exactly to say.
The problem is that people don’t know what MS is. Or what it means. Many people I’ve spoken to have known other people with it and they were terrified that I was like that. They assumed the worst.
The treatments for MS have changed. It’s not an easy diagnosis. But at the same time it is manageable and I may never know I even have MS.
Boo and I made up a video last night to show you. Because when people first heard about this, they assumed I was in a wheelchair, or couldn’t talk. Or went blind. Worst case scenario’s which don’t apply to me.
For the moment, I’ve lost the ability to use my left hand. I’m left handed so it will take time to adjust. With medication I might just get it back too. Best case scenario.
I’m still me. I’m still crazy. I’m still the same old Tim that everyone knows and hopefully loves
Comments would be appreciated. I don’t know what it’s like to be on the other side of the fence. What did you think and feel when you heard about my diagnosis?
No Mummy, please don’t go!
Today, as I dropped Jaxon off for his second day in his new day care, I expected a fight. After all, at his last day care he was crying before we got out of the car in the car park. Then he’d cling to me, making it almost impossible to carry him inside. And then he’d scream bloody murder that I was leaving him IN THIS HELL HOLE!
Today, he practically pushed me out the door. Go Mum. I’ve got this.
I tried very hard to make sure he understood. Mummy is leaving now Jaxon.
He wouldn’t even hug me. I had to beg for a hug.
And then, he looked at me as if to say…go Mum, you’re embarrassing me.
But Jaxon. I don’t think you quite understand me. I’m going now and I’m leaving you and you’ll be alone and scared in a new place and I wont be back for a very long time.
As I walk out the door Jaxon raises his eye brows at me. Roll’s his eyes and if he had the words they would have sounded much like this.
STOP CRYING MUM, You’re embarrassing me!
The Murray, in all of it’s glory.
Camping on the Murray River…without a conventional loo and shower, no running fresh water and none of the comforts of home is not every one’s idea of a good time. But my family and I have been returning to the same place for many many years.
Every year (aside from the last 7) we return to this.
People don’t know what they’re missing out on!
Star Gazing
Beauty and the Beasts
My Mother In Law has a thing for cactus. Or Cacti.
She has a huge arrangement of them along the front of the house and along the back of the house.
Now I happen to think they’re butt ugly. I’ve never seen a cactus I like.
But then, I didn’t know they do this…they smell delicious too.
I still don’t like cactus.
But WOW.
They’re pretty impressive when they’re in bloom!
I can hardly hold it against my mother in law for having a thing for them.
Tomorrow is a new day
Since moving down here I’ve found it harder and harder to be good in the food department.
When I first arrived I was all about counting points and being somewhat good.
But then as time went by I relaxed a little and it became about reducing the amount of damage I was going to do by doing that.
Then, sadly, I just gave up trying. I ate what I wanted when I wanted and now I’m seeing the results of that. I see the chubbier chin and the pants are getting tighter.
The thing about this is that I know all too well that I can no longer afford to be so relaxed with my food intake. I know that in order to lose weight or even maintain weight (which I just proved I am not ready to do yet) I need to count points.
So tomorrow I start again. Tomorrow I have to get back in to counting every single little tiny itty bitty bit of food and drink I put in my mouth.
No matter how much I can’t be bothered.
Because more than not feeling like doing it, I don’t want to go back there. I thankfully still remember that feeling of looking in the mirror and hating the person looking back at me. I remember how desperate I felt and how much I hated walking out the front door on a daily basis.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Barmah, camping.
As most would know, Jaxon and I have just returned from our first camping trip to the Murray River with my Dad. I have many many stories and photo’s to share with you, so many that it might just have to be over a few posts.
I’ll start first with two choice moments which I found amusing as I watched my little boy grow up a little bit more.
First of all was the day he and I sat in the car killing time. With me in the passenger seat and Jaxon in the driver’s seat. He loves being in the car. Normally he fiddles with knobs and pushes buttons (and let’s not forget putting coins in the CD player, which he’s done twice now. Currently…we have a $2 coin stopping our CD’s from working) and climbing from front to back.
But this day was different. This day, Jaxon sat there and instructed me to put my seat belt on. When it appeared that I might be having trouble remembering how to buckle myself in he lent over and gave me a hand. Then of course, since he couldn’t reach his own seat belt he instructed me to help him buckle himself in.
Once that was all sorted out Jaxon casually sat back, put both hands on the steering wheel, looked over my way and said two words.
