What would you call this?

I sorted through Jaxon’s baby toys yesterday so that he was left with just a few big toys. The one’s he uses contructively and the one’s that he doesn’t just use to practice his aim on Dude.

Well since Tim got his new bike Jaxon has been obsessed with all things automotive. He couldn’t have cared less about Tim’s green bike but this red bike has inspired him to new levels of excitement.

He did this all by himself. The wheel is a computer thing that Tim rarely uses and has been handed off as a “Jaxon toy” for some time now. He didn’t touch it until the bike obsession took hold.

And the potty? Well we bought that when Jaxon was just a bit over 12 months old. Almost a year now and the most he’s ever done with it is pour his drinks in it. He has never sat on it. Until now.

So we’ve all heard of “drink driving”…what would you call this?? Shit Driving?

New Years Day Storm

We’ve had another storm go through this afternoon. It’s all to do with the hot and humid days we get and the cold air that comes through later in the day. It happens every summer and it’s one of the things that made us stay back in 2004 when we were really home sick for Melbourne.

So we’d just given Jaxon his bath, and he’s all dressed in his PJ’s. I’m looking longingly out the window at the lightening (sometimes all we get is lightening) because I want to go and get some photo’s of it.

So we did.

We threw everything in the car and went. The problem with this is that it was pitch black as well. And Jaxon wanted to get out and play. So one of us has to play with him and keep him happy (lest the locals think we’re trying to kill him out there on that hill) and the other gets to take photo’s.

The problem with this is that Jaxon (and Tim) is happier if it’s me who does the playing and that means that I miss out on the show.

So we decided tonight that we probably should just get a babysitter for storm nights ; )

This first one is Tim’s good catch. If you don’t know how hard it is to get photo’s of lightening that could strike at any time or at any random place in the sky…you should try it. So two in one go is like…wow. This one was out on the hill we went to.  The next three were taken by me (though we’re fighting over who might have got the first of the three) were taken from our front step. It looks like it might be day time, but trust me when I say that when the lightening wasn’t striking…it was black as black.

2008 Fire Works

(our friends Nicole and Duncan)

The video is obviously just a short taste of the fire works, which went for about half an hour. The first bit is with me filming, the second with Tim. At about 40 seconds you can hear Jaxon and I going “Oh Wow” and then he starts yelling at the fire works…go go go go!!

All of these photo’s were taken with no flash.

The Year That Was 2008, a photo journey!

Jaxon had his first birthday ever. But he didn’t eat a single bite of my cake.

Dude and Jaxon are the best of friends…for now.

Last Easter Jaxon didn’t get chocolate. This year he got to appreciate it even more.

Jaxon and I went to Darwin to visit his Grandma and Great Grandma.

Jaxon and his Grandma Robyn.

We trialed a great dane from great dane rescue. He was great, all for the tail whipping Jaxon’s face all the time. Hank went to a better home.

Jaxon’s Grandpa Ted and Grandma Anne came to visit twice!

They left their fat chihuahua Spok with us for two months while they travelled.

He made himself right at home.

Jaxon learnt the fine art of scaring the shit out of Mum and Dad.

This time honoured craft, get’s practiced a LOT.

We moved from our old house in to a much nicer house. And lost Oscar.

The new house is much cooler. Spider’s aside.

Jaxon’s great uncle Joe and Aunt Widdy came to visit. They’re expecting their first baby in 2009!

Dad grew a moe.

Jaxon finally had his MRI and CT Scans. He was a little trooper!

We found out Jaxon has 12 bones in his neck. Nothing can be done and despite the fact that people might think this was a bad thing, we feel like it is the best news ever. We are extremely happy with these results.

Grandma Robyn came to stay with us through this time. She got Daddy to come to the pool with us and now he loves it!

Tim left the house on this bike one day.

And returned on this one. I am yet to blog about this, but it’s coming I promise!

Nanny and Poppy “dropped in” on us for Christmas. We had ahh, Christmas in December. It was lovely.

Then we had the real deal.

Jaxon and Dude had their first major run in (under his eye). Now, they’re not so close any more.

And Jaxon got his first taste of fire works!


Big Dog?

We took Jaxon to see the reindeer last week while Santa had a coffee.

The only way we could convince him to go and pat them was to tell him they were “just big puppy dogs”

Now you have to wait and see how we got Jaxon to sit on Santa’s lap!

The Results

We just got sent the disc with all of Jaxon’s MRI and CT scan’s on them. I’ve spent hours and hours sorting through them (401 images) so that they’re in order so you had better watch it and you had better like it!!

YouTube Preview Image

A lot of people are saying that they don’t really know what they’re looking at. The reality is that Tim and I don’t really know what we’re looking at but we do know what we’re meant to be looking at. I’ll try to explain it with still shots of what you’re looking at.

These one’s here are the MRI. They have taken a body shot of Jaxon every 2mm’s from his back right to his front. Through these one’s you get to see his lungs, his brain, his muscles and most of his organs.

Through these one’s they have taken a body slice shot from his head right down to his waist every 2mm. You get to see through his head and then in to his neck. The circle on the bottom is through the center of his spine. There are two categories here, the other has the white line along the bottom. On those one’s I assume that they’re looking at the nerves running through the spine to see where and how Jaxon’s arm is damaged and if the neck is in danger of pinching nerves or paralyzing him. You see as they move down through his chest where you see his lungs which are black with white veins running through them. Another thing that was noted the other day was that his right lung is much smaller than his left, you can clearly see his lungs in these. You see the kidney’s and if you’re clued in on them you see his intestines.

These one’s here is Jaxon being built from his left side to his right side. You see it starts at his arm where you only get to see his shoulder. Then it moves through his arm and in to his chest. In the shot above you can see his lungs and the start of the bone structure of his spine.

These one’s are the CT scan. They show bones and cartilage. I think everyone gets these. These show why Jaxon’s neck is on an angle and also why nothing can really be done about it. When it comes down to it these is just one mass of bone that it is one way or another connected to another.

This one here shows clearly how his right side is underdeveloped. I think it’s his shoulder bone, that you can see is much smaller and shorter on one said than it is on the other.

There are also two lot’s of photo’s where a white halo is moving away or in to the photo. If you look closely, you’ll see that it’s the oxygen tube down his throat having it’s photo taken. Or, Jaxon was blowing bubbles.

25th of Movember

I have been trying to write about this for a while but it’s sort of just become a non issue now that the day has been and gone. So I’ll just write about it quickly. I think I can do that!?

We stayed in a hotel because we had a 7am check in with a 7 hour fast. We thought it would be better but we were very very wrong. We really should have known because Jaxon wont sleep anywhere but his cot. So that’s exactly what he did. Or didn’t do. He finally gave up the ghost at 2am. The hotel was hot and it was a raining muggy night with air conditioning that barely worked. So we had a window open and at 3.30am a very loud and obnoxious bird woke Jaxon up again. That was the end of any hope of sleep we had. We left for the hospital early and decided to kill some time in peak hour traffic. Joy.

