This is a project I have been working on for days. We’ve had the web cam operating for three days now trying to get just 24 hours. But the first night we had it on, the program that sequences the photo’s shut down and didn’t make my movie for me. The second morning the power went out and we didn’t get the sunrise. Then half way through day two Jaxon clicked my mouse and turned the web cam off. It’s taken a lot of work to get all of this put together.
I’ve cut a lot out. Time’s when we’re in the loungeroom or the back yard or the back of the house have been cut out because nothing is happening. The sunrise went for a lot longer and there was a bigger gap between when Tim left for work and I get up. This would have been about 20 minutes worth if I hadn’t.
I hope you enjoy it. This is approximately 20,000 photo’s. The web cam took a shot every three seconds.
Here are some things you might want to look out for.
- oo.oo 4am Sunrise
- 0.46Â Tim up for work, Dude has been let out.
- 1.38Â Tim leaves for work.
- 1.41Â I get up
- 1.49Â Jaxon gets up
- 2.33 I make a phone call to the manufacturer of Jaxon’s new bed for new parts to be delivered because I broke it. But thats a story for Tim’s blog.
- 4.39 Jaxon is put in his cot and I fix the hole’s Dude put in the blow up truck. Vacuum and mop too.
- 6.08 Jaxon and Dude are playing ball
- 6.27Â Jaxon starts wrapping himself in the hall carpet behind me.
- 7.04Â I go to clean the en suite bathroom, Jaxon takes advantage.I assure you, he’s safe.
- 7.16Â Jaxon falls over running because he is wet from the table. Tears.
- 7.21Â Dude joins Jaxon in carpet wrapping fun.
- 8.16Â Jaxon is down for a nap. He slept for three hours.
- 8.30Â MB I’m emailing back and forth with you!
- 8.51Â I go for a nap.
- 8.52Â Jaxon wakes up, dinner starts.
- 9.08Â Jaxon is in the bath, Tim has hurt his back at work and is in bed.
- 9.17 someone weird is at the door (another story all together!) and I wake Tim up to watch Jaxon     while I help.
- 9.43Â Tim has blown up a swim ring that is WAY too big for Jaxon. It’s just a toy for now.
- 10.11 I have no pants on
- 10.15 We go to the pool. I’ve cut a LOT of Dude out but thought you should see what they do while we’re gone!
- 10.52 We return, Jaxon has a bath. Yes, two baths.
- 11.01 Jaxon is put to bed. A lot has been cut out of here too. I was making the MRI montage and stayed up WAY too late for my own good.
- 11.13 Dude is annoying the crap out of me. He has jumped on my lap, bitten my foot and climbed the computer desk.
- 11.21 We go to bed. The night before we had sex and you got to see my afterglow. But Tim had to go and hurt his back!
Other things you didn’t get to see.
- Dude being run down by Jaxon. Over and Over.
- Mexxi attacking Dude
- Tim doing his elevator impression over in the kitchen
- Me pinching Tim’s nipple and the chase that ensued. Then the scared cat who busted the blow up truck.Dude ran UP the wall and along the truck, but none of the photo’s showed it.
- Me parading naked in the dark while the front light was on.
- Me picking my nose.
- Jaxon and I playing catch with Tim.
- There are a few marital snogs that happen that you will miss because they happen so quickly. Tim also made a habit of groping my boobs, see if you can spot that!
- Jaxon really did have two baths. The first was because Tim hurt his back so I didn’t think we would go to the pool. But then we did so we had to bath Jaxon again.
Love it! A day in the life. I would have LOVED to see Dude pop the truck.
Hey I’m famous! I made it in the video via email.
Didn’t catch any boob groping. Did see Dude climbing all over you (and can so relate).
Love watching Mexxi watching Jaxon eat. Her head goes up and down with each arm movement.
Your hair changes alot throughout the day LOL!
What was the light that kept going on and off at your door while you were gone?
Is there a little TV or something going on the corner of your counter?
You are so busy you make me tired.
Your table and chairs are really nice.
What a cool idea!
Like MB asked, what was the light going on and off when you guys were gone? and you do you such in a day you make me tired just watching you too!… plus I would of loved to see Dude pop the truck too hihi
Jaxon seems to feed himself pretty good, I’m impressed! Patrick and Jeremie play with way to much when they eat!
I’m not sure what you mean by my hair changing a lot. It’s either up or down. There is one bit where it’s wet and then all of a sudden it’s dry and put back. We watched a movie when Jaxon went to bed.
The light at the front door is our sensor light. It goes off when a car drives by on the same side as us.
The “little TV” is our wireless modem over on the kitchen bench I assume. It has blue flickering lights in a big circle.
I’m not that busy. It just looks like it because I cut out any bits where we were not in front of the camera. Quite a few times throughout the day we were just lazing about watching TV or in Jaxon’s room doing very little.
And I don’t vacuum and mop or do washing every single day. I made sure to do it on a busy day so it wouldn’t be a clip of us doing nothing. I did it on the ONLY day I do washing or vacuum and mop!
Also, the sensor light goes on and off when we’re home too. It’s just harder to see because our inside lights are on. Mylene Jaxon doesn’t play with fod very much!! As I said, this was my “busy day” You just know that someone is pretty lazy during the rest of the week when they have a “busy day” I do all of my house work on one day and the rest of the week it goes to shit!
Dang girl, you are dangerously quick with a mop and a broom! That is way too cool though!
Very cool. I think Chuck eats that fast without being speeded up! The man wolfs his food down. We’re a long way from tank tops and being shirtless, BRRRRRRRRR. I can so relate to getting crayon and pencils out to color and draw with. It’s Cassidy’s favorite pastime, we get out the crayons umpteen times a day.
Well that particular day was hot and muggy. I had the airconditioner on most of the day. Jaxon loves his colouring in but also has a jug with his old plastic spoons and forks and five rubber ducks that we use to encourage him to use his right arm. The theory being that if there is so many things he has to use both hands to do what he wants!
Oh and I think all year around is tank top worthy for me. I feel the heat and not the cold. Bit of a freak of nature!
That is so super cool, I wish I had a webcam! You now have your own reality web show!
Jessica I’ve been trying to find a way to set web cam options up on the blog for ages. This was the next best thing…that and I’m naked more than I should be when I sit here at my computer!