“Keys Mum”
To which I replied “You’re a funny little boy Jaxon”
Now since I haven’t bothered to blog since we’ve moved in to the new house there’s a bit of back ground to this one.
Once we had all of our furniture Jaxon very quickly settled in. He wondered around and knew instantly that this was home and this was his turf. When I was unpacking the pantry (or food press as Tim and I affectionately call it) Jaxon came across a little tin of cat food. I think at that point it occurred to him that something very important was missing from his home. Mexxi, Dude and Dookie. So Jaxon wondered around for quite some time calling for them and asking “Where’s Dookie Mum? Where’s Dude??” I told him they were with Grandpa (whom he call’s paw paw) which he seemed to understand.
Once we arrived up at the river and met Dad, Dookie and Mexxi both jumped out of the car. Jaxon immediately asked “Where’s Dude?” so I told him that I thought Dude might be up a tree. Later that night, when we called Daddy to say good night Jaxon was chatting away to him about all the things we’d been doing. We’d seen Kookaburra’s and there was a fire and lot’s of water and then he tell’s Daddy that “Dudes up tree”
Camping with Jaxon, alone and without Daddy was surprisingly good. I had been stressed about the thought of constantly having to monitor Jaxon’s movements to make sure he wasn’t out playing with snakes or trying to swim in the Murray. To anyone that doesn’t know the Murray river, it look’s completely harmless and safe but in actual fact it’s very dangerous with strong undercurrents and drifts to pull you under. But once the first night and a small portion of the first day were over with Jaxon seemed well aware of the fact that he wasn’t allowed to touch the water (or fire) and was happy just to stand on the banks and throw sticks in to watch them floating off. I thoroughly enjoyed our five days away and was a little sad that Tim wasn’t there to share it with us.
But there’s always next year!
Time to face the music.
I tried to be good. Honest. But after a while, it got harder and harder to resist.
I am of course referring to my recent weight loss…and probable weight gain. I wouldn’t go as far as to blame my in laws. But I can say without a word of a lie that they were successful in introducing Tim and I to some very yummy and irresistible food.
The plan was not to worry too much about the food. Not worry too much about counting points and trying to lose weight. The plan was to try and just reduce the amount of damage I did to my previous efforts and then get back on the wagon when we were settled in to the new home.
Well, now we’re settled in to the new home. Now, I have to face the music.
I’ve been tossing up over not going to weigh in for two or three weeks and seeing if I can lose the weight I may have put on in the past few weeks before I go back. But unfortunately I think I wont be able to get back on the wagon…unless I DO go back and weigh in.
So it’s time to face the music for me. Time to face the fact that I may have put on a kilo or two in the past month. Time to face the fact that I now need to try and get back in to eating the way I was before we left Queensland and time to face the fact that those ever so yummy things that we’ve been introduced to will have to go in the “treat only” basket.
My one loyal fan tell’s me that I need to update the blog. But the problem with that is that there isn’t a lot to say. And besides, all of my photo’s that I’d like to show you, from Australia Zoo, to the move, and a few things that have happened since we arrived back home in Melbourne…are on my computer…all the way up <<<< that end of the house. It’s a very long way to go, and there is no chair to sit on. So you’ll just have to wait until we’re set up with our own computer’s in our new home. Which should be soon. We move on Thursday.
Dear Diary Delayed Post # 6
24th August 2009
Dear Diary
It’s getting close now. Just 7 days before we leave! That’s just 9 days until we show up on Nanny and Poppy’s door step!
It’s also getting harder and harder to keep it a secret. Many people know now. People here in town obviously know, many of our old friends from Melbourne. My Mum and Dad. My girls.
The only people that don’t know we’re coming, are Nanny and Poppy and Tim’s sibling’s and their families.
A lot of the posts I’ve put up since the day we decided to come, has had something to do with the move.
My Rabbit Proof fence came about because I thought to myself, yay…now I can own a rabbit! Not that I want to, but it made me think of Michelle. A Melbourne friend.
My Lost in a paper bag came about because we’ve been discussing how much Melbourne has changed since we left in September 2004. New over passes, new highways that weren’t even in the planning stages before we left. I thought about how long it’s taken me to get to know this town. It’s only really this year that I’ve learnt the really important roads, and I’m terrified of how Melbourne is going to be for me. We bought a Tom Tom. I’ll be right.