I can not praise the hospital enough for the day that we had. We really thought it was going to be awful for Jaxon but they had a great big play room with ride in cars and home corner’s and play stations. For the 20 minutes that we waited Jaxon test drove each and every one of the 7 little cars they had.

For me I think the worst thing was having to sign a form that said “I “the parent” am aware of all of the risks involved with this procedure” You know, like your child might die in the next two hours because of what we’re doing but since you signed this form, we got our asses covered. I’ve had to sign that same form I think 6 times now. It’s just a form, but it’s not just a form if you know what I mean?

The nurses were wonderful. But I don’t think either of them appreciated that when asked if Jaxon had any metal objects on his clothes that we both said “no, but we need to remove his penis ring” They just didn’t get it. But we just had to be making light of it all really or we would have gone mad!

Then came the hardest bit. I had to accompany Jaxon in to the MRI machine. We laid him down on the HUGE adult sized table with his head on a big plastic O ring and they put a teeny tiny gas mask over his mouth. Man. He was screaming at me and pleading with me. Mum, you’re meant to keep me safe is the look in a child’s eyes when something like that is being forced upon them. And he’s right. And that’s all I wanted to do. But the logical section of my brain made me hold his arms and legs down so he couldn’t rip the mask off. The logical part of my brain said it had to be done. Even though deep inside all I wanted to do was grab Jaxon and run. His eyes glazed over and his screams turned in to murmur’s as his eyes (intently looking to me for help) glazed over. Then he went limp and his eyes closed.

Have you ever put a dog to sleep?? That’s what kept running through my head as I left my silent son laying on a table with people who had made me sign his life away to them.That is the best way to describe to you what it’s like to “put your son to sleep” Even when I left the room and saw my Mum and Tim sitting there, the sympathy in their eyes for me having to do that was exactly the same as if I had just left the room at the vets without my long time family pet.

I stayed cool, calm and collected for all of two seconds once I’d left the room. I fell to pieces in Tims arms. I thought I had it all under control right up until I saw Tim and then I lost it. Nothing a bottle of coke and a great big chunk of vanilla slice wont fix.

The wait was 2.5 hours but it didn’t really seem that long. I think the hardest thing about all of this has been the actual wait. Once it was all starting to happen and once we knew we were one step closer to finding out some real answer’s (which we got today, will post later) we just felt relief.

So they came and got us and took us to the recovery room. Jaxon was snug as a bug in a rug laying on a bed with his little heart monitor going. He was still out like a light and looked ever so precious and fragile so the nurses spoke to us for a little. One was a student nurse and she was getting told (get this!) that I was a “darling mother” because she’d told me not to touch him or pick him up and I didn’t. A lot of mother’s just rush in and ignore what the nurses say even though they say it because doing that scares the child when they wake up.

When he finally woke up he snuggled in my arms, he drank 200 mil of milk (he normally has 20 mil, he was HUNGRY!) and a tub of pears and something else which has just totally slipped my mind (a bottle of apple juice). Let’s just say he ate like a normal 22 month old would eat on a normal day in a single sitting! Except that meant he ate four times what he would normally eat!

So we went home and Jaxon doesn’t remember a single thing. He’s never going to remember these things which is a real blessing. The fast was easy, but having him look in my eyes for me to protect him was really hard, because that’s exactly what mother’s do and thats exactly what I wanted to do. So I am very glad that in 10 years he wont know this happened. He doesn’t even know it happened now.

These photo’s are. 1 and 2 are him in the recovery room. That little red mask is the gas mask. And then the one in my arms is when he just woke up and I got to hold him. You can sort of see the blue bandage that is holding his drip in his arm.  The nurse was kind of funny. She said to me when he woke up “If you’re strong enough you can cuddle him back to his room” and I was thinking “Lady, I could hold him for a week if I had to”

We got the results today so I will post them here tomorrow.

Our Moon Tonight

I wish I had a tripod, because I couldn’t keep the camera still to take the photo’s. I don’t know if this was just Australia or if other parts of the world will get to see it tonight. The moon, Jupiter and Venus all lined up to make a smiley face in the sky. I thought Tim was pulling my leg when he told me it was going to happen but sure enough when we came out of the pool there it was smiling down at us.

Ahh. It is just Australia. Here’s what I found.

THE world may be facing its worst economic turmoil in decades, but the heavens are about to smile on Australia.
A rare cosmic alignment tonight will produce a smiling face – or an emoticon, depending on your generation – high over the country.

Movember- No more!

I don’t know if it’s worldwide or just Australia wide, but for the last 30 days it’s been “Movember”

The month where men all over the place don’t shave for a full month to raise money for prostate cancer research.

I’ll admit, it’s a good cause. But I hate facial hair on my husband. Not for any other reason than when I kiss him I feel like I might be kissing my Dad. A man whom I have never ever seen without a beard.

So when Tim gave me a peck on the lips it was all good. But when he went in for the kill, and stuck the tongue in and all I saw was my Dad…that’s a mood killer right there.

The real issue is, that I LOVE the mo on Tim. I think it really suits him. For the sake of our sex life, and my sanity…that mo’s gotta go!

The Mug Shot.

Oh Dude!

Dude wont go out all day. He will go to the door like he wants to go out fifteen times but then cowers away like some huge dog is waiting just outside to eat him up.

But come night time, when I feel obligated to let him out because he’s been cooped up all day, he wont come back for hours at a time.

Last night, we figured out why. There are hundreds of frogs out there!

All at once now…

Say “ahhhhhhhhhhh”

This is me in grade prep. Five years old. Wearing of all things, a sailor suit. I think that might have even been my choice.

My teacher’s name was Ms. Reddin. Can you tell?? She was the best teacher and the one who discovered my dyslexia (hey I spelt it right!). She had the smallest hands in the world.

And of course, Tasha. I think we’d been best friends for two or three years there. She’s not as dorky as me, and it’s the same now. I always was the dorky kind.

Our first Weather Warnings of the Year

This is what our BOM said about our area tonight.



For people in the Maranoa and Warrego, Darling Downs and Granite Belt and parts of the Central Highlands and Coalfields, Central West, Channel Country and Southeast Coast Forecast Districts.

Issued at 4:16 PM Wednesday, 19 November 2008

This is what we captured. I would have got some photo’s of some very impressive hail if it hadn’t been so dangerous to go out.


These two photo’s don’t show the bolts, just the sky lit up.

Stomping through the puddles in our flooded front yard

And yet we still have this to come.




For people in the Capricornia, Wide Bay and Burnett, Southeast Coast and parts of the Central Highlands and Coalfields and Darling Downs and Granite Belt Forecast Districts.

Issued at 9:27 pm Wednesday, 19 November 2008.

Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds, very heavy rainfall and flash flooding in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include insert MY TOWN HERE, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Brisbane, Dalby, Gympie, Gladstone, Rockhampton and Kingaroy.

