Welcome to the new Me.

This is my official welcoming message. The site is not complete, and you may not notice any difference’s from the old Kicking and Screaming. But believe me when I say *I* am going to notice, even if you don’t. I’m sorry about that big ass photo of me up in my header, I need more time to work on a real one.

People are asking why I’ve made the change and the best thing I can say is that I found a woman’s blog months and months ago and absolutely loved the layout. It was just amazing…and hosted on wordpress. When I tried to make similar changes over at blogger I got frustrated at the lack of control I had, even if I had hundred’s of options. There were certain things I wanted to change and couldn’t.

Why discoverboo.com?? Seriously? Have you ever tried to buy yourself a cheap domain name for exactly what you want? Well, let me tell you! We tried kickingandscreaming.com (go have a look! It’s not even that its already a worthy web site, it’s been stolen by some money making assholes who want me to pay $700 for it! Instead of $12 for an available one) but it was not available as a .com, only a .com.au. And to get a .com.au domain you have to be a registered business. Now I am all for my being unique and having my own domain name…but registering a business just to host a blog was out of the question.

We tried at least 30 different variation’s on kicking and screaming. We tried to come up with a different tag line. “shadesofgrey”, “littlewhitelies” “nothingbutlies”, “nothingbuttruth”, “nothingbutbullshit”, but only ran in to the same problem. It was either unavailable, or not available as a dot com. I even tried “idontgiveaflyingfuckwhatwecallit.com” Funnily enough…that was mine for the taking!

Two weeks later and we still didn’t have a domain name. Tim was sitting here at my computer typing crap in to the domain name search engine and I was watching TV. An anti-abortion add came on. It’s nothing really special. I’ve always thought that there must be more to the add than the bit they keep repeating. Because unless you actually look at their website you don’t know that “discoveremily.com” is an anti-abortion campaign. Anyway, I saw that and yelled out at Tim, who by now was pulling his hair out trying to help me find a name. And sure enough, discoverboo.com was available.

After two weeks of messing about with one tiny little detail, we took it. And here you are. Welcome to my site. I hope you enjoy what you read and I hope you enjoy the changes I make, please leave me a comment if you do or don’t.

A quick word of warning. Over at Kicking and Screaming I left a lot of stuff that I would have liked to have posted off the site in case it might offend people, or that one day Jaxon might read it. None of that here. If I want to say it, it’s going here. Get used to it, it’s all about discovering the real Boo :)

The Great Ducky Melt Down

Not long after we moved in to the house Jaxon was quite content sitting on the lounge room floor playing with Dude. 

Ducky sat abandoned on the floor in the hallway and I thought I’d take advantage of his lack of interest and give Ducky a big bath.

So Ducky had a bath and then while Jaxon rode his new bike in the backyard, paying no attention to what I was doing, I hung Jaxon’s clothes and his Duck on the clothes line.

When I prompted Jaxon to come back in he rode his bike right under the line.

He almost got all the way under without looking up. I thought I was safe. But just as he came out from under the line, he stopped, turned and LOOKED UP.

That was the end of Jaxon for the next half an hour while Ducky dried on the line.

I brought Jaxon inside and I tried to entice him with food and something to drink. I even tried COKE! Coke…I tried COKE to help him forget that his beloved Duck was being tortured in the back yard.

Nothing worked. He cried right up until we took his duck off the line so he could suck on his bum again.

Don’t think badly of me for taking photo’s of this melt down. It’s not like he was crying for 2 minutes, this was a half an hour affair. You know, you get to the point where you just can’t do anything for them, and the best thing to do is take photo’s…so you can tease them about it when they’re 21!

Stay tuned for our adventures in Ducky hunting…finding a replacement has not been easy!

A Very Sad Day

Jaxon’s great grand daddy passed away early this morning after having a fall at home on Friday night.
I was not lucky enough to know Cec as well as I would have liked but I do know that he was an incredibly kind and generous man with a huge heart.

He will be missed.


8th of February 1915 – 27th October 2008

Toot Toot Chugga Chugga!

This is Jaxon’s new bike. Or, I should say, it’s not new. His grandpa Ted (my Dad) has been giving Jaxon things ahead of his physical ability since he was born. He got this bike for him when he was three months old. We’ve had it in storage but during the move Jaxon found it. And loves it! He’s so cute riding around on this thing, and he’s so good at it. Considering at the EDC they have bikes like this and for the last few months Jaxon has just sat on them unable to move, this is pretty impressive. The video is of the first night he’d ever been on it.

Apparently he’s saying “kitty cat” but I just can’t hear it!

We're back!

We’re in our new home sweet home now. I have so much to say that I don’t quite know where to start.

Firstly I’d like to say thank you to MaryBeth for keeping everyone company over here at Kicking and Screaming! You didn’t have to, since we’re not so important here that we have hundreds of reader’s, but it was fun to see what you had to say in reply to my questions.

Seriously, Da Burgh does sound very romantic and wonderful but I think Tim and I will stick to Australian soil. We just moved 10 kilometer’s from our old place and that was bad enough. I think we’ll stick to one child for the moment too :)

I’d also like to thank Pizza Hut, KFC, MacDonald’s, Subway and our local Chinese Restaurant for making this move possible.

I must not forget to send out a big thank you to Milanta ant-acid tablets.

And the makers of Kleenex Toilet Paper. Not that I need toilet paper at the moment since I’m so blocked up from all the junk food we’ve consumed in the last week. But I AM trying, and they tell me thats what counts.

Then of course I must get a little serious and thank all of our crazy ass friends who helped us this past week. Especially Nicole. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and would 100% help you to move (just not yet ok?) Thank you for everything. Thank you for throwing our stuff in boxes and then throwing it out at the new place. Thank you for the hugs when I cried in stress. Thank you for knowing that we needed the help. Thank you for forcing me to accept it.

So stayed tuned. I’ve not yet told the full story of all that has happened. I’m not sure I am ready to!

We’re back!

We’re in our new home sweet home now. I have so much to say that I don’t quite know where to start.

Firstly I’d like to say thank you to MaryBeth for keeping everyone company over here at Kicking and Screaming! You didn’t have to, since we’re not so important here that we have hundreds of reader’s, but it was fun to see what you had to say in reply to my questions.

Seriously, Da Burgh does sound very romantic and wonderful but I think Tim and I will stick to Australian soil. We just moved 10 kilometer’s from our old place and that was bad enough. I think we’ll stick to one child for the moment too :)

I’d also like to thank Pizza Hut, KFC, MacDonald’s, Subway and our local Chinese Restaurant for making this move possible.

I must not forget to send out a big thank you to Milanta ant-acid tablets.

And the makers of Kleenex Toilet Paper. Not that I need toilet paper at the moment since I’m so blocked up from all the junk food we’ve consumed in the last week. But I AM trying, and they tell me thats what counts.

Then of course I must get a little serious and thank all of our crazy ass friends who helped us this past week. Especially Nicole. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and would 100% help you to move (just not yet ok?) Thank you for everything. Thank you for throwing our stuff in boxes and then throwing it out at the new place. Thank you for the hugs when I cried in stress. Thank you for knowing that we needed the help. Thank you for forcing me to accept it.

So stayed tuned. I’ve not yet told the full story of all that has happened. I’m not sure I am ready to!

See Ya In Da Burgh!

Hello it’s Irishembi again from Because I Said So. I’ve talked to Boo briefly via text and she is anxiously awaiting Internet access. But until then you’re stuck with me. Luckily Boo had the foresight to write and schedule some blog entries ahead of time. Otherwise you’d be sitting here listening to the crickets chirp waiting for me to post.

Boo says: Give me 20 sound reasons why I should move to Pittsburgh??

I’m going to assume you can all figure out from that question that I am from Pittsburgh.

Then I could go on to give you the standard Pittsburgh line. “Why WOULDN’T anyone want to move to Pittsburgh??!!!” But that’s not what Boo’s looking for here since she and Tim are seriously considering making some big changes in their lives.

I could send you to one of those “Rah-Rah Pittsburgh” sites, but I think Boo is more interested in hearing my personal opinion.