Our BBQ was a Farewell BBQ. We posted it as our anniversary BBQ simply so that we could post about it. I wrote “I will miss you when you go Nikki” not because she is leaving town, but because WE were leaving town.
My over it post had nothing to do with finding something to write about, but finding something I COULD write about that didn’t involve this move. Almost everything we’ve done over the last two months has been something to do with this move!
In my “Boating” post, at the very end I wrote that I was so tired because we’d had a massive weekend. Well, that weekend we’d had our garage sale. Tim and I decided that because we wanted to sell everything we would start early. Unlike the one’s that start at 9am, we started ours at 6am. I spent the entire week in the garage and sorted through our crap throughout the house. We spent 9 hours in the sun, nine hours of haggling with tight ass Warwickian’s who wouldn’t pay fifty cents for something that in store and new would cost hundreds.
Not only has blogging become hard because I couldn’t put the real story here, but facebook and talking to Nanny and Poppy too.
On facebook I couldn’t write my status the way I wanted. While we were busy writing up Tim’s resume and sending them in my status would appear as “doing very important stuff”. When I was packing it would be “busy doing…stuff” I had to delete countless messages or replies there when people screwed up and said something about the move or Tim getting a new job. Tim’s brother and sister are on facebook and I didn’t want them seeing our secret.
Talking to Nanny and Poppy would have to be the hardest part about this. I don’t know how they’ve done it so many times. I’ve slipped up many times now, but I don’t even know if I recovered myself well enough for them not to notice.
When Poppy told Tim he’d got a few more books for our collection and would send them up last week, I told him he should save his money and we would bring them back with us when we came for holidays in September. They think we’re going down in November. Not only that, we told them we were flying down in November, not driving. So when I said we’ll take them back with us Nanny said “But you’re flying down?”
Then we were talking about Tim having holidays. Nanny said “That’s great, it will get you away from work” and I muttered under my breath “That it will” since, Tim had already put in his notice and was due to finish up in three days.
The most enjoyable thing though, has been baiting them. Saying things like “Oh Nanny, we need a break, can you have Jaxon for us” and knowing that she would automatically say “In a heart beat, I’d have him any day of the week”. Tim would be sitting there writing secret messages to me out of view like “careful what you wish for”
We’ve asked them a lot of questions, for things we needed to know. Using other excuses to get them to talk about it. We needed to know how much rego would cost for us in Melbourne for the car. So we told them OUR rego was over $800 for a year…what did they pay? We asked Poppy, the GPS/Sat Nav go to man, what was the best one to get…so we could navigate our way aroubnd Queensland. But really, so we could find our way around in Melbourne.
But most importantly. We were worried Nanny and Poppy would be on their way up for a surprise visit while Tim and I were already on our way down. So we pestered and pestered them for about a month, to try and get info out of them. First they said “Wont be until September”. Well that didn’t work for us! Then they said it wouldn’t be until the end of the year. But could we trust that they weren’t just saying that? Then it became “we wont be there until Jaxon’s birthday” which is next year, and could they really hold off from seeing us that long??
We had to find a way to make sure they wouldn’t come up while we were packing. Or when we were already gone. And every week I would get Tim to ring them on random night’s to ask stupid questions. Just to make sure they were still in Melbourne. In the end, we had to tell them that WE were planning a holiday and that WE wouldn’t tell them when it was because then if they really were coming to see us they would have to tell us when, or risk coming when we were gone.
I sure hope I don’t fuck this up. We’ve come too far.
Our plans are BRILLIANT and so bloody exciting!
Dear Diary Delayed Post #5
23rd August 2009
Dear Diary
The trap has been laid. The In laws are none the wiser. It’s just 8 days before we rock up on their door step unannounced. I hope their hearts are in good nick.
I’ve got to tell you, that before today i was really quite sad to be leaving. I’ve been packing for 6 weeks now yet nothing seemed real until yesterday. On Friday (21st) Tim finished work, so yesterday was the day we started not just packing, but dismantling furniture for the move back to Melbourne.
Now it’s all so real. Just one more week before our things are picked up and taken away.
And then, we go.
But now I’m totally pumped. I’m excited mostly, to see the looks on Nanny and Poppy’s faces when we show up. They have no idea. They think we’re headed up North. They think…we’re 1600 kilometer’s away.
We’ve already been to Australia Zoo. Tim took a sickie last Wednesday and we went for the day. This was part of the master plan. We got photo’s on Tim’s mobile of Jaxon and I all throughout the zoo. And a few hours before we leave Dad’s to go to their house, we’ll start sending them those photo’s. Just to trick them in to a false sense of security.