If they’re predicting floods it’s not for the amount of rain we’ve had (so far about 65 mil in three hours) it will be the rain coming down from the hill’s. Tomorrow is going to be a very sticky and muggy and yukky non washing day for me.

But for now, I’m going to sleep, in my NEW bed!!!

And before you get all up in arms about Jaxon being out in the rain and lightening, it’s HOT and MUGGY and he loved it. I remember being a child. I’m letting him experience it all, despite the 300+ hits of lightening we had in an hour! He also had a nice long hot bath afterwards. I remember loving those too.

I love him, but I want to strangle him!

Dude, as I have said before…is the best cat ever. But right now, and many times throughout every single day, I want to strangle him. Right now, Dude and I are fighting. It’s a battle of will’s and I just don’t think I’m winning.

Dude is an inside cat. Not because I force him to be an inside cat but because he likes to be inside. The only time he really likes to go outside is if WE go outside. Even then, he wont stray much more than a few meter’s from where we are.

So to set the scene. At the old house, Dude was locked in the bathroom overnight, because if I let him stay out then he sleeps on my face and is in to everything he shouldn’t be. But here the only place to lock him is the laundry. But he doesn’t like that, even though he has always been locked up overnight. In the laundry he has put his paw under the door and scratched and meowed to be let out ALL BLOODY NIGHT!

The problem with that is that the laundry is close to Jaxon’s room. While I couldn’t hear Dude from the other end of the house, Jaxon could and if Jaxon doesn’t sleep, mama don’t sleep either. So for the last three nights I’ve had to suck it up and let Dude run free range overnight.

I’ve left the laundry door open with kitty litter in it for him. Because for some reason Dude has forgotten how to hold it for the night, even though for the last year he did perfectly while locked in the bathroom.

So three nights in a row now Dude has slept out. Three nights in a row now I’ve noticed that he’s not used his kitty litter tray. Until the morning. After I have made him go outside with Mexxi.

This pisses me off. This morning I caught him in the act. I caught him before he went and threw him out the laundry door. He walked around the house, through the back door, in to the laundry and tried to go in his tray. So I threw him out again. He walked around the house, came in and tried again. So this time I threw him out and closed the back door. So he came around and meowed to get back in for 20 minutes. When I ignored him he climbed the security door.

I just know that if I don’t let him in to go in his tray, he’s going to sit at that door ALL day and meow at me and scratch at the glass door to be let in. I know that when I finally say screw it and let him in, he’s going to go right in and use the litter tray.

This is only a little bit of a bigger complaint, but I don’t have time to list the other shit Dude’s been getting up to in the last week or two. Don’t get me started on a cat that will not go outside during the day but spends the night sitting at windows meowing to get out.


Under the Laundry Door

Now Nothing is Safe

At the old house when Jaxon started crawling, Tim and I took the easy way out. What I now refer to as The Lazy Parent method of putting baby gates up so that he couldn’t go where we didn’t want him to.

Jaxon couldn’t get in the kitchen, so the fridge, microwave, pantry, rubbish bin and sink were all out of bounds for Jaxon. He couldn’t get to the bathroom or the toilet, our bedroom, a spare bedroom or the sun room.

He couldn’t get in to the laundry or “Oscar’s Room” and he couldn’t get outside freely. All he had was his bed room, the lounge room and dining room and the computer room.

Just because he was so short, the dining room table was out of reach and so anything that we didn’t want him to see or touch or have we simply put in the rooms he couldn’t get to, or on the table.

Coming here though we decided that we’d let Jaxon be a free range toddler. He doesn’t have access to everything, but not because we’ve put up gates. Just because we think he needs supervision in those rooms.

So the other day he was in our bedroom playing on the bed. Of course this is a novelty to him. Here he can climb our bed, he can open our bed side tables. He can get to all of our mobile phones.

While Tim and I laid on the bed waiting for him to come up and join us, he explored my bed side table. I knew what was going to happen. Because I have a little vibrating egg sitting in my top drawer. You know, the one with the remote control and the cord to the egg??

Well, Jaxon picked up the remote control and immediately pushed on the button’s. The egg part started jumping about and vibrating (dah) all about making a heck of a noise. The sheer look of terror on his face as he backed away from my top drawer like there was a 15 foot snake in it was absolutely priceless!

There are times in my life when I don’t have the camera, but surely wish that I had. I’ll have to try again next week


In the mean time, here’s one I just took. When I say nothing is safe I’m not sure if I am talking about our belongings or Jaxon’s sanity!?!?

Three Little Duckies

Following the Great Ducky Meltdown, Tim, Jaxon and I went on a HUGE Duck hunt.

The store which had originally stocked Ducky no longer ran that line. I asked them to check their storage, their computer’s. I asked them to call other store’s. But no, no more Ducks.

The next best thing, as everyone knows, is EBAY.

The real problem was that the only two ducks we could find were from America, and Australian’s can not use the US Ebay unless they have a US address.

So to my girls I looked. Kelly was kind enough to buy them for me and post them out.

They arrived yesterday, and clearly they were not some other child’s “blanky” (AKA lovey, comforter)

I have a video, which I am yet to edit. It was the first time Jaxon got to see his new Duckies. It involved “rub tests” “touch tests” “cuddle tests” and last but certainly not least, the taste test.

Guess which one is THE Ducky??

This might help a little…

Before you ask, can Jaxon tell??


He can.

And those other duckies, are not worthy!

The new Duckies are clean and smell quite nice, they are soft and new. They still sing their “singing in the rain” songs. Most importantly I think, their bum’s just don’t taste the same.

T’was a Day of first’s!

I know I keep talking in the past, but we were without Internet for a week and then I’ve been screwing around with this stupid new site for a couple weeks now and in that time I’ve had things I could have said and haven’t.

Anyway. Moving to this new house was very hard for Jaxon. It was obviously his first move, having been brought home to the other place. The day to day stuff was easy enough, but the night’s, particularly bed time,  were incredibly hard. I’m talking 3 and 4 hour fights for the first couple of nights, and then up to 2 hour fights for about a week.

It was awful for him. Even when he was tired he didn’t want to be left alone and sleep in his new room. I totally understand, in a round about kind of way. But it’s only the first night I want to talk about.

On the first night Jaxon finally went to sleep at about 11pm. But then in the quiet of the night (3am) he woke up screaming the house down. He was terrified and would not settle no matter what I did for him. So at about 4.30am I finally decided that I was cold and needed to sit down. So I walked up to the lounge room, which is across from our bedroom. Up until then, Tim had no idea this was going on, which is generally the way I like it to be. But when he finally clicked on and woke up to the noise he suggested that I bring Jaxon in to the bed with us.

Now I know that other parents do this all the time. But I have never ever ever ever had Jaxon in the bed, except to play. So this was a first. Tim is such a heavy sleeper and often I wake up to find him sprawled out half on top of me. And then me, on the other end of the scales. I’m a light sleeper and I’ve never been able to relax knowing that Jaxon is in the bed and that he could be easily smothered by either of us. But for this one occasion, I was getting pretty desperate to try something that would calm Jaxon down.