  1. I’ve never lived anywhere else but Pittsburgh and its surrounding suburbs my entire life, so it’s familiar and comfortable to me. I’d be a great tour guide Boo. And showing someone else Pittsburgh let’s ME learn more about my hometown.
  2. People from Pittsburgh tend to be fiercely loyal to their city. Yes it’s a city, but there’s a reason most of us call it our “hometown.” It has more of a “town” feel as opposed to city, almost anywhere you go in Pittsburgh.
  3. And this love of and loyalty to Pittsburgh is not an exclusionary thing. We LOVE to welcome new people and convert them to “Burghers”. So you would find yourself welcomed and loved here.
  4. Pittsburghers would adore your Aussie accent. And yes you DO have an accent Boo, but just wait until you hear a Pittsburgh accent.
  5. We have chipped ham.
  6. KENNYWOOD! I have an entire blog post of my own to write about the joy of taking my children to an amusement park that I went to when I was a child, and their grandparents before them. I used to think Kennywood was, at the risk of having rotten tomatoes tossed at me by my fellow Pittsburgher’s rinky-dink and small-town and couldn’t possibly compare to some of those national amusement parks like Six Flags or Cedar Point. Until I went to one of those national amusement parks. There is no comparison. You can actually move and breathe and enjoy Kennywood with your children as opposed to having consumer goods shoved down your throat at every turn and waiting in line for a minimum of an hour for every ride. Try standing in line for an hour with a four year old when it is 95 degrees (that’s 35 degrees celsius for my international friends) outside. There is nothing “amusing” about that.
  7. There are 44 colleges and universities in the Pittsburgh area. Good to know for you and Tim, but even better for Jaxon.
  8. Jaxon would have the best treatment available. There are approximately 30 or more hospitals in and around the Pittsburgh area. TOP hospitals. Pittsburgh is where Dr. Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine, Dr. Thomas Starzl pioneered transplant surgery, Dr. Peter Safer developed modern-day CPR and where they developed Mr. Yuk.
  9. You can save your parking space with a folding chair. And nobody will steal it. Really.
  10. People wave to you all the time. People are just friendly here. It’s not hard at all to strike up a conversation. Sometimes that conversation is with the crazy lady in the grocery store that calls you a drug dealer and rams you with her cart when you’re 9 months pregnant (yes boys and girls – TRUE STORY!), but 9 times out of 10 it’s just a nice person willing to chat about the weather.
  11. Er, let’s not mention the weather.
  12. OK, the weather. Well, it is true we have a higher than normal percentage of overcast days in Pittsburgh, and we do have the famous three H’s (hazy, hot and humid) in the summer, but we also experience a glorious four seasons here. You haven’t lived until you’ve walked down the street on a crisp sunny Autumn day in Pittsburgh when the sun is shining and there’s just the faintest hint of nip in the air. It’s what we like to call “jacket weather”. Take a light jacket or sweater with you and you’re good to go for the day.
  13. There is something to do here all year round. We don’t just hibernate in the winter. Even the outdoor Pittsburgh Zoo is open all winter.
  14. Libraries. I don’t know about anybody else but I love libraries. I know I’m a complete geek, but when I was a kid I would ask my Mom to take me and my (also geek) friends to the library instead of the mall. We have libraries everywhere in Pittsburgh. And you can return your books to any one of them as long as they’re part of the Allegheny County Library Association and the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (which most of them are). Yay for no more overdue books! I can dump them wherever I happen to be when I remember. They also have great children’s libraries in just about every library here.
  15. You can have your pick of doctors and hospitals to deliver your next child. I never realized Pittsburgh has an obscene amount of choices when it comes to maternity until I mentioned online my dilemma of selecting which hospital to deliver at. Apparently it’s rare to have so much choice within such a close driving distance. And all of them are top-notch and most have an excellent NICU.
  16. Computers. Computers, computers, computers. All of those doctors and hospitals in Pittsburgh? They are all using or in the process of switching over their systems from paper to computers. When I worked for a General Contractor, the guy we paid scads of money to set up our network was SELF-TAUGHT. Does this sound like anyone you know Boo? And if Tim does need a credential, there are several accredited programs right here in, you guessed it – PITTSBURGH.
  17. Food. Pittsburgh loves its food. We have a restaurant for every possible ethnic group, culture, style, etc. That Turkish artichoke dip you love so much? I’ll bet you an Isaly’s chipped ham sandwich you can find it here at one of the many Turkish restaurants in the Pittsburgh area.
  18. I just did a Google search for “stained glass Pittsburgh” and it immediately came up with at least 10 local business results for stained glass near Pittsburgh. And you can find a class for any kind of art or craft you find interesting in any community in Pittsburgh. They offer them at the community centers, local High Schools, colleges, or art schools. You want to learn how to do it? You can find an instructor in Pittsburgh.
  19. Jaxon would be the coolest guy in school. Pittsburghers, and Americans in general, are fascinated with all things Aussie. Yes we know you’re not all like Crocodile Dundee, but you talk cool, and you’ve got guys like Steve Irwin and Hugh Jackman. We even have a restaurant called “Outback Steakhouse.” It has nothing to do with Australian culture that I can tell other than serving Foster’s, Cooper’s, Toohe
    y’s and James Boag’s beer (at least the menu claims those are Australian beers). But still – we think it’s cool to be from Australia.
  20. I live here!

More freaky than we first thought!

While Tim and I were trying to pick out a name to give to Jaxon before he was born the first name we settled on was Gibson.

Our reason was pretty stupid. Nothing sentimental about it. It wasn’t any one’s name, we didn’t know anyone by that name. We chose that name because we love the show NCIS. The lead character, or one of, is named Leroy Jethro Gibbs. They call him Gibbs.

For reasons that I wont go in to here, we changed our minds about the name. We had to find another one and that ended up, obviously, being Jaxon.

I hadn’t thought anything of it until tonight, while I watched my first episode of NCIS since I was pregnant. In this episode you get to meet Gibbs’ Dad for the first time. And guess what his name is?? Yup. Jackson Gibbs.

Wierd huh??

Teddied Out

This move has put a lot of “crap” in to perspective for me. As I sit here and contemplate the packing, I can see a whole heap of shit that I just don’t use, want, need, or have space for.

Among those item’s are soft and cuddly stuffed animal toys that belong to Jaxon. I am seriously going to need a spare room JUST to store those, now that I can see that they’re strewn all through the house.

I’m not sure what it is but every single person we know has bought Jaxon a soft toy. A teddy here, a lion there, a bear there. Perhaps everyone give’s those out in the hope that "their teddy” will become THE Teddy. The master card of Teddy’s, wouldn’t leave home with out it.

Long before Jaxon was born, while I was pregnant, my friend Tasha gave us a cute little duck that sings “singing in the rain” (or at least, it did) I’ve known Tasha for 27 years. We met in kindergarten. She is my best friend, regardless of how often I see or talk to her. So the fact that Jaxon has chosen her duck to be his best friend is NO surprise to me.  

The duckie goes EVERYWHERE with Jaxon.  But I can tell you that if you filled a ball pit with teddy’s and toys and hid the duck deep within it’s furry depths, Jaxon would throw them, walk on them and ignore them until he found his beloved friend. And then….he would be content and he would walk off in to the sunset, duckie in hand, never to look at or consider those other teddy’s ever again (much like he does to them right now)

I’m here to say, if you don’t mind, that Jaxon and I are well and truly teddied out.

What do you call that…thingamjig??.

So, Jaxon just found…it.

You know. His bits.

He was in the bath and out of no where, for the first time ever, he just reaches down and touches it.

He was all like “whoa…what’s this? Mum, check this out! Quick…look, what do you think it is?” and I was all like “whoa, what the hell do I say?”

It’s all simple when he’s touching or poking at another part of his body. When he found his belly button I simply said “that’s your belly button” and when he found his nose, I told him exactly what that there thing on his face was.

But I must admit that I was a little bit lost for words when it came to this particular subject and my 21 month old son.

Do I say penis? Doodle? Dick? Big fella?

What is considered PC these days???

What do YOU say?? Consider this a survey of sorts.

Is it just me?


This is the first time Tim and I have moved in almost 3 years. It is on the top of our list for things we avoid like the plague. I would rather a root canal without anesthetic. 

It’s not really just the moving bit either. I grew up in a family home. I was there when I was young and my Dad only sold it to move 3 years ago. I know that house like the back of my hand and it makes me sad to think of other people living in it. It was the safest place in the world because my Mum and Dad were there. I want that for Jaxon. I don’t want to move him around lot’s.

Aside from that, I hate packing. I hate taking things to the car and I hate driving to the new place and I hate taking it out of the car and then finally, finding new homes for places.

So it shocked me yesterday when we first told three of our close friends that we were moving because each of them jumped at the chance to help us move. They didn’t even bat an eye about it. Right off the mark they all said “Oh cool, do you want help to move"?”

Does this not strike you as odd? Or is it just me. Perhaps it’s just me. I’m pretty sure it’s just me.

I know I’ve helped three friends move in the past. But we were all in our early 20’s. That means that all any of us had to move was a bed and a washing basket of clothes. A few old pots and pans taken from Mum’s kitchen and TV. Easy as pie. Even moving in with Tim I only had a bed and a few other choice items. Now, we have three bedrooms and a house full of crap to move and a life of junk to pack.