Because of course they may well have some suspicions that we’re coming. We don’t know. But they think we’re leaving on Thursday, 27th of August. By the time it gets to Monday surely they’ll have given up on the idea of us coming to see them and just be thinking we really HAVE gone up North, instead of down South.
Then of course, if we can keep our big mouths shut for a day or two, we wont be telling them we’ve MOVED back. We’ll let them recover from the first shock of having us visit first.
I just can’t wait.
Dear Diary Delayed Post #4
5th August
Dear Diary,
Well in my last entry I said we were counting on a good tax return and a good garage sale to get us back. I’m happy to say that both of those things have happened, and we’re now in a great financial spot to be able to make this move. And I mean GREAT. If Tim doesn’t get a job before we go, on the 1st of September, then we’ll still be alright up until October. Perhaps even mid October.
It’s all finalizing now. We’ve had our garage sale, and made a killing. And this Saturday, as Tim and I celebrate our 7th year of being together and 6th year of being married, we’re also having a Farewell BBQ.
Tim has put in his notice at Big W. He finishes up on the 21st of August. And I’m telling you now, he can’t wait and neither can I. The day he finishes up is the day that everything becomes REAL.
We’ve sat down, and we’ve created a fantastic resume for Tim. We’ve applied for 80 jobs in Melbourne so far. We’ve had 6 rejections. Three phone interviews. All of which ended in them telling Tim that he’s perfect for the job but they can’t hold the position open that long. So I’m super confident that before we go, Tim will have a job to go to.
Of course, Tim is not so confident. I want him to have faith in me and how I am feeling about this move rather than focusing on his very small percentage of rejections. We will continue to put in job applications and as the time get’s closer I am confident he will be successful.
I keep telling him it’s in the stars. It is meant to be that we move. Because if it wasn’t meant to be then none of the things we needed to happen before we could go, would have happened. We would never have got a good tax return and our garage sale would have been a bust.
The same thing happened when we decided we’d move up here. We had no money to make the move the day we decided we would go. But we once again got a great tax return and a pay out from the theft of my car a few months earlier. Without those things happening, we wouldn’t be here in the first place.
The day Tim came home and I said we should move back to Melbourne we had $300 in our savings account. And now, two months after we’ve decided to go back, we have enough money that we could survive quite easily for the next two and a bit months without a job.
This move is meant to be. And everything will be ok.
Dear Diary Delayed Post #3
21st July 2009
Dear Diary
So we have our little list of things we need to do before we go. Sorting through crap…deciding what to take and what to sell. Deciding when Tim’s last day of work will be and when Jaxon’s last day of EDC will be.
Now I’m sad.
Nothing in this world could stop us from going now. Just as there was nothing that could have stopped us coming to Queensland in the first place.
The difference being that we had things we were running from when we left Melbourne. Traffic and a few other choice things. We were sad and scared and all that stuff. But we were excited too.
This time, we have nothing here in our life that we’re running from. We LOVE our life here. We love everything about it. We love the house we’re living in. We love that Tim only has a 3 minute ride to work.
But mostly, we love our friends. We have some really good friends here. Granted, we don’t have a lot of friends, but the one’s we do have are golden. They have welcomed us in to their lives and we have shared many good times together.
I am extremely sad that we’re leaving them. No matter how good the reason is that we’re going, I know that we’re leaving some of the best friends we’ve ever had behind.
I’m not missing it
It’s mazing how much the internet takes over your life. The thing is, you don’t notice until it’s gone.
Now that I’m at Poppy and Nanny’s and sharing a computer I’ve discovered just how much time I spent with the internet. Not just spending time on the internet but how I would go home and the first thing I HAD to do was check my email’s, check facebook and see what everyone else was up to. Like my life depended on it or something.
So for two weeks now I’ve been totally off the internet. Not unable to use it but not wanting to use it. Not feeling like I am missing status updates about people getting out of bed, having lunch, sitting in the air port and blah blah blah. The stuff it wont hurt me not to know but that I once felt like I needed to know.
I know that when I am back in my own home it will all go back to “normal” but for now I feel free. Like I am not carrying everyone else’s lives in my pocket.