Calm him down it did. Put him to sleep, it did not. But he was quiet and that was the main thing. Tim started snoring two minutes later and that made Jaxon laugh. Since Tim needed to work in 1.5 hours after a huge move, I decided that the best thing to do would be to get up and let Jaxon sleep when he was ready to sleep. because having him laying between us was not getting ME any sleep either.

Seeing that he was up all night and the day before had been so big for him, this is was happened at 9am. Another first, because Jaxon has never fallen asleep anywhere but his cot. Not in his pram, rarely in the car seat, never at the table, never while shopping. Sleeping is for babies, or so Jaxon tell’s me.

And then THIS happened. And as I say, this never ever in a million years happens. Jaxon hasn’t slept on the couch with us, in our arms, or anything. So this was a REALLY special first for me!

Just because…

If you can’t see it clearly from the clip…

The things you lose

I don’t think we’ve ever lost so much during a move. But this time we’ve lost plenty. From the car key’s, to where Dude’s brush got packed, to a single pillow case that I really want before our new bed get’s delivered. Oh and Mexxi got out and away on our first day here too, but she got picked up down the road by a council worker.

Of all the things that we’ve lost, our cat would have to be the biggest thing ever. It was 3 coming on 4 weeks ago now that Oscar slipped out the back door in his first 24 hours here.

It’s never happened before. The closest we came was Diva the first night I moved in with Tim, but we managed to catch her.

The key’s bother me, because they had the remote key for the car on it and they’re expensive to replace. The cat’s brush, I can buy another one of those and never even know the other is missing. And the pillow case I did just find while looking for the keys in the shed.

I just wonder, at what point do I stop wondering? Get what I mean? I wonder if he’s even alive. I wonder if someone has taken him in. I wonder if he’s just still travelling back to the old house.

I wonder. When do you move on??

These are two of the last photo’s I have of Oscar. One was the first night here. He hid in the bottom drawer of my clothes dresser. Then he migrated up the cupboard the next day where he had a birds eye view of the bedroom. The other one I sort of have of him is saved for another post.


We bought this for Jaxon the other day. It could have been wrapped up all ready for Christmas but someone couldn’t wait. It took Tim two hours to pump it up, I gave up after one tyre!

See that hat? No, we don’t make him wear it inside. That is Jaxon’s very first fashion statement!

There is 192 ball’s in that truck. Yes, we’re anal, we counted!

Road Kill??? We’re yet to find out what will happen if Dude get’s in or decide’s it might make a good scratching post!

Poor Ol Maddy


Coming across to this domain has been nothing but trouble. This is in fact about 3 weeks in the making. Many long and late hours were spent here by both Tim and myself figuring out some of the simple things. That weren’t so simple. Finally, a few days ago it all started coming together. Enough for me to start thinking about announcing my new site to everyone.

But one of the problems that I’ve had is that when I exported my Kicking and Screaming posts over here to discoverboo, the video’s I had embedded over at blogger didn’t come across. So I’ve not only had to find those video’s again, but edit them again, upload them again and find where to put them AGAIN!!

That’s what I’ve been doing for the last two days. Searching my computer archives and CD file’s looking for the clips and then redoing it all again. In between spending time with Jaxon, unpacking a new house and settling in, and eating or sleeping, I’ve been running back and forth setting video’s up to download.

This wasn’t really a problem, since most of the video’s I’ve done right up until now have remained on my computer. I could locate the file depending on the time stamp back at K&S and then look for it in my folders (I”m very well organized about months and dates)

It’s this video clip that has just caused quite a bit of pain.

I have no way of putting it here because I haven’t found it. This is the ONLY video clip that will be stored on a disk. I also can’t just go to a specific month or day because it’s a falshback. As I looked through all of my disks, having major flashbacks I found a special clip.

Let me just describe it to you, since you may not think it’s as funny as I thought when I first took the clip. Jaxon is sitting in his rocking chair being all cute and cuddly and making funny little sounds. He’s oooo’ing and ahhhh’ing and babbling away. Just as I was about to say “awwwwwwww, how sweet” he started grunting. That’s right. I was video taping Jaxon doing a grunting poo!

But then, I noticed his arm in it. The clip was taken a few weeks before we knew there was an issue. I was saying to Tim “Hey look, it’s so obvious” just as the camera begins to scan the room and there, laying peacefully at his side, is Maddy. It was very unexpected and it hurt. I regret every day what happened to Maddy. I regret that we gave out on her because other things were happening with Jaxon that needed more attention than we could give her.

It hurts me every time I think of her to think that if we had just slugged it out those two weeks that I was going to be away, we just might have had all the time in the world for her. Hindsight is a bitch, because we just didn’t know going in to Riverton ragged and broken that when we returned Jaxon would be 95% better, sleeping and eating well.

I miss Maddy. It hurts all the more because I know we gave up on her. I know that we took the easier way out under the circumstances. And even though I  know I still did the right thing for Jaxon and the family, I know I did the wrong thing by her. And by my heart.

I’ve had people tell me she was just a dog. But people who know me know that I have never owned any old dog. My dogs have always been a strong part of my family, even before I met Tim. For three years before we had Jaxon, Maddy was our only child. I’d give anything to have her back.

The Great Ducky Melt Down

Not long after we moved in to the house Jaxon was quite content sitting on the lounge room floor playing with Dude. 

Ducky sat abandoned on the floor in the hallway and I thought I’d take advantage of his lack of interest and give Ducky a big bath.

So Ducky had a bath and then while Jaxon rode his new bike in the backyard, paying no attention to what I was doing, I hung Jaxon’s clothes and his Duck on the clothes line.

When I prompted Jaxon to come back in he rode his bike right under the line.

He almost got all the way under without looking up. I thought I was safe. But just as he came out from under the line, he stopped, turned and LOOKED UP.

That was the end of Jaxon for the next half an hour while Ducky dried on the line.

I brought Jaxon inside and I tried to entice him with food and something to drink. I even tried COKE! Coke…I tried COKE to help him forget that his beloved Duck was being tortured in the back yard.

Nothing worked. He cried right up until we took his duck off the line so he could suck on his bum again.

Don’t think badly of me for taking photo’s of this melt down. It’s not like he was crying for 2 minutes, this was a half an hour affair. You know, you get to the point where you just can’t do anything for them, and the best thing to do is take photo’s…so you can tease them about it when they’re 21!

Stay tuned for our adventures in Ducky hunting…finding a replacement has not been easy!

A Very Sad Day

Jaxon’s great grand daddy passed away early this morning after having a fall at home on Friday night.
I was not lucky enough to know Cec as well as I would have liked but I do know that he was an incredibly kind and generous man with a huge heart.

He will be missed.


8th of February 1915 – 27th October 2008

Toot Toot Chugga Chugga!