I would never in a million years offer to help someone move. Don’t get me wrong. If my friends needed me to clean for them, or take them on a four hour drive to get somewhere, or shop for them…I would have no hesitations in doing that. And if they ASKED me to help them move I would. But I would not offer willingly.

I was hesitant to accept their offer’s because then perhaps one day they might need MY help to move and I might have to say yes, because it would be returning a favor. And why would anyone want to move anyone? I don’t like doing it for myself much less doing it for someone else.

It is just me isn’t it??

A Good Deal

Hello everyone! This is Irishembi from over at “Because I Said So.” Boo is off having fun moving to a new house (if you define “fun” as packing up and moving yourself, a husband, a toddler, a dog and two cats and all the accoutrements that go with those things) and has asked me to be a “guest blogger.”

If you read my blog regularly you’ll know I’ve been suffering from constipation of the brain recently so luckily Boo has handily provided me with a list of questions to answer; graciously providing me with something to write about. I’m not sure if she intended me to answer all of the questions in one post, but since I tend to be long-winded (as evidenced by the fact that I’ve already written two paragraphs without even stating the topic question yet), I decided to take them one at a time.

Boo says: “I was going to ask you what number of children you thought was a good deal. One two or three?”

Well the “good mom” answer would be “three” seeing as I currently happen to have three. But my answer to that question is different at any given time of the day (at 6:00 a.m. it’s ZERO. Zero children is a good deal.) or any different time of my life. As a little girl I remember telling my best friend I only ever wanted two or four children as I didn’t ever want to make someone the “middle child.” I guess Jamie will just have to deal.

There was truly never a time that I thought I didn’t want children at all. There were times that I thought I wouldn’t have children either because, well, that whole male + female thing is kinda important, and there were definitely very, uh, dry periods in my life. And then with both of my marriages there were stages when I thought having children was just not a wise idea. Obviously that stage was permanent with the first marriage.

I jokingly tell people that when I had my first baby I knew I only wanted one child, and then after having my second I knew I wanted more. This is only half tongue in cheek. Sabrina was a difficult baby. I had to be cajoled and convinced to take a pregnancy test the second time, disbelieving all the while it could be positive. My first response on seeing that second line? “Oh crap.” The only reason it was worded so mildly was because Sabrina was in the room.

After having Jamie I had the “perfect family.” One boy, one girl. And yet. I still had this longing. It was almost as though there was another soul out there telling me, “wait for me, I’m not ready yet.”

And sure enough when I got pregnant shortly after Jamie’s first birthday, I had a much more positive response to the news. But that little soul still wasn’t ready for me, and she (I’ll never know for sure, but have always been convinced it was a girl) slipped away at 6 weeks.

I’ve now had my third child, a gorgeous little girl again, bringing my tally of children to three. I don’t have that feeling of someone waiting anymore, but there is still a certain wistfulness of maybe another…..

And then someone keeps me up all night and I remember how much I like to sleep and that I’d really like to get back to it someday.

Thoughts for the day…day 1


  • Being on hold for half an hour to connect a service that you really need connected while your 20 month old son is not feeling well and is in a rather cranky and loud mood is NO FUN.


  • I’m not so sure I like the new yellow Wiggle.


  • Calling a robot answering your phone’s “customer service”  is just wrong.


  • Yelling at the soulless robot answering my question’s still feel’s wrong.

  • Shit, we’re moving!


  • Screaming at her feel’s much better

  • Had better put the sex toys away now…


  • Must buy cupboard locks for the kitchen

  • How did we get THAT much CRAP?


  • I wonder if I can complain about the new yellow wiggle??


  • Jaxon is SO CLEVER. It’s no secret he’s watching the Wiggles while I pack and organize phones and power at the new house. They JUST played that song “Wave my arms and swing my baton” Jaxon went and got his wiggles drum and pushed on the button to play that song. He had four buttons to chose from, and he got the right one?


  • No, I do not want my child’s photo taken


  • Letting your teenaged daughter wear matching pink flannelette PJ’s and high heel clogs down the street is a bad look.

  • We have the best friends ever!!


  • No, I still don’t want my child’s photo taken.

  • Why aren’t the summer boy’s clothes out yet? It’s boiling hot!


  • Why can’t all kitty tray liner’s be the same size?




  • Where do I start packing? What do we take first? When will we be ready for the gas to go over? Oh that’s three…hmmmm.

  • FUCK! We’re moving!

  • Did I mention we have the best friends?

  • Is it bed time yet?


Yeah, I’m so lucky…


Last night friends of ours came over to see the new house. The first thing one of them said to us when they came through the door was that we were “lucky bitches” because we were going to get a sum of money from the government and they weren’t. 

If you don’t know, the Australian government is handing out a bit of money (10.4 million) to help with the “economic crisis” in December. They’ll be giving low income family’s/earner’s some money, pensioner’s some money and some other people some money. About $1000. Apparently it’s a per child sort of thing for people with kids. Not to mention doubling or tripling the first home owner’s grant for $7 grand to 14 or 21 grand.

So these friends of ours collectively earn double what Tim and I earn and they live with their parents to save money for a home loan, they probably pay a quarter the amount that we pay in bill’s per fortnight. Let’s not talk about “rent” they pay. They don’t have kids.

This is not specifically a bitch about them or what they said…but seriously. If you’re not having to figure out what dietary item you can go without so that you can put petrol in your car just to get to work to earn your pittance, quit your bitching.

If you can afford to go to the movies more than once a year AND go to dinner without having to reorganize your weekly budget on a regular basis….quit your bitching.

If going for a two hour drive for no reason other than to get out of the house is something that you do without batting an eye…quit your bitching.  

If you have kids and can buy them a full new outfit ALL AT ONCE, not one item a week, quit your bitching.

If you answered yes to any of those scenario’s, quit your bitching. You don’t need help, you’re just being greedy.

I could maybe understand your rant if we were going to get this money simply because our name started with a “P” and yours didn’t. But thinking that we’re LUCKY to be getting this money because we’re low income earner’s is just not on.

I’d rather count myself luckier not be on that list, thank you very much.

Guess what??


Can you believe it? I bet you can’t. Because Tim and I can’t believe it either.

We started looking on Monday. Yesterday. We looked in three homes. One we really wanted and two that were not worthy of human inhabitants.

Anyway we put in an application today at 12pm and by 2pm they told us we could move in. We’ve paid our bond, we’ve signed the papers…we have the keys!

Are you still in shock? Well how do you think we feel? We thought we would have trouble getting a place simply because we have a dog and two cats. We thought it would take WEEKS to find someone who would let us have them inside (many places say pets ok- outside only. But Mexxi is NOT an outside kind of dog/rat)

We haven’t even packed anything yet! I have packed our books away and I’ve packed up the stained glass room too. That’s it! The rest will be on the fly!

Needless to say, we’ll be gone for a while until everything is set up at the new place. Any posts you see from here on in are pre-written.

I’m not here.


Above: a preview :)



That’s not normally the kind of word that people use to describe me. I promise. Really.

But the other night, that’s exactly what quite a few people would have been calling me.

Let me set the scene for you. Friday night. It’s late. It’s dark. It’s raining.

Insert one Ten Pin Bowling Alley. With disco lights and loud music.

Add four fully grown adults.

And bumper’s.

The game was going really well. But it got boring so we decided to make it a little more challenging.

The Challenge? Hit the bumper’s four times before you hit the pins.

It sounds pretty simple but in all honesty it’s not. Getting three bumps before you hit the pins was hard enough.

After a few failed attempts, it was finally my turn.

Being that I couldn’t just be a normal person I decided to bowl my ball from lane twelve. We were in lane thirteen.

I threw my ball with all of my might. It went rocketing down the lane at full speed ahead. Nothing was going to stop it.

It hit the bumper head on. Instead of a light or even moderately hard tap that slid along it more than hit it.




Tinkle… as the springs from the bumper burst from their safe house and flew all over the lane.

Dying of embarrassment, and laughing our collective asses off (me nearly peeing my pants on the floor) one of us finally had to volunteer to go and tell the people behind the desk. Even though they’d been watching the whole time.

Two minutes later the fifteen year old manager comes over to me. I’m sure he’s going to tell me that I now owe the center $2000 to replace the bumper. But no. He tells me in his most “adult sounding” tone, that “that’s what happens when you extreme bumper bowl” 

I’d like to think that in years to come, for all of eternity (or at least the next two weeks) people throughout my district will be telling whacky tales about a wild and free spirited teenager (hooligan,thug, delinquent, idiot) who broke the bumper’s at the bowling alley.



