I’ve made up a ridiculously long video of Jaxon and his obsession with Tim’s bike.
Well, that was what it started out as. Then I watched the clip and just didn’t want to cut it short. So you can watch the first minute or so and stop it if you like. OR, you can just watch it all and go “awwwwww” all the way through.
As I just said in my previous post, Jaxon is overly obsessed with Tim’s new bike. He really could have cared less about the green one but this red one must do it for him or something.
So now when Tim come’s or goes on the bike Jaxon runs to the front window to watch yelling out “Um um um” and if we open the garage door he rushes in there yelling out then too.If he see’s a photo of it he goes wacko too.
So this video shows it a little bit. But then this afternoon when I was transferring it across to vimeo Jaxon saw it and went even more berzerk! So I’ll add a video a bit later of the real “going crazy” and not the “I really should be in bed crazy”
Jaxon has just had a “Mummy Cut” in this video. I gave him a hair cut about three hours before this. Ever since his first cut, on the 11th of November 2007 (I don’t know why I remember that all the time) the hairdressers have been screwing up his hair. There would be cut marks through it where they had just chopped a straight line. The fringe would be crooked or there’d be really obvious short and long bits at the back. They could really screw it up. So I figured that if anyone was going to screw up my son’s chances of getting laid then it should be me and I’ve been giving him mummy cuts ever since. I do a pretty good job.
Watch this space…