This is Jaxon’s new bike. Or, I should say, it’s not new. His grandpa Ted (my Dad) has been giving Jaxon things ahead of his physical ability since he was born. He got this bike for him when he was three months old. We’ve had it in storage but during the move Jaxon found it. And loves it! He’s so cute riding around on this thing, and he’s so good at it. Considering at the EDC they have bikes like this and for the last few months Jaxon has just sat on them unable to move, this is pretty impressive. The video is of the first night he’d ever been on it.

Apparently he’s saying “kitty cat” but I just can’t hear it!

Random Photo’s

These first two photo’s only prove one thing. House work is BAD. Our home is being sold and on Monday we had an group of people coming through to view it. So I was running around like a headless chicken trying to tidy up after hurricane Jaxon. When I went out the back door to take the rubbish out, Jaxon was happy as Larry playing with toys in the lounge room. But when I returned he wasn’t where I left him.

He’d opened windows media player, window’s “help” and ninemsn. He’d also opened up and email and was sending off a message!!



These next one’s were also on Monday. Tim, Jaxon and I went out for dinner for my birthday. As we paid our bill the power went out and was off for three hours. Do you know how hard it is to entertain a toddler in the dark?? Well actually it’s really easy!!

This is Jaxon playing with the torch.






My new trick…

I’ve known Tim for 6 and a bit years now. That means I’ve had a computer for 6 and a bit years now too. That also means that for 6 and a bit years I’ve wanted to know how to use Photoshop to play around with our photo’s.

I’ve always tried to use the instruction’s that come within the program. The “help” topics never helped though. They didn’t start at the start, they didn’t explain what each feature could do. So I’d get all of an hour in to it and give up.

Recently Tim got me a program that is THE BOMB! I love it. It’s a video lesson, not a writen tutorial. I watch, I copy…I learn.

So anyway, here is what I have learnt so far.

I took this photo of Katie’s Jordan….

Picture 115

and then gave her wings…

jordan wings practice crop 1

And then I got even more adventurous with a photo of MB’s Meredith.


I put her in this photo.


To make this…

meredith  resized

Do you like it???

I don’t know what I am going to do with all of this knowledge now. I have order’s already to add people in to other photo’s, people who didn’t get photo’s with loved ones and what not. Maybe I could make a living out of this sort of thing???

Here comes the Sun

Just four weeks in to Spring here in Australia and we already have the air conditioner on.

Jaxon is wearing nothing but a nappy all day, and sleeping in nothing but a singlet.(I’d like to say that this has NOTHING to do with the fact that our retarded town hasn’t released it’s summer range of clothes for kids yet, even though they probably have all of their christmas stock ready to go next week…but I’d be lying. Get with the program Big W!)

It is getting HOT here, and we haven’t even reached summer.

This is a little scary, because if this is how hot it is when it’s not summer, I dread to think what this summer is going to be like.

I only hope that we will be rewarded for going through scorching heat with massive storms and impressive lightening shows!

DSCF1538 jaxon water 1



Wednesday 10th of September (PART TWO)

One of the things I failed to mention in my last post about this day was that Jaxon was incredibly sick all day.

He is normally a bubbly and chirpy little man, as long as he’s getting his own way. We can’t shut him up in the car, although he does sleep on the way to Brisbane on a normal day, he didn’t sleep at all this day.

When we finally got to the hospital we noticed that Jaxon was really hot and flushed. It was a busy, hectic day and we thought nothing of it for a little while.

But then when we had to take his top off for his x-rays I also noticed that he had a rash down his arms and on his stomach, and to the touch he was burning up.

We didn’t have anything to give him. I know there are lists of things to take along in your nappy bag, and I have those lists. But panadol is just something we don’t carry all the time. So we left it. We went home, thinking that it was likely that he was just teething.

He didn’t sleep for more than five minutes on the way home when normally after the day we’ve had he’s out like a light before we leave the car park.

When we got home he started making noise. He really hadn’t made any noise, aside from crying when they did the X-rays, and again when the spinal guy was manipulating his neck. His cry brought back painful memories of his 4 weeks of lactose induced crying. Even when he hurts himself he doesn’t sound like this, so I knew at once that something other than teething was going on.

He had a temperature of 39.9 degree’s. I gave him nurofin as soon as we got home, but 45 minutes later he was still 39.9. So we took him up to the hospital, at 8.30pm.

It turns out that Jaxon has tonsillitis!! Tonsillitis is something I myself am very familiar with, so I hope this is not a sign of things to come. I had my tonsil’s out in year 10, after missing at least half of year 8 and almost all of year 9 due to my swollen puss covered tonsils.

We left the hospital at almost midnight. After being awake since 7.30am, and on the road or run for most of the day, we were all incredibly tired and ready for bed. Expect Jaxon wasn’t well enough to sleep for longer than an hour, so the night was drawn on and on by cries in the night.

The doctor had asked us to return the next day to make sure Jaxon was ok. We got there at 9.30am but didn’t get seen until 11am. All of this waiting, by now…was pissing me off and I was ready to hit someone square in the face.

Jaxon’s temperature had gone down, but now he had ulcer’s all over his tongue and on his tonsil’s and he flat out refused to eat or drink anything. The bad thing about this was that they wouldn’t let us go home until he did drink.

The day was just terrible. We sat and waited, and waited to be seen by the doctor. Then we waited again, because he wanted to check him again in another hour. Then we waited once again, because they gave him nurofin and wanted to monitor his temperature in another hour. I sat in the most uncomfortable chair, trying to comfort Jaxon who just didn’t want to sit still for me like he had the day before. We watched patient after patient come and go, yet we waited and watched.

Finally, at 4pm, I told them that it was likely that Jaxon wasn’t drinking because he wasn’t home, and he’s not a good drinker anyway. So they let us go home. With strict instructions to go back if he hadn’t had anything by 8pm.

Thankfully, Jaxon drank a full bottle as soon as we got home. He’s on his first ever round of antibiotics and what a difference they have made! My back is sore beyond words, I can barely move sometimes, from holding and cuddling him all of Wednesday and then restraining him all of Thursday.

Jaxon, sick as a dog while we spoke to Wendy the club foot lady.

While it was a very long and painful two days of my life (and Jaxon’s) and I hate to think of Jaxon being in pain or feeling sick, I must admit that I treasured the quiet time with him. Jaxon is an on the go kind of guy. He’s non stop from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes down. I know that that can be said of all toddler’s. But Jaxon doesn’t even have time to stop and smell the roses, or the nape of his Mummy’s neck. He doesn’t cuddle ever, if you try to force a cuddle…watch out, you’re in for a fight! He doesn’t sit on lap’s and play, he doesn’t snuggle when he’s tired and he most certainly does NOT fall asleep in your arms. So it was ever so nice to have a snuggly, hide in the nape of my neck, cuddle me all night long kid.

Wednesday the 10th of September (PART ONE)

Leaving our home town

It’s taken me a little while to get to this, with other things that have been happening.

Last Wednesday was Jaxon’s spinal specialist appointment. It was by far one of the longest days we have ever endured.