Dear Diary Delayed Post #2
12th June
Dear Diary
We’re still moving. As long as we can afford it. We’ve planted the seed though. With the in laws. We’ve told them we’re planning a holiday to some place on the coast here. We’ve still never been to the coast and it’s a rare event that Tim and I actually HAVE a holiday that we can afford. So that would be totally possible. But this year we’re counting on a good tax return and a good garage sale to get us back.
I have my concerns about this move back. But not what you’d expect.
When we first came up here we came with one dog and two cats. Now, on our return trip, we’ll be going with two dogs and one cat. The problem is that with inflation, it would cost us $888 just to get Dude back. To get a partially grown GREAT Dane and TWO cats up last time, with a week of boarding to wait for us to get here…cost us that much. So Dude, comes with us this time. On a 25 hour drive. Great.
Then of course, Dookie is also a problem. Not because he’s so big and will take up too much room…or that we might not be able to find somewhere to stay with him over night. Because Dookie Dook…get’s car sick. He’s terrified of the car! That there is a BIG problem. Hopefully a quick call to the vet for some Valium will do the trick!
Then of course there is my insecure mind. I’m worried. I’m worried we will get there, knock on Poppy and Nanny’s front door…surprise, we’re here…and then tell them we’re going to stay and they won’t WANT us there.
Several time’s we’ve discussed moving back with them, and several times they’ve had good reason’s for why we shouldn’t.
Hence, why we’re not telling anyone. This is our choice. We want it to be based on our reasons and not someone else’s. We want it to be because WE decided that we WOULD go, and not because someone said it was OK if we did go.
When we first moved here we said that we would at least give this move a good go. We would at least stay here for one year and see how we felt after that. We’ve done that. And to be completely honest, we love it here. We are really going to miss so much about it.
But we’ve been here five years now. We’ve given it a good go and we both feel that our time here is coming to an end. We’re returning to Melbourne for one thing and one thing only. Family. Moving somewhere different wouldn’t help. We’re alone here, and would be alone anywhere else we moved. Melbourne is the only place we want to be now.
Haaaa. We’re back in Melbourne and it feels great! I’m soaking up the Melbourne…um, weather. Not much sun to speak of, but I love it!
We left on the 31st of August after saying good bye to our very good friends. At 2pm we set off with two dogs, a cat and a toddler. The drive was surprisingly good. We had Dude and Dookie drugged so they weren’t a problem at all. We arrived at my Dad’s 23 hours later and stayed the night there to rest.
Then for the big surprise.
We started texting photo’s of Jaxon at The Australia Zoo to Nanny and Poppy at around lunch time on the Wednesday. Little did we know that Nanny had had a bad day of door knocker’s and fights with Internet company’s.
So when I knocked on the door like their house was on fire, Poppy ducked for cover. If it had been yet another door knocker they may not have seen the day of light again.
Tim started whispering in Jaxon’s ear “Nannny!!!!” and Jaxon started whispering “Nannnyyy!!!” So Tim said “No, NAAAAAANNNNNYYYYY!!!!!”
As Nanny came to the door to answer our calls all she could hear was Jaxon’s sweet sweet voice calling her name. She nearly cried to have us here and it was a lovely family moment.
The plan had been to keep it a secret that we were here in Melbourne for good. But Tim kept slipping up, letting them know that the pet’s were at Dad’s house (and why on earth would they be in Melbourne if we were just here for a week or two??) So we told them the news. We’re here to stay, we miss you.
I think I wrote in one of my upcoming delayed diary posts that I was scared they wouldn’t WANT us here but boy was I wrong! They’re thrilled to have us here. Thrilled we’re staying and the family is back in one place again. We’re all happy.
Now to find a job, and a home to settle in!
Dear Diary Delayed Post #1
6th June
Dear Diary,
We’re moving back to Melbourne. No one knows about this, so this won’t be posted right up until we’re there.
Well, my Dad knows. Because he’s probably going to drive up to us and then drive back down to Melbourne with us. This is good. I’m looking forward to it.
Tim and I have been here in Warwick now for coming on five years. The day we decided to move way back then was like any other day. Tim was working in North Melbourne. We lived about a half hour drive from there in moderate traffic. But this night there’d been a major accident on the free way. Two people died and everyone was stuck in traffic going both ways for hours and hours.
When Tim finally got home, five hours after he should have been home, exhausted from work and annoyed about traffic the first thing he said was “Call your Mum, let’s move to Queenslandâ€
There wasn’t even a second thought. We had doubts of course. But from that moment on we knew that we were going. We didn’t care what it took, we were getting out of the city. You could say that we moved specifically for the traffic. But that really was just the breaking point. There were so many other reasons for us to move away. Most of them I can’t put here. But they were good, I promise.