Above: I’d like to say this was my own photo but it’s just a google one. I did take my camera, but our batteries are dying and though they were newly charged, were too dead to take photo’s :(

Stupid People

Perhaps I’m just in a bad mood. I don’t know. I really don’t think it has anything to do with my mood and more to do with people doing stupid things.

I am speaking specifically about my babysitter. Who is giving Jaxon a bath as we speak.

I get a Blue Care babysitter once a week for four hours. I pay $5 for the service, which is government run. I get this service because I have no family to help out every now and then. So I sort of feel like I don’t have the right to say anything about this.

Recently Blue Care has been changing the way it utilizes it’s staff. This means that the lady we’ve been getting since Jaxon was 8 months old no longer works our area. It also means that each and every week for the last 3 months we’ve had a new lady come to care for him.

Blue Care normally look after the elderly. They go to their home’s and help them shop, or clean, or make sure they take medication. They do shower’s and wound dressings, that sort of thing. Jaxon is the only baby/toddler they have on their books.

I can’t talk on behalf of the elderly people who get these services, but I’m finding it really hard to get a new person each and every week. It means that an hour of my four hours is used up making sure they know where everything is, what to feed Jaxon and when to do it and making sure that I trust them enough to leave them alone with him. It’s hard for Jaxon too. He really loved his regular carer and now he doesn’t know the person that comes to care for him when they walk through the door.

I’ve gone off on a bit of a tangent there. It’s the last three ladies I want to call stupid people.

The first, a younger girl, spent most of her four hours on her mobile phone. She gave him a bottle that was 6 hours old. And no solid meals at all. When she put him down for his nap she didn’t put his cot rail up. Is that not common sense??

Last weeks lady took him to the park for THREE hours. She didn’t put suntan lotion on him. He got very burnt on his arms and legs. Not to mention that in that three hours he didn’t get given anything to eat or drink. When he got home it was time for his nap but he was too hungry too sleep and too tired to eat.

And this weeks lady, the one in my home right now. Well. I normally stay home but stay in separate parts of the house. Unless I have to go out. It happens that today I had to go out. She had taken him to the park at the end of the street. As I drove by I saw our pram sitting at the play ground, no Jaxon. No blue care lady. As I drove around the corner I found them at the toilet block. Half a BLOCK from my pram. And you know why? Because the Blue Care staff are not allowed to use the toilet’s in clients homes. So they ALL use this set of toilets. This lady had left my pram in the middle of nowhere, couldn’t even see it much less know if it’s still there…because she and Jaxon were having a social visit with friends from work.

I slowed down as I drove by, not sure exactly what I should do. The chances of the pram actually being stolen are low, but you never know. And although the pram was a gift, replacing it would cost us $500 or more. If it was stolen would THEY cover that cost? I think not.

So I stopped and walked over. I didn’t bother with small talk. I simply said “I’m not sure I appreciate you leaving my $500 pram in a park that you’re no longer in” She seemed shocked. I don’t know if she was more shocked that I had the ball’s to come and say it, or that I’d said it in front of her work mates. I don’t care. She said “Oh, do you keep it with him?” Are you kidding me?? Would you leave your car in the middle of nowhere unlocked with the keys in it when you were going to be away from it? When you couldn’t see it. No, you wouldn’t.

I’m just a little bit over these stupid woman being sent in to my home to do a job that to me is the most important thing in the world. I want responsible people. I’ve called and requested that we be given the same lady each week. I don’t care if it’s not the lady Jaxon really likes, as long as it’s the same person each week. But I don’t think my request was taken very seriously since that was 2 months ago.

As I said before, I pay very little for this service. And up until the shit hit the fan at Blue Care the service was one that I could never have faulted in a million years. I’d love to just say “you know what, don’t bother” but this four hours is like heaven to me. It’s the only time in my week when I get to say “haaaaaa.” It’s the only time when I get to not worry about anything but myself.

Random Photo’s

These first two photo’s only prove one thing. House work is BAD. Our home is being sold and on Monday we had an group of people coming through to view it. So I was running around like a headless chicken trying to tidy up after hurricane Jaxon. When I went out the back door to take the rubbish out, Jaxon was happy as Larry playing with toys in the lounge room. But when I returned he wasn’t where I left him.

He’d opened windows media player, window’s “help” and ninemsn. He’d also opened up and email and was sending off a message!!



These next one’s were also on Monday. Tim, Jaxon and I went out for dinner for my birthday. As we paid our bill the power went out and was off for three hours. Do you know how hard it is to entertain a toddler in the dark?? Well actually it’s really easy!!

This is Jaxon playing with the torch.






My new trick…

I’ve known Tim for 6 and a bit years now. That means I’ve had a computer for 6 and a bit years now too. That also means that for 6 and a bit years I’ve wanted to know how to use Photoshop to play around with our photo’s.

I’ve always tried to use the instruction’s that come within the program. The “help” topics never helped though. They didn’t start at the start, they didn’t explain what each feature could do. So I’d get all of an hour in to it and give up.

Recently Tim got me a program that is THE BOMB! I love it. It’s a video lesson, not a writen tutorial. I watch, I copy…I learn.

So anyway, here is what I have learnt so far.

I took this photo of Katie’s Jordan….

Picture 115

and then gave her wings…

jordan wings practice crop 1

And then I got even more adventurous with a photo of MB’s Meredith.


I put her in this photo.


To make this…

meredith  resized

Do you like it???

I don’t know what I am going to do with all of this knowledge now. I have order’s already to add people in to other photo’s, people who didn’t get photo’s with loved ones and what not. Maybe I could make a living out of this sort of thing???

Sweet Little Mexxi!


This is a photo of Mexxi just after getting her nail’s cut at the vets. I tried to get a video, because she’s a vicious little thing when it comes to getting this done. But she was quite good. Normally I come out of the clinic with my arms and chest scratched to shreds and the vet normally get’s growled at, snarled at and snapped at. So the video is very mild and I can’t get it to upload at the moment. I’ll try again next time we get her nails cut.



Why blog??


I was having a discussion earlier this week with a friend that does not know very much about blogging. She asked some questions that I thought needed answering.

Why blog?

Well for me, blogging is my way of reaching out to the world. I’m a stay at home Mum. I get to go out with Jaxon two or three time’s a week but other than that I’m home. With a child that isn’t talking yet, with animals that don’t talk and away from my husband, who needs to work. I get lonely and I go stir crazy. Blogging is my way of getting to say the things I want to say, and to read other people’s thoughts on the same topics. In short, it gives me something to THINK about.

Four years ago Tim and I moved away from family, and 1 year ago the only family we had here moved away from us. So this is a great way to keep them in the loop. They not only get to see photo’s of their grandson, but they get to hear the story behind the photo’s and often get to see video’s that otherwise would be too big to send via email.

I also like to think of it as a living and breathing baby book. I have one of those baby books that you write things in as they happen. But I never go to it, because it goes here. I have Jaxon’s first steps here, I’ll have his first words here too. I have photo’s and video’s, something you can’t put in that paper book and something that would be lost on a disc somewhere if it wasn’t here. Here Jaxon will not only get to see when he first started doing things, but he’ll be able to see the video footage of him jumping off the couch, and talking and walking.

I hope that one day Jaxon will read back over these pages and know exactly what life was like with us. I’d like to think that if anything happened to both Tim and I and he was with his grandparents, that they would continue to show him the blog as he grew up without us. I like to think that if we weren’t around that them showing this to him would make him feel like we really were still here. That the words I write, be it how I really feel or just about the things that we do, would be something that Jaxon could take with him wherever he went. Instead of only having small memories of us, he would have a world of information about how we lived and how much we love him.

Posting pictures of Jaxon on the web, is that safe?

Well, maybe not. But the way I see it, who is really reading MY blog? There are MILLIONS of mummy blogger’s out there. A few Daddy blogger’s too. We all have the same things to say, in different ways. I’m not a famous blogger like dooce or Sweet Juniper. I have friends from my forums who read what I write, I have a few family and friends who keep up with what we do here. I might be lucky and have a few other people that have found me through links from other blogging mummies. I don’t have thousands of loyal followers. So maybe there are people out there that I specifically don’t know. Who come here and read what I write. I do not feel like it put’s Jaxon in any sort of danger. We’re just another face in the crowd.

How do you find the time?

I honestly don’t spend a lot of time here actually blogging. But it does consume a lot of my time. I could be changing a nappy or giving a bath or cooking dinner. I am always thinking of things that I could put here and how I could spin them in a better or funnier light. Everything in life now has become a possible blog entry. Just ask Tim. When something is happening and he see’s me reaching for the camera…he has to say “No, this is NOT going on the blog” because he knows exactly what I am doing.