Brisbane is a 3 hour drive away from us, depending on traffic and adding in a breakfast stop. So the day always starts at least 5 hours before we actually have to be at the appointment. On this day, Jaxon was awake at 7.30am. He’s normally still asleep at 9.30am…so he wasn’t a happy chappy.

Heading in to Cunningham’s Gap

We hit three lot’s of road works, all at least a 20 minute wait.

We also happened to have a club foot appointment with Wendy. That had been scheduled for 12.30, while the spinal was at 1.30pm. But Wendy called the day before and told us she was in meetings and that she couldn’t see us until 1.30. She told us to go and register for the spinal and then go and see her. What she was asking us to do was risk not being there when they called us in for the appointment that was more important. Being that the club foot issue is well and truly under control, we decided that we would deal with Wendy later and that if we didn’t get to see her, we didn’t get to see her. She could wait.

Heading in to Cunningham’s Gap

So at 1.30 we registered and Jaxon got weighed and measured. We waited another 15 minutes and got called up to go to another department to get new x-rays of his neck done. So we lugged everything off to X-ray and waited yet another half hour to be seen there. Because they were the first x-rays done by the hospital, we had to explain EVERYTHING to them again, and they needed to call doctors and what not to find out if Jaxon was to be seated, standing or laying down for his shots.

The Gap from a distance, the best photo I could get. It’s more impressive in person.

X-rays are a messy business when it come’s to kids. Jaxon just wouldn’t sit still. He ended up having Tim holding his arms and legs still and a nurse forcing his head on to the back of the chair. It was just awful. He screamed through the entire session.

This is one of three peacocks who come to see us at a place called BellBirds Point in the Gap.
They come and take food from your hand and eat the bugs off your car.
I wish you could hear the bellbirds too!

Once they were out of the way we were sent back down to the waiting area for our appointment. It was here that Tim and I witnessed one of the BEST fashion statements that we have seen in a long time. A woman sat with her three daughters. In a parachute jumpsuit. A florescent yellow one. She had a T-Shirt tucked in to her pants, which were well above her belly button. She had her pants tucked in to her socks and was wearing sandal’s. She had a baseball cap on, with over the top, too big for your face Paris Hilton sunglasses on. And to top it all off, she had a fake pearl necklace on, that hung down her stomach.

Need I really explain this one?

So we waited yet another half an hour or so. We finally got called in to our appointment. It was difficult for the doctor to see anything clear enough to make any judgment call’s. He can see that there are 3 or 4 fused vertebrae down the left side of Jaxon’s neck, and the same in the back of his neck. He said that if he were to remove the affected vertebrae, it would come out in one big chunk of bone, not 5 separate bones. There is also the hemi-vertebrae, or half vertebrae.

Waiting to be called in to X-ray.

Nothing can be decided. He threw a few suggestion’s out there but the main concern is that doing anything to his spine could paralyze Jaxon. So care needs to be taken when they’re deciding what to do. He also said that to straighten up Jaxon’s head he can’t do anything about the side with the hemi in it, but that they *might* be able to fuse the other side to level him out. Still, nothing is to be decided.

Waiting while they figured out how to X-ray Jaxon

Jaxon is having a cat scan and an MRI scan on the 25th of November this year. We just got out appointment and Jaxon will be going under general anaesthetic for the procedure. It’s scary to think about that, but the thing I am more concerned about is the 6 hour fast. He has to be there at 7am, but the procedure doesn’t start until 8.30am. Which means that for those first few hours of the day, Jaxon is going to be off his head crazy mad at us for not giving him his morning bottle and breakfast.

Waiting for our spinal appointment (smile courtesy of Mummy pulling Jaxon’s toes)

Finally, we went and saw Wendy for his club foot appointment. She wasn’t thrilled at us for putting his spinal appointment before going to see her but we didn’t care. We also told her that we’d be giving the boot’s back and just keeping a close eye on his foot. There is a 65% chance of a relapse for his foot without the boots. But we haven’t been putting them on him for longer than we’d admit to Wendy, and still his foot is fine. We’re still going to go back on the 25th, to let her look at it and make the final choice about the boots.

I nearly forgot to tell you the two most interesting things that happened while at the hospital (apart from the things that are still to come)

Why we left the city, and why we wont go back.

Tim and I park on the 7th floor of the parking building. It’s a long way up, right at the top and we park there because it is always empty and it’s easier to just go all the way up there than keep our eyes open for a parking spot. On our way out, as we drove around the first bend, we saw a bubble. A single kids bubble. Floating past our car. There wasn’t another soul in sight.

The only time Jaxon slept, for five full minutes. At 5.30pm. He’d been awake since 7.30am, but hadn’t made hardly a sound all day.

Then as we neared the bottom and the exit, we both saw something walking across our path. I knew what it was, but because it was SO out of place in the car park, I just couldn’t think of what to call it. So Tim was saying “is that a cat?” and I know it’s not a cat, but can’t think of it’s name so say nothing. He then changes his mind…”is that a dog?” And again, I know it’s NOT a dog. In the end it came to me. Right there, in the middle of Brisbane City, at the basement of a hospital car park…was a turkey. You heard me. A gobble gobble turkey. It was the funniest thing. It walked right past us stopped at the machine to pay for it’s ticket, and then down the ramp leading in to the hospital!

An hour from home, but the day was no where near over

Stayed tuned for part two of this day!

Purple People Eater

In my last post I neglected to add any photo’s of me. For a very good reason. But I’m ready now to show you why.
It was PURPLE.

This is how it happened.

Me: I want to colour my hair

Tim: Why don’t you do it THIS colour?

Me: That’s purple

Tim: Yes I know

Me: OK, as long as you know that I’ll be getting it fixed the first chance I get if I don’t like it

Tim: whatever you want baby.

So on Friday night, Tim coloured my hair for me. Before I even went to bed that night I knew I’d be getting it fixed.

Today a friend of ours looked after Jaxon while I went and got it fixed. Today we’re going to Brisbane for a follow up appointment with the spinal surgeon for Jaxon’s neck, and I just didn’t want to be seen like this!

They had to strip it of colour, leaving it bright orange. I had my doubts but in the end, after three very long hours and a lot of money, it came out ok.

I always wear my hair in a pony tail because it’s almost always hot and it feels yukky on my neck. I’ve been doing this for ten years now (only wearing it out when it’s been straightened) The style of cut I chose included a cute little bun at the back, so I got the hair dresser to show me how it was done. 20 hair pins later and I’m left wondering how the hell I am going to do it all by myself!

For the greater good…

This past Sunday in Australia was Father’s Day. Although I forgot to say Happy Father’s Day to Tim from Jaxon, and he forgot to say Happy Father’s day to his Dad and I forgot to say it to my own Dad, we had a really lovely day.

At Tim’s work (and throughout Australia) the environment and global warming is an huge deal. Last year for Christmas they gave every employee a baby tree to plant, to help replace the one’s we’re cutting down. That was more than 400 tree’s planted. On Sunday we planted 100 tree’s, and there’s more to come.