From that day, to the day we left Melbourne…was 21 days. There hadn’t been a conversation beforehand…we hadn’t thought about it once before that heavy traffic day. We sold almost everything we owned and went. We’re like that. We make up our minds, and we go.
We moved up here and we lived next door to my Mum for a while. Then we moved in to town. And then we had Jaxon. But two years ago Mum got a job in Darwin and left. So we found ourselves left in a small country town, with no family.
We have a few really good friends here. We love them very much. It’s taken us this entire time to make those friends. Despite being open and quirky people…we’re really guarded and take a long time to open up and make friends. But there’s nothing like family.
Everyone visits. Nanny and Poppy visit at least twice a year and so do Grandpa and Grandma. While they’re here, my heart breaks. Jaxon loves them SO much. When they’re here we see him blossom. We see his eyes light up when they come through the door. He yell’s and screams in excitement and it’s just such a joy to see. It’s always a very sad few days for Jaxon when they leave. He really misses them.
This is mostly what made us decide to go back home. Tim’s Mum turns 60 next year and I suggested a week or two ago that we try to rock up on her birthday as a surprise. They do that to us all the time and I would just love to do it to them, especially for Nanny’s birthday. But the plan was only to go for a visit.
Then last Thursday, Nanny had to have an operation on her hand. It sounds really simple but she’s had problems with anaesthetic and her heart has stopped once or twice before on the operating table.
It was an awful day. We worried and worried. I kept thinking…what if? What if Jaxon doesn’t get to see his Nanny again? What if he grows up and all he knows is those few short visits where he got to have a Nanny hug and kiss and shower him with love?
I grew up in a very close knit family. Our extended family wasn’t so close, but my family unit…my Mum and Dad and my brother Terry, we were really close. I want that for Jaxon. I’m giving that to Jaxon. But more than what Tim and I can give him, I want an extended family for him too. I am sick of missing birthdays, and BBQ’s and Christmas Days.
While we waited for the call that said Nanny was ok, I lay in bed thinking. And when Tim came home the first thing I said to him was “Instead of visiting for your Mum’s Birthday, let’s move back to Melbourneâ€
And so it will be. We are going home. There has been no second thought. There was no discussion, no compromise. It is time for us to return to the place where we feel we belong now. Where once we needed to move away from the city and everything else that we were moving away from, we now move back for something much more important.
Don’t make me come in there!
The other night Jaxon was in the bath while I folded his washing in his room, which is just by the bathroom. As I peeked in to check on him I saw him standing in the bath trying to reach the tooth paste. He’s already eaten his fair share of toothpaste, let me tell you.
I told him to sit down. He didn’t sit down.
I told him to SIT down. He didn’t sit down.
So it was then that Daddy joined me in my quest to make Jaxon a little bit safer in the bath.
Daddy came in, all serious.
Remember when your Mum or Dad would say…”Don’t make me come in there!!”? Well that’s what Tim said. He warned Jaxon that he was going to count to three. Here’s how that went.
Daddy: Sit down.
Jaxon: Uh-uh
Daddy: Don’t make me come in there.
Jaxon: meh!
Daddy: I’m going to count to three.
Jaxon: Ah-ha
Daddy: One
Jaxon: Two
Daddy: giggle
Daddy: Twwwo!
Jaxon: Three!!!
Daddy (and Mummy) rolling on the floor laughing.
You probably don’t know this, but right as we speak…Tim, Jaxon and I are on holidays!
We’ve not had a holiday since 2007 so when Tim’s boss told him he had too many weeks saved up (6 weeks) we decided it was time to show Jaxon around the state.
We’re off North. We have no real plans but have a few choice things we really want to see. We’ll be visiting Australia Zoo (home of the crocodile hunter!) for the first time, going to Underwater world and then there are the Glass House Mountains. I’ve put in a photo of them from a far, it’s as close as I’ve ever been to them.
That’s a pretty crappy photo so I got one off line…to show you there is actually more to them than this little peak.
Then, we don’t know. I guess we should sit down and do some research hey??
Stayed tuned, for a post about how incredibly adorable and cute my son is!
My old friend…
With everything that’s been happening around here (like, the pub fire…wow!) I didn’t get to post about a few things that have happened over the last few days.