There’s also a wonderful feature within blogger and the program that I use to write blog entries, that allows you to write entries ahead of time and have them posted automatically. I often blog really late at night and have them set to be published the day after when I’m still not at the computer. Time’s like today, when I have a Blue Care babysitter here for four hours, I can sometime’s have three entries written up and ready to go.

How long are you going to do it? 

As long as I can. I love blogging. It gives me something to think about, a way to reach out to people and a way to give something to Jaxon that I was never given. LOT’S OF PHOTO’s! This is my on line diary. One day, when I am old and gray and starting to lose my mind…I’ll be able to look back and remember just what it was like to be a mother to a 20 month old.

How do your family feel about you blogging?

I honestly don’t know. I do know they come here often for updates. And I do get asked why I haven’t updated if it’s been a few days between posts. I think what people reading this blog need to understand though is that a lot of the things I say about things that have been said to me or about me, or whatever…have been exaggerated or taken out of context. Just to make them funnier.

For example, in my last post, about my father in law sending me an email about being a better wife I KNOW that he didn’t send it along to TELL me I wasn’t a good wife (did you Poppy??). My father in law is a lovely man with a wonderful sense of humour. I know it’s something that he sent along to make me laugh.

In my post about asking my Mum about Jaxon being ready for time out’s and what not she didn’t really tell me she was too busy and needed to wash her hair and couldn’t help me with making the right decisions for Jaxon.  It was just written that way.

When you’re reading my blog, or anyone else’s blog you need to take everything that is said with a grain of salt. Everyone has their own style of writing and story telling. And that’s all a blog is. One great big story. History in the making.

Besides, when I want to tell the truth about them all…I write it on my secret blog.

Here comes the Sun

Just four weeks in to Spring here in Australia and we already have the air conditioner on.

Jaxon is wearing nothing but a nappy all day, and sleeping in nothing but a singlet.(I’d like to say that this has NOTHING to do with the fact that our retarded town hasn’t released it’s summer range of clothes for kids yet, even though they probably have all of their christmas stock ready to go next week…but I’d be lying. Get with the program Big W!)

It is getting HOT here, and we haven’t even reached summer.

This is a little scary, because if this is how hot it is when it’s not summer, I dread to think what this summer is going to be like.

I only hope that we will be rewarded for going through scorching heat with massive storms and impressive lightening shows!

DSCF1538 jaxon water 1



It’s always the little things

When someone really close to you dies it’s always the little things that you forget first.

In the months following Terry’s death I forgot what his voice sounded like. Because his voice was so second nature to me that I’d never had to think what it actually sounded like. I spent days on end playing his answering machine message over and over, just trying to remember.

I forgot how really close we were. I spent the days following his funeral kicking myself that I didn’t call him more, or spend more time with him. It never feels like you did enough when all of a sudden they’re gone and you realize you will never get the chance to talk to or see them again.

I will always remember the big things. The one’s that are easy to remember because they made him the man that he was.

Terry was a tall man with brown hair and brown eyes. He was in to sports and music, clubbing and having fun. He was always training for a triathlon here or there. He loved his food, his cars, his woman and drink. He was an incredibly loyal and protective brother.

As time goes on you begin to remember things that have long since been forgotten. Silly things, that were special only to him and I.

They come at moments when you least expect them. A long time ago it would have been a really painful memory, no matter how sweet. But now it put’s a smile on my face and a glow in my heart.

Something that come to mind.

Terry would never hand me my birthday presents. He would never wrap them either. He would always come in to my room late the night before and throw it on my bed, still in the plastic bag he got it from the store in. For a long time all he got me was Stephen King novel’s. Then it was Bon Jovi CD’s. I remember that the first time he did this (gulp) I was VERY young and it was a (gasp) cassette tape…Alvin and the Chipmonks (I did mention that I was very young right!?) It was a short and sweet affair, but as he left he would always say “Don’t say I don’t look after you kid” because he knew that he’d got me exactly what I wanted.

As time goes by I hope to share more of these bitter sweet memories I have with you. I like to think that one day, if I am not around, Jaxon will get to know his uncle Terry through this blog.

We were close. His voice has come back to me.

Not so Scientific

My doctor told me to go back on the pill, for reasons that don’t need to go here.

He warned both Tim and I that it would take a month for it to work properly, we should use other forms of contraception in the meantime. I always wondered what the science behind that was.

That was nearly four months ago. I started taking them again a week ago. I just kept forgetting.

I’ve forgotten 5 times already.

Now I know there is nothing scientific about it.

It takes a month for you to remember to take it every single day.

You know who you are.

Looking back at high school is the most painful memory I have. And I’ve got plenty of terrible stories I can tell you that should be higher on that list.

You called me a slut, a whore, the devil, a bitch. You screamed it at the top of your lungs in public places.

You kicked me and punched me and pushed me to the ground. You pulled my hair, pulled my pants down, trashed my school books and grafitti’d my locker.

You told me I was fat, ugly and worthless. You started rumor’s about me being pregnant, three times. When I’d never had sex.

You sat and teased me with your friends but acted all nice to me alone. You pretended to be my friend to get more ammunition to hurt me with.

You ruined my self esteem, my confidence and my self worth. You made me cry more than I will ever admit.

You broke me.

So don’t you DARE request to be a friend of mine on Facebook. Don’t think that 12 years has made me forget the person (people) that you are, and the person that you made me think I was.

I hope you feel guilty about what you did to me. I hope the shame eats at your insides when your world is quiet.

Just like the pain you caused still makes me cry.

Twelve years, you are not forgiven. None of you.

Where IS the book on this?

I’ve been going over and over it in my head for weeks.

The question?

Is Jaxon ready for time out’s?

The answer?


I was just talking to someone about it. I don’t think Jaxon is. He doesn’t appear to be a naughty kind of kid. He’s never bitten anyone, he doesn’t scratch, kick, punch or throw things at you. He is a pleasure to take shopping and out to restaurants.

So I asked what exactly would be deemed “time out worthy” behavior? Her answer? He needs to be socially acceptable. Thanks for that. Have you seen the way kids and teens act in public these days?

I asked her what I should do when Jaxon wants something and I don’t think he should have it? Like when I give him a glass of water and he spill’s it out without drinking any of it only to ask for more.  Because he wont stop crawling up my legs bitching about it until I give in. What do I do then?

Well that’s easy, you need to set boundaries for him.

How do I do that?

Her answer…I have to go to bed now, busy day, long hours…beauty sleep. You know how it is.

Um, thanks Mum!

Seriously, where is the book about this? Where can I sign up for classes?


Do’s and Don’ts of Parenthood,

7.30 tonight

BYO Alcohol and Tissues

They have classes for woman just about to have a baby.  They tell you exactly how to get that sucker out. But when that’s all said and done  it’s “hey, raising kids is fucking HARD…and WE don’t know shit about it, so you’re on your own buddy. Good Luck with that there child”

Sometimes, I sit and wonder just how the hell I am going to get out of this parenting thing alive. I see that my own mother did it, and Tim’s did it too. I see plenty of woman who got though it and wonder…why don’t you START CLASSES!?!?!?!

Cursing School Holidays…ALREADY!

I know. It would appear out of place and odd for me to be cursing school holidays, since Jaxon is only 21 months old. But I find myself doing just that, three and a half years prematurely.

Jaxon’s physio classes and hydro classes are held through the EDC, who are situated in a specialized section of our local primary school. This means that when they have school holidays, Jaxon has school holidays.

It is the first day, a Monday. Normally on a Monday we have classes. Although he can’t tell me what he thinks of them I know he looks forward to them and he knows the days when we will be going and not going.

I don’t specifically know if it is a lack of classes today, or the heat, or if it’s just teething or growing pains or any number of reason’s. But Jaxon is being an absolute BRAT today.

He’s currently serving a 5 minute time out. I’ve said to family and friends that Jaxon is probably too young to understand time out’s at this point so you could say that the time out is a Mummy Time Out. Better he be kicking and screaming in his room, than kicking and screaming at my feet, grabbing at my clothes and clingy to my legs so I can’t move.

So on this day, the 22nd of September 2008, let it be known, that I do NOT condone school holidays! My heart goes out to those mother’s and father’s out there dealing with bored children and teenager’s. I don’t envy you one little bit.

Scratching Tim's Itch

We recently got our tax returned to us. It was a substantial amount of money (that is, to a single income family) and I’ve had my heart set on saving it and not spending it on anything this year.

Tim had not said it specifically to me, but I knew that he really wanted to upgrade his computer.