I couldn’t be happier and more proud of Tim’s work for making such a huge effort towards Jaxon’s future. I only hope that other employer’s, and people all over the world, are doing the same sort of thing.

Every little bit helps.
Believe it or not.

The above photo has Tim’s boss in it. Jaxon was shouting out instructions to him and yelling at him for putting the stakes in wrong. His boss said “Just like Daddy, always judging my work” (obviously they’re quite good friends)

After the fun of planting tree’s, it was time to explore the premises.

I told Tim that Jaxon wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about walking across this walkway and up those stairs in 17 years for his first day of work!

Jaxon at the EDC

This is Jaxon having fun at the EDC (Early Development Center) where he does physio and hydrotherapy.

The first part of the video is him waving good bye to a bus load of school kids (the EDC is at a primary school) and then him trying to eat bubbles. And then…getting up to no good.

Big Day Out!

Grandpa Ted (my Dad) and Grandma Anne have come to visit us from Melbourne. They’re only here for a couple of days so we’re making the most of the time we have with them. Today Jaxon and I took them to Killarney, or Queen Mary Fall’s.

There are two huge water fall’s there. The one shown here is the smaller of the two. We didn’t go to the other because it’s a great big walk (5 kilometer’s) down a big hill and then a great big hike up huge rock steps carved in to the hill side. I went alone a few years ago and it’s a killer, carrying a baby is just not an option.

There is a great little cafe and caravan park at the fall’s. We had lunch there and then fed the birds. These birds watched everyone coming in and going out of the cafe through the windows. They knew the people who had and hadn’t bought bird seed to feed them and left anyone who had ignored the bird seed alone.

We happened to be the first to get the bird seed for the day and they swarmed at us the minute we walked out the door. They land all over you and are quite scary when they fly in to land on your head. Hence, we do not have photo’s of Jaxon with the birdies…because the birdies are scary!

As requested…

These are Tim’s “duckies”

He hates that I call them duckies because clearly they are not duck feet but chicken feet.
We think.

Tim’s last pair of slipper’s were a huge pair of runner’s. The pair before that were big hairy wolf feet. Before that it was cows and when I met him he had gorilla’s. Go figure!

His favorite game!

Jaxon’s favorite game is jumping off the couch on to the bean bag. He’s very clever though, he wont do it when the bean bag is not there. I think he only does it to show off too, because I’ve never caught him doing it unless someone is watching. I’m trying to get a video clip of this but it’s very difficult because our lounge room is dark day or night. One day I will though. Here are some photo’s to get you through.

Jaxon is wearing his ugg boots which I love and Daddy thinks are dorky. But Daddy wears chicken’s on his feet to keep them warm so I don’t think he can comment!

Jumpers and Jazz

Every July our little town dresses up. No, not us. Our tree’s. And statue’s. Every year all of the shop’s and school’s get given a tree to dress up. They pump jazz music through the street and have a bit of a party to celebrate winter. Today is the first time Tim and I have gone along, and surprisingly it was quite nice.

I didn’t take photo’s of all of them. There are too many and some of them are boring. These are the more interesting one’s. I missed one that I wish I had got. It was a huge palm tree and he had a big jumper on with big woolly pants and ugg boots. He had a big smiley face on him and was very impressive. I also forgot to take a photo of our town statue. He sit’s in the middle of an intersection and he was wearing a big woolly hat and a scarf.

This last photo is our friend Hank. He’s so ugly that he’s beautiful. A gentle giant. He’s a friends dog who we’ve been looking after for a few days, he goes home tomorrow. He is of course, a great Dane and he’s taught us that we don’t want another great Dane just yet. He fit’s in perfectly with the family, is unfazed by other pets and baby’s. But on the odd occasion that he actually gets his lazy ass off the couch, he knocks Jaxon on his bum and makes him cry. I’m glad he’s going home! I’ll add some more photo’s of him soon, because he’s so cute!

Jumping the gun, or was I?

So the other day I told you all that my “trusty” vacuum cleaner died. Well, it turned out to be ok. I called the people I bought it from and we fiddled with it for a while and all of a sudden it sparks up again. Yay, I thought. It’s not dead, I thought. I wont need to spend money on it.

I thought.

Well Jaxon is terrified of the vacuum cleaner. He doesn’t just cry that it’s on and making noise, he actually chases after it like it’s going to gobble me up and kill me. He is a horror to have around if I need to clean up. I either have to put him in his cot to cry it out while I do the house, or Tim need’s to travel from room to room and keep him occupied while I do it.

The other day when I finally got it working and finished up cleaning I thought I would place it in a spot where Jaxon could actually play with it. Instead of locking it away in the cats room where he couldn’t see it. I thought maybe if he could play with it and see it was quite harmless, he might warm up to it.

I know what you’re all thinking. You’re all thinking that Jaxon broke the vacuum cleaner. But you’re way off the mark. It was me, kind of. I’ve taken a couple of photo’s of what it look’s like now. Where I was once worried that I might need to spend some money on it to get it working again, now I KNOW I will have to spend some money to get it fixed!

It just so happened that the only place to leave the vacuum cleaner where Jaxon could see and play with it, where it was also out of the way, was right next to the Kanara (fire place) I had it leaning up against the wall, but it must have been knocked. The hose that leads from the vacuum to the power head was leaning against the flue and is now screwed. Gone. Dead. It melted so badly that we can see the power cord running through it to power the (dah) power head!

So the vacuum cleaner that I thought was dead was not dead, but is now. Yay!

Superman gave the Duck the Bird!

For a VERY long time now “the Duck” or “Duckie” as he likes to be called, has been Jaxon’s all time favorite toy. He’s been sleeping with him since he was born. It used to sing “Singing in the Rain” when you squeezed his tummy (he died on the airplane back from Darwin) It’s been the one thing that could really comfort Jaxon when he needed it. If I ask Jaxon from anywhere in the house where his Duckie is, he scoots along to his room where he knows Duckie stays in his bed. Duckie has a tag on his bum, and Jaxon likes the tag. He rubs the tag, and therefor the ducks bum, on his cheek. Jaxon wont sleep without Duckie.

Well tonight, Duckie got shafted. We don’t know why. But he was. BIG TIME.

It’s been raining here on and off for a few days. This morning Tim told me he was out of undies to wear so I did all of our washing today. In fear of it raining overnight and Tim not having anything dry to wear to work I brought him in some clothes and hung them by the fire. In particular, a pair of undies.

Superman undies.

Jaxon spent the entire night crawling and sometimes walking around with Tim’s undies on his head. He chewed on them (remember, they’re clean), rubbed them against his cheek, threw them about and took them everywhere. He cracked the shits if we denied him his daddy’s pants.

When it came time for bed, when Jaxon was clearly tired, it was a bit of a shock that he just would not go down. He cried and cried. Not just the usual cry, but that desperate cry you hear in older kids when they’ve been told they can’t have that chocolate bar in the shopping center. “Ah-ha…huh huh huh AHHHHHH HA” You know the one.