Dookie went and had his nuts cut off He came back a little quiet. Not dopey, just quiet. Probably mourning the loss of his two best friends.
Here he is, that night, hugging our crazy cow. At least he was crazy until Jaxon pulled out his battery pack.
Dookie was often caught outside making sweet sweet puppy love to his dog bed. I bet right now, he’s missing the sex.
A sad sad day in Warwick…sniff sniff.
The news spread like wild fire. Mobile phones beeped and rang, friends visited friends. Facebook was alive with the news that The Universal Hotel was going up in flames.
I’ve never been there. In fact, I’ve never set foot in a single pub here in town…in five years. That’s pretty amazing to the people I grew up with. The one’s whose parents hated me because I was THAT girl, THE BAD INFLUENCE!
I couldn’t resist the opportunity to go down and take photo’s of this historical event.
RIP Universal Hotel
1907 – 23rd august 2009
(don’t worry, I’m sure the rednecks of the town are already rallying to get you rebuilt)
Lost in a paper bag
I am absolutely useless at finding my way around streets. Actually, I lie. I can find myself around the streets…but when it comes to recalling the name of the street I am on, I just can’t do it. I can not make it stick.
I’ve been like this all of my life. While my brother basically came out of the womb ready to face the world and get lost if he had to, I came out scared of getting lost and unwilling to try. Terry took himself to school from his very first day. Granted, we lived three doors from the school…but when it was my turn, I had to be taken right to that front door and there was NO WAY my Mum was going to get me to do it alone. Did I mention that we lived three doors from the school?? That we had no streets to cross, no lights to wait for?? We didn’t even have a dog I could be scared of.
It didn’t get better as I got older. When I was 12 and decided I wanted to have music lesson’s I needed to find my way to Collins Street in the heart of the city. I had to get a TRAM all by myself and I still had not stepped on a tram by myself before that. But Mum made me do it. I guess there was a life lesson in there somewhere. The thing was, I was so scared I would miss my stop and end up lost in the city. Despite the fact that a tram on it’s return run (remembering trams don’t miraculously jump tracks)…would go right BY OUR HOUSE!
So Mum came up with a brilliant way of teaching me where things were. She used landmarks. Collin’s street was the next stop after Bourke Street. And Bourke Street was a pedestrian walkway covered in bright red bricks. The only one in the city. Mum would say “Push the button’s after the red bricks”. All I’d have to do is get off at the next stop.
So I sat on that tram and I watched as the streets went by. I didn’t look at street names, I looked for the red bricks. The second I saw the red bricks, heart pumping in my ears from the fear I was feeling, I got up and pushed that button as quick as I could.
Mum had a back up plan too. If I missed the red bricks, all I had to do was get off at McDonald’s…and go two blocks back.
It worked. I knew where the red bricks were and I knew where McDonalds was and from there I could be directed through a series of landmarks to the place I needed to go. Eventually I was able to name a few streets.
I was totally lost when the city took the red bricks out and replaced them with your every day standard bricks.
But 20 years on, I’m still the same. I still use landmarks to find myself around town. By moving here, I reduced the number of street names I actually needed to remember by more than 95%. But still, I don’t know which one Grafton St is, or Albion Street is. We only HAVE one main street to remember. Tim, now has to say “Go to Eagle Boy’s Pizza and turn right” or “It’s on the same street as the statue”
I wonder, if in 40 years I will ever know the streets of this town by their name and not their landmarks.
A nice change!
Anyone that knows Tim will know that he’s a walking encyclopedia. He has so much crap in his head. He remembers everything, unless of course it’s me telling him it’s bin night, or could you pleeease put your clothes IN the basket and not NEXT to the basket….or….and…if…
You can talk to Tim about anything. It could be the most out there thing, something that most people know nothing about…and he’ll have something to tell you about it.
That’s really frustrating for me sometimes. It doesn’t matter what I know about something, chances are good that Tim know’s more. Chances are that I’m telling the story wrong in the first place, and Tim can correct me.
But the other day, finally, after six years of marriage…I knew something that he didn’t. And what a lovely change it was to feel like the brains and not just the pretty face! It also prooves that I wasn’t drunk or asleep through every single chemistry class I ever had during year twelve. I was able to tell Tim that the “half life” of radioactive waste, is the time that it takes for HALF of the original substance to break down.
I had to write it here so that I would remember it has happened once. No doubt it will take another six years of living together for me to find something Tim doesn’t know.