“It really needs this, that or the other” or “I could do more if I had THIS in my computer” “A 22″ screen would be SO cool” could often be heard two or three times a week. Just very subtle hints.

I said no. I kept saying no, and I was determined to say no. In fact, I was never going to say yes. Unless he wanted to do it one bit at a time he was never going to get an upgrade.

So Tim was tickled pink when we won $2500 on a scratchy ticket. We never buy scratchy tickets. It’s like a blue moon event in our home, it happens on the very rare occasion that we buy a news paper from an actual newsagency that sells the tickets. I happen to think that saving the money you would normally spend on lotto and scratchy tickets, is better than a win in the long run.

I gave in, with very little persuasion. I wanted an update too. But we did better than that. I don’t know spics and specs, for computer’s are Tim’s domain…all I know is…my new computer ROCKS!

My old desk

Tim’s old desk

You can tell the above computer desk is mine from the sippy cup sitting on it!

Our new set up.

Tim ordered the parts on line and picked them all up. He built us each a new computer, everything from screen, graphics cards and cases. All new. The only difference between the two is our cases, mine glow’s in the dark with it’s blue inner lights and Tim’s has a lock and ALARM on it!

Tim’s a happy chappy, and he finally got his 22″ flat screen…it looks like a monster compared to my old 15″ screen!

Because he built them himself, we still had enough money left from our little win to build hutches to make everything look nicer (and neater!)

Scratching Tim’s Itch

We recently got our tax returned to us. It was a substantial amount of money (that is, to a single income family) and I’ve had my heart set on saving it and not spending it on anything this year.

Tim had not said it specifically to me, but I knew that he really wanted to upgrade his computer.

“It really needs this, that or the other” or “I could do more if I had THIS in my computer” “A 22″ screen would be SO cool” could often be heard two or three times a week. Just very subtle hints.

I said no. I kept saying no, and I was determined to say no. In fact, I was never going to say yes. Unless he wanted to do it one bit at a time he was never going to get an upgrade.

So Tim was tickled pink when we won $2500 on a scratchy ticket. We never buy scratchy tickets. It’s like a blue moon event in our home, it happens on the very rare occasion that we buy a news paper from an actual newsagency that sells the tickets. I happen to think that saving the money you would normally spend on lotto and scratchy tickets, is better than a win in the long run.

I gave in, with very little persuasion. I wanted an update too. But we did better than that. I don’t know spics and specs, for computer’s are Tim’s domain…all I know is…my new computer ROCKS!

My old desk

Tim’s old desk

You can tell the above computer desk is mine from the sippy cup sitting on it!

Our new set up.

Tim ordered the parts on line and picked them all up. He built us each a new computer, everything from screen, graphics cards and cases. All new. The only difference between the two is our cases, mine glow’s in the dark with it’s blue inner lights and Tim’s has a lock and ALARM on it!

Tim’s a happy chappy, and he finally got his 22″ flat screen…it looks like a monster compared to my old 15″ screen!

Because he built them himself, we still had enough money left from our little win to build hutches to make everything look nicer (and neater!)

Wednesday 10th of September (PART TWO)

One of the things I failed to mention in my last post about this day was that Jaxon was incredibly sick all day.

He is normally a bubbly and chirpy little man, as long as he’s getting his own way. We can’t shut him up in the car, although he does sleep on the way to Brisbane on a normal day, he didn’t sleep at all this day.

When we finally got to the hospital we noticed that Jaxon was really hot and flushed. It was a busy, hectic day and we thought nothing of it for a little while.

But then when we had to take his top off for his x-rays I also noticed that he had a rash down his arms and on his stomach, and to the touch he was burning up.

We didn’t have anything to give him. I know there are lists of things to take along in your nappy bag, and I have those lists. But panadol is just something we don’t carry all the time. So we left it. We went home, thinking that it was likely that he was just teething.

He didn’t sleep for more than five minutes on the way home when normally after the day we’ve had he’s out like a light before we leave the car park.

When we got home he started making noise. He really hadn’t made any noise, aside from crying when they did the X-rays, and again when the spinal guy was manipulating his neck. His cry brought back painful memories of his 4 weeks of lactose induced crying. Even when he hurts himself he doesn’t sound like this, so I knew at once that something other than teething was going on.

He had a temperature of 39.9 degree’s. I gave him nurofin as soon as we got home, but 45 minutes later he was still 39.9. So we took him up to the hospital, at 8.30pm.

It turns out that Jaxon has tonsillitis!! Tonsillitis is something I myself am very familiar with, so I hope this is not a sign of things to come. I had my tonsil’s out in year 10, after missing at least half of year 8 and almost all of year 9 due to my swollen puss covered tonsils.

We left the hospital at almost midnight. After being awake since 7.30am, and on the road or run for most of the day, we were all incredibly tired and ready for bed. Expect Jaxon wasn’t well enough to sleep for longer than an hour, so the night was drawn on and on by cries in the night.

The doctor had asked us to return the next day to make sure Jaxon was ok. We got there at 9.30am but didn’t get seen until 11am. All of this waiting, by now…was pissing me off and I was ready to hit someone square in the face.

Jaxon’s temperature had gone down, but now he had ulcer’s all over his tongue and on his tonsil’s and he flat out refused to eat or drink anything. The bad thing about this was that they wouldn’t let us go home until he did drink.

The day was just terrible. We sat and waited, and waited to be seen by the doctor. Then we waited again, because he wanted to check him again in another hour. Then we waited once again, because they gave him nurofin and wanted to monitor his temperature in another hour. I sat in the most uncomfortable chair, trying to comfort Jaxon who just didn’t want to sit still for me like he had the day before. We watched patient after patient come and go, yet we waited and watched.

Finally, at 4pm, I told them that it was likely that Jaxon wasn’t drinking because he wasn’t home, and he’s not a good drinker anyway. So they let us go home. With strict instructions to go back if he hadn’t had anything by 8pm.

Thankfully, Jaxon drank a full bottle as soon as we got home. He’s on his first ever round of antibiotics and what a difference they have made! My back is sore beyond words, I can barely move sometimes, from holding and cuddling him all of Wednesday and then restraining him all of Thursday.

Jaxon, sick as a dog while we spoke to Wendy the club foot lady.

While it was a very long and painful two days of my life (and Jaxon’s) and I hate to think of Jaxon being in pain or feeling sick, I must admit that I treasured the quiet time with him. Jaxon is an on the go kind of guy. He’s non stop from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes down. I know that that can be said of all toddler’s. But Jaxon doesn’t even have time to stop and smell the roses, or the nape of his Mummy’s neck. He doesn’t cuddle ever, if you try to force a cuddle…watch out, you’re in for a fight! He doesn’t sit on lap’s and play, he doesn’t snuggle when he’s tired and he most certainly does NOT fall asleep in your arms. So it was ever so nice to have a snuggly, hide in the nape of my neck, cuddle me all night long kid.

Wednesday the 10th of September (PART ONE)

Leaving our home town

It’s taken me a little while to get to this, with other things that have been happening.

Last Wednesday was Jaxon’s spinal specialist appointment. It was by far one of the longest days we have ever endured.

Brisbane is a 3 hour drive away from us, depending on traffic and adding in a breakfast stop. So the day always starts at least 5 hours before we actually have to be at the appointment. On this day, Jaxon was awake at 7.30am. He’s normally still asleep at 9.30am…so he wasn’t a happy chappy.

Heading in to Cunningham’s Gap

We hit three lot’s of road works, all at least a 20 minute wait.

We also happened to have a club foot appointment with Wendy. That had been scheduled for 12.30, while the spinal was at 1.30pm. But Wendy called the day before and told us she was in meetings and that she couldn’t see us until 1.30. She told us to go and register for the spinal and then go and see her. What she was asking us to do was risk not being there when they called us in for the appointment that was more important. Being that the club foot issue is well and truly under control, we decided that we would deal with Wendy later and that if we didn’t get to see her, we didn’t get to see her. She could wait.

Heading in to Cunningham’s Gap

So at 1.30 we registered and Jaxon got weighed and measured. We waited another 15 minutes and got called up to go to another department to get new x-rays of his neck done. So we lugged everything off to X-ray and waited yet another half hour to be seen there. Because they were the first x-rays done by the hospital, we had to explain EVERYTHING to them again, and they needed to call doctors and what not to find out if Jaxon was to be seated, standing or laying down for his shots.

The Gap from a distance, the best photo I could get. It’s more impressive in person.

X-rays are a messy business when it come’s to kids. Jaxon just wouldn’t sit still. He ended up having Tim holding his arms and legs still and a nurse forcing his head on to the back of the chair. It was just awful. He screamed through the entire session.