I tried to give him a bottle, I changed his nappy, I did everything. When Tim suggested I give him the superman pants I thought he was joking. And I didn’t think it would work. But sure enough, I gave Jaxon Tim’s superman pants and off to sleep he went.

Rubbing Tim’s jocks on his cheek.

I’m not sure if I am going to allow this obsession to take hold. As it is I have to go out and get Tim another pair of undies off the line and it’s cold out. I think it would be much better if Jaxon stuck to the Duckie. After all, I can take the Duck anywhere with us! (photo of the more appropriate Duck obsession to come! You can see a bit of him in the bottom photo)

I used to think that rubbing the duck’s bum up against his cheek for comfort was going to be a fantastic story for Jaxon’s 21st. Now I know I was wrong, there is a MUCH BETTER story to be told!

My favorite photo

This is my favorite photo of Tim and I. I think it shows our personalities and that’s what I like about it. The photo has been scanned and didn’t come out the other side very well, the colours are more vibrant. Missing from this photo is my bright red nose from being drunk!

I think I’ll head of to a photo lab tomorrow and have it copied properly. It is the only copy we have and I’d hate to lose it.

There are no rules!

This follows on a bit from last night’s post. I would call i a Mummy Moment but it’s not REALLY a mummy moment.

So I’ve said how the health nurses and doctors and blah blah blah, have stressed me out by making me feel like I am doing something wrong. Well, when Jaxon was 11 months old his teacher went through a list with me. A list of thing’s that Jaxon should be doing at that age or very shortly.

She asked me if he plays patty cake. And all I could think when she asked that was “Is he MEANT to be playing patty cake” at this age? Hell…I don’t even know how to play patty cake…am I meant to teach him this? Is he going to be behind in school because I didn’t teach him patty cake? Do OTHER babies know how to play patty cake? Where do I get lesson’s about playing patty cake?

Seriously, I cam home all stressed out and in a panic that Jaxon did not know how to play patty cake. Bad, BAD mummy! Shame on me right?

Well. This past weekend my Dad and his girlfriend and my uncle and Auntie dropped in on us on their way further up north. I haven’t seen my uncle and auntie for a very long time and it was really nice to see them. They have five kids and 7 grand kids, so they KNOW their stuff.

I was telling them how stressed out these check lists make me. How I look at it and get asked these stupid question’s about Jaxon when some time’s it doesn’t even COUNT. Like when they asked me if Jaxon was chewing with his teeth and he didn’t even HAVE teeth, but they sent me home with a booklet on how to TEACH him to chew with HIS TEETH.

I said to them “I didn’t even KNOW I was meant to be teaching Jaxon to play patty cake!” and my uncle came out with a line that will forever be with me. I’m sure other’s have said it in one form or another but the way he said it so bluntly and with so much understanding about what I am going through, really made it stick.

He said “There ARE NO rule’s” and “You do what YOU want to do with your child”

So considering this for a day or two I decided to relax a bit on “the rules” and this is the result.

Remember, there ARE NO RULES!


The other day was a particularly hard day for Mummy. It didn’t matter what I gave Jaxon to eat, he wouldn’t eat it. I tried a jar of bought food…no go. I tried noodles…no go. I cooked up some vege’s and mashed them up for him…no go. And it wasn’t just that he wouldn’t eat what was given to him, it was that he was CRYING that he wasn’t getting fed, which frankly…pisses Mummy off.

So when Mummy cracked a wobbly at the starving crying pitiful little baby Daddy took over.

Vegemite sandwiches it was.

Mum intervened a little because Daddy doesn’t eat vegemite and doesn’t know the RULE’s of vegemite (note to Daddy….not THAT MUCH!) but it all turned out OK. Even the carpet like’s vegemite, it would seem.


The other day we bought Jaxon a pack of crayon’s. This was the result. While the paper says that it is Jaxon’s first crayon experience, it’s not. It’s just his first “at home” experience. He’s had plenty of play at the EDC (Early Development Center, where we do physio and hydro) and I’ve just never taken those sheets home with me.

We’ve set out a comprehensive lesson plan.

Today’s lesson is “crayon’s are not for eating”
Tomorrow’s is “we don’t eat crayon’s”
Next week’s is “don’t put the crayon in your mouth”
And next year’s lesson is likely to be “crayon’s, why we don’t eat them”

Random Photo’s 2

We haven’t been around for a while. We’ve been busy, very busy. So here’s a few catch up photo’s…

Nanny sent Jaxon some new clothes. Not all of them fit but I am really happy that this one does. I LOVE cows…and Jaxon will too…

This next one was Jaxon playing with Daddy and the camera. Jaxon is putting the lens cap back on.

Just a nice photo of Dude. He was lounging by the fire on a very cold day.

And bath time…bubbles are yummy, so I’ve been told.

I’m yet to show you a clip of Jaxon squealing. I bet you’re all DYING to hear that!

Random Photo’s

A face only a mother could love! (his friend Hailey) Making fishie faces is his latest “thing”

This is for MB. She sent ME some Sarris chocolate covered pretzel’s (YUM) and Jaxon was privileged enough to get one. Although I don’t have a full photo of it, he’s also wearing a pair of track suits sent over from South Africa (thanks Jeannette, they finally fit him!)

This is Dude, relaxing by the fire!

And this is now our fire place. We had to make (ok, Tim had to make) a grill to go around it to stop little finger’s from being burnt. Now all Jaxon can do is throw his toys at it.

This is eating Cheerio’s. Jaxon LOVE’s cheerio’s. He’s wearing a jumper that MB sent over with the chocolate pretzel’s. There is a matching hat but he wont leave it on!

And this is eating two minute chicken noodle’s for the first time. He LOVED them. It took him almost 45 minutes to eat the pile I gave him, and I’m not so sure he ate ALL of them anyway. Dude and Mexxi seem to like them too.

(what great value, he’s eating them long after he’s left the table!)

Random Photo's

A face only a mother could love! (his friend Hailey) Making fishie faces is his latest “thing”

This is for MB. She sent ME some Sarris chocolate covered pretzel’s (YUM) and Jaxon was privileged enough to get one. Although I don’t have a full photo of it, he’s also wearing a pair of track suits sent over from South Africa (thanks Jeannette, they finally fit him!)

This is Dude, relaxing by the fire!

And this is now our fire place. We had to make (ok, Tim had to make) a grill to go around it to stop little finger’s from being burnt. Now all Jaxon can do is throw his toys at it.

This is eating Cheerio’s. Jaxon LOVE’s cheerio’s. He’s wearing a jumper that MB sent over with the chocolate pretzel’s. There is a matching hat but he wont leave it on!

And this is eating two minute chicken noodle’s for the first time. He LOVED them. It took him almost 45 minutes to eat the pile I gave him, and I’m not so sure he ate ALL of them anyway. Dude and Mexxi seem to like them too.

(what great value, he’s eating them long after he’s left the table!)