This is one of three peacocks who come to see us at a place called BellBirds Point in the Gap.
They come and take food from your hand and eat the bugs off your car.
I wish you could hear the bellbirds too!

Once they were out of the way we were sent back down to the waiting area for our appointment. It was here that Tim and I witnessed one of the BEST fashion statements that we have seen in a long time. A woman sat with her three daughters. In a parachute jumpsuit. A florescent yellow one. She had a T-Shirt tucked in to her pants, which were well above her belly button. She had her pants tucked in to her socks and was wearing sandal’s. She had a baseball cap on, with over the top, too big for your face Paris Hilton sunglasses on. And to top it all off, she had a fake pearl necklace on, that hung down her stomach.

Need I really explain this one?

So we waited yet another half an hour or so. We finally got called in to our appointment. It was difficult for the doctor to see anything clear enough to make any judgment call’s. He can see that there are 3 or 4 fused vertebrae down the left side of Jaxon’s neck, and the same in the back of his neck. He said that if he were to remove the affected vertebrae, it would come out in one big chunk of bone, not 5 separate bones. There is also the hemi-vertebrae, or half vertebrae.

Waiting to be called in to X-ray.

Nothing can be decided. He threw a few suggestion’s out there but the main concern is that doing anything to his spine could paralyze Jaxon. So care needs to be taken when they’re deciding what to do. He also said that to straighten up Jaxon’s head he can’t do anything about the side with the hemi in it, but that they *might* be able to fuse the other side to level him out. Still, nothing is to be decided.

Waiting while they figured out how to X-ray Jaxon

Jaxon is having a cat scan and an MRI scan on the 25th of November this year. We just got out appointment and Jaxon will be going under general anaesthetic for the procedure. It’s scary to think about that, but the thing I am more concerned about is the 6 hour fast. He has to be there at 7am, but the procedure doesn’t start until 8.30am. Which means that for those first few hours of the day, Jaxon is going to be off his head crazy mad at us for not giving him his morning bottle and breakfast.

Waiting for our spinal appointment (smile courtesy of Mummy pulling Jaxon’s toes)

Finally, we went and saw Wendy for his club foot appointment. She wasn’t thrilled at us for putting his spinal appointment before going to see her but we didn’t care. We also told her that we’d be giving the boot’s back and just keeping a close eye on his foot. There is a 65% chance of a relapse for his foot without the boots. But we haven’t been putting them on him for longer than we’d admit to Wendy, and still his foot is fine. We’re still going to go back on the 25th, to let her look at it and make the final choice about the boots.

I nearly forgot to tell you the two most interesting things that happened while at the hospital (apart from the things that are still to come)

Why we left the city, and why we wont go back.

Tim and I park on the 7th floor of the parking building. It’s a long way up, right at the top and we park there because it is always empty and it’s easier to just go all the way up there than keep our eyes open for a parking spot. On our way out, as we drove around the first bend, we saw a bubble. A single kids bubble. Floating past our car. There wasn’t another soul in sight.

The only time Jaxon slept, for five full minutes. At 5.30pm. He’d been awake since 7.30am, but hadn’t made hardly a sound all day.

Then as we neared the bottom and the exit, we both saw something walking across our path. I knew what it was, but because it was SO out of place in the car park, I just couldn’t think of what to call it. So Tim was saying “is that a cat?” and I know it’s not a cat, but can’t think of it’s name so say nothing. He then changes his mind…”is that a dog?” And again, I know it’s NOT a dog. In the end it came to me. Right there, in the middle of Brisbane City, at the basement of a hospital car park…was a turkey. You heard me. A gobble gobble turkey. It was the funniest thing. It walked right past us stopped at the machine to pay for it’s ticket, and then down the ramp leading in to the hospital!

An hour from home, but the day was no where near over

Stayed tuned for part two of this day!

MasterCard, for toddler's and their mother's…

1 tiny teddy…

1 minute of silence

1 tiny teddy and 1 teddy bear biscuit…

5 minutes of silence

1 tiny teddy, 1 teddy bear biscuit and 1 lolly pop…

20 minutes of silence

1 tiny teddy, 1 teddy bear biscuit, 1 lolly pop and 1 bottle of water (lid off)…

30 minutes of silence

30 full minutes of silence….


MasterCard, for toddler’s and their mother’s…

1 tiny teddy…

1 minute of silence

1 tiny teddy and 1 teddy bear biscuit…

5 minutes of silence

1 tiny teddy, 1 teddy bear biscuit and 1 lolly pop…

20 minutes of silence

1 tiny teddy, 1 teddy bear biscuit, 1 lolly pop and 1 bottle of water (lid off)…

30 minutes of silence

30 full minutes of silence….


My Little Water Boy

This could go on all day. If we decide that we wont let him have his water there is hell to pay. Hell that comes in the form of kicking and screaming, for hours on end. He rarely wants water to drink it.


Being a mother to a child who is classified as disabled, I find the Paralympics inspirational. I know myself that Jaxon is not disabled. That being said, he has access to services within our community that are there for children with disabilities. Compared to some of the children he attends “classes” with, you can hardly see why Jaxon would be going there. He can walk and talk like any other child, nothing is holding him back. He merely has hurdle’s that other children don’t have.

I am incredibly proud of Jaxon and everything that he achieves on a daily basis. Be it holding something with his “bung” arm, picking up a texta and scribbling on the page with his right hand, or grasping something between his thumb and index finger in his right hand (something he can not do right now, but I know he will) Jaxon overcome’s things on a daily basis that other children don’t even have to think about. It come’s naturally to them, while Jaxon really has to think about it, and be shown how to do it.

So it disappoints me to know that even though people say they don’t discriminate against those of us with disabilities, it still happens. I am speaking of course, of the Paralympics, which if you don’t know, are on right now. (comment please, if you didn’t know they were on)

I say this because of some very major differences in how both the Olympics and ParaOlympics get treated.

The Olympics got 24 hour, 7 day a week coverage from start to finish, and a little beyond. It was played on channel 7, a prime network here in Australia. Compared to the ParaOlympics, which has been delegated to ABC2. If you don’t know, ABC, ABC1 and ABC2 are channel’s that people just don’t watch. They play the Indonesian, Turkish, Greek, Italian, Spanish news, Sesame Street and The Tellytubbies…it’s a Weather channel, or as boring as one at any rate. It’s one of those channel’s that you find when nothing is on the other three channel’s. When you’re bored or just about to go to bed. It’s also only available to those fortunate enough to have a digital set top box. Otherwise, those channel’s don’t exist.

Not only are the Paralympics played on a channel that doesn’t exist to a large majority of Australian’s, but it’s hosted by absolute nobody’s. While our “regular” Olympians had high profile commentator’s and TV personalities presenting their events and award ceremonies, the Paralympian’s get Joe Blow from some far away land that none of us know about. And while the Olympics and the medal’s won were top rated, and considered to be “must know” news (played in the first five minutes) with updates throughout the day, I’ve not seen more than one (if any, I just don’t want to exaggerate and be bullied by my fellow Australian’s who HAVE seen it mentioned on the news..IN that first five minutes BTW, not at the end) mention of the medal’s and world records broken and won by our Paralympian.
While the Olympics were on we were bombarded with advertisements by every day Australian’s, proclaiming their love for Australia and our elite athletes. “We’re Proud” “Behind you all the way” “You can do it” and so on. None of that has been done for our other elite athletes. As far as the media is concerned they just don’t exist. It’s not happening, and it’s not worthy of any of the privileges that our “normal” athletes get.

The young boy that I saw win his gold, had mild cerebral palsy. You could barely tell. And from first glances you can barely tell that Jaxon has a few issues of his own. It got me thinking that that boy is an every day normal person, with proud parent’s just like me. Parent’s that watched him grow and succeed just like I am watching Jaxon grow and succeed. Yet because that boy has a disability his parent’s don’t get to see him run, unless they have a special TV. They don’t get to see his achievements on the news, or mentioned on the radio. He probably wont even get to meet Rove to celebrate his gold. None of his achievements will be celebrated by his fellow Australian’s. That’s sad. Because he is an Australian, and he deserves the same treatment as any other person living here and acting on behalf of his countrymen and woman.

This offends me. Because as I watched him win his gold and break world records I couldn’t help but think that one day THAT could be Jaxon. That could be my son, the one with the bung arm and funny spine. And as Jaxon’s mother, I don’t see that he is any different from you and I. Neither are the Paralympian, yet they clearly don’t get the credit and celebrity that everyone else here get’s for doing a good job and succeeding in their field of choice.

While two weeks ago all over Australia we all held our breaths and cheered on our runner’s and swimmer’s, in a living room somewhere unknown to any of us today, there were two people. Parents. Sitting alone and holding their breath that their son reaches his full potential and acheieves what he set out to acheieve. They couldn’t be more proud of him…but what of Australian’s???

Not so small.

Since finding the internet I’ve always felt that the world, despite it’s size, is becoming smaller and smaller every day. With the invention of the telephone and internet, I get to meet people that I otherwise would never get to meet. I get to learn about cultures that I otherwise wouldn’t get to experience in person. I’ve always felt that this is a good thing, until now.

A week or two ago I wrote a post about my internet love affair with hundred’s of woman from all over the world. It’s a relationship that you just can’t understand if you’ve not experienced it yourself. You just can’t know how personal life becomes when people can literally get in to your head. And you can’t know how good it feel’s to never feel alone.

A smaller group of girl’s and I have been in constant contact for more than two years now. It started off as one or two email’s a day and quickly exploded to two, sometimes three hundred email’s A DAY. I know them inside and out, and they know the in’s and out’s of every aspect of my life. We send parcel’s for birthday’s, we send text’s, we share photo’s that no one would ever really want to see. We call and we love each other as if we have known each other all of our lives.

It is this particular relationship that has just become incredibly hard to bare. My dear friend Jeannette’s mother just died and I can’t do anything to help her. While I marveled at being able to contact her via email every single day, and text her on day’s she was away, I now sit and cry because I can’t hold her hand. While it was easy enough to share a blow by blow textual account of Jaxon’s birth and first few days of life via mobile phone’s it’s a completely different story when it come’s to death.

I feel helpless. All I want to do is be there for her. All I want to do is hug her and tell her I am there. Sending flower’s just isn’t enough, I need to be with her and comfort her like normal friends would do in the same situation. But I can’t, and it’s breaking my heart to know that while I sit here at my computer crying for her, Jeannette is in pain.

For the first time in a long time, I can see that the world really isn’t that small. Ocean’s separate me from doing what I want so desperately to do. She might as well live on Mars for the amount of good I can do her from here.

It just sucks.

The world is too big.

with Samantha (niece on left) her son James and Jenna (niece on right)

If you’d like to, you can read another account of this feeling here

Purple People Eater

In my last post I neglected to add any photo’s of me. For a very good reason. But I’m ready now to show you why.
It was PURPLE.

This is how it happened.

Me: I want to colour my hair

Tim: Why don’t you do it THIS colour?

Me: That’s purple

Tim: Yes I know

Me: OK, as long as you know that I’ll be getting it fixed the first chance I get if I don’t like it

Tim: whatever you want baby.

So on Friday night, Tim coloured my hair for me. Before I even went to bed that night I knew I’d be getting it fixed.

Today a friend of ours looked after Jaxon while I went and got it fixed. Today we’re going to Brisbane for a follow up appointment with the spinal surgeon for Jaxon’s neck, and I just didn’t want to be seen like this!

They had to strip it of colour, leaving it bright orange. I had my doubts but in the end, after three very long hours and a lot of money, it came out ok.

I always wear my hair in a pony tail because it’s almost always hot and it feels yukky on my neck. I’ve been doing this for ten years now (only wearing it out when it’s been straightened) The style of cut I chose included a cute little bun at the back, so I got the hair dresser to show me how it was done. 20 hair pins later and I’m left wondering how the hell I am going to do it all by myself!

For the greater good…

This past Sunday in Australia was Father’s Day. Although I forgot to say Happy Father’s Day to Tim from Jaxon, and he forgot to say Happy Father’s day to his Dad and I forgot to say it to my own Dad, we had a really lovely day.

At Tim’s work (and throughout Australia) the environment and global warming is an huge deal. Last year for Christmas they gave every employee a baby tree to plant, to help replace the one’s we’re cutting down. That was more than 400 tree’s planted. On Sunday we planted 100 tree’s, and there’s more to come.

I couldn’t be happier and more proud of Tim’s work for making such a huge effort towards Jaxon’s future. I only hope that other employer’s, and people all over the world, are doing the same sort of thing.

Every little bit helps.
Believe it or not.

The above photo has Tim’s boss in it. Jaxon was shouting out instructions to him and yelling at him for putting the stakes in wrong. His boss said “Just like Daddy, always judging my work” (obviously they’re quite good friends)

After the fun of planting tree’s, it was time to explore the premises.

I told Tim that Jaxon wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about walking across this walkway and up those stairs in 17 years for his first day of work!

Karma's a Bitch…

I thought I’d escaped it.

I thought I was past the danger zone and well in the clear.

But it appears I am not.

And now my life will never be the same again.

Because tonight, for the first time ever, Jaxon shit in the bath.

Mum has always got her rocks off telling the story of a time long long ago when I myself…shit in the bath.

So as I squished that lump down the plug hole I thought of you Mum.

That saying about revenge being a dish best served cold???

It turn’s out it can be just as good served warm, floating in a sea of bubbles.

Karma’s a Bitch…

I thought I’d escaped it.

I thought I was past the danger zone and well in the clear.

But it appears I am not.

And now my life will never be the same again.

Because tonight, for the first time ever, Jaxon shit in the bath.

Mum has always got her rocks off telling the story of a time long long ago when I myself…shit in the bath.

So as I squished that lump down the plug hole I thought of you Mum.

That saying about revenge being a dish best served cold???

It turn’s out it can be just as good served warm, floating in a sea of bubbles.

How "hard" did you say it would be???

A few nights ago our friends dropped in for a routine visit. They happen to be childless, and while children are not on the cards for them at any time in the near future, they really would like them right now.

At one point, my friend told Tim that she was just going to take our little munchkin instead. Tim and I both said…go for it. She said that was a bit rough, and again we could have won a gold medal for our synchronized reply… “You have NO idea”

It’s true. And BC, or before child…I had no idea either. I’m reading a book recommended to me by one of my girls. It’s called “I was a great Mum before I had kids” Before I even had the book, I loved it. Because the statement made in the title is true of everyone, whether they know it or not.

I was one of those people that looked down my nose at people who let their kids run wild in supermarkets. I wondered why they just didn’t control the situation as their child threw themselves at the floor screaming because they couldn’t have a lolly. I judged everything, from dummies, to speech development, to manners.

But seriously, what would I know? I had no idea. I still have no idea. And now I’m a parent. Before children, when I was warned that being a parent was hard I thought to myself…sure. It’s hard. I know that.

To those people who tried to warn me I say…solving a Rubik’s cube is hard. Opening the lid on a child proof container is hard and getting burnt rice off the bottom of a pot is hard.

They should probably reconsider their definition of having children, or the use of the word “hard” to describe being a parent. While I can take the sticker’s off a Rubik’s cube and rearrange them back in order, and I can throw the child proof container at the wall in anger, or simply throw the ruined pot out and replace it with a new one, none of those things applies to having kids or being a parent.

Nothing I say will prepare you.

All I can say is…”there’s the deep end…good luck”

How "hard" did you say it would be???

A few nights ago our friends dropped in for a routine visit. They happen to be childless, and while children are not on the cards for them at any time in the near future, they really would like them right now.

At one point, my friend told Tim that she was just going to take our little munchkin instead. Tim and I both said…go for it. She said that was a bit rough, and again we could have won a gold medal for our synchronized reply… “You have NO idea”

It’s true. And BC, or before child…I had no idea either. I’m reading a book recommended to me by one of my girls. It’s called “I was a great Mum before I had kids” Before I even had the book, I loved it. Because the statement made in the title is true of everyone, whether they know it or not.

I was one of those people that looked down my nose at people who let their kids run wild in supermarkets. I wondered why they just didn’t control the situation as their child threw themselves at the floor screaming because they couldn’t have a lolly. I judged everything, from dummies, to speech development, to manners.

But seriously, what would I know? I had no idea. I still have no idea. And now I’m a parent. Before children, when I was warned that being a parent was hard I thought to myself…sure. It’s hard. I know that.

To those people who tried to warn me I say…solving a Rubik’s cube is hard. Opening the lid on a child proof container is hard and getting burnt rice off the bottom of a pot is hard.

They should probably reconsider their definition of having children, or the use of the word “hard” to describe being a parent. While I can take the sticker’s off a Rubik’s cube and rearrange them back in order, and I can throw the child proof container at the wall in anger, or simply throw the ruined pot out and replace it with a new one, none of those things applies to having kids or being a parent.

Nothing I say will prepare you.

All I can say is…”there’s the deep end…good luck”

Jaxon at the EDC

This is Jaxon having fun at the EDC (Early Development Center) where he does physio and hydrotherapy.

The first part of the video is him waving good bye to a bus load of school kids (the EDC is at a primary school) and then him trying to eat bubbles. And then…getting up